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Estate Sale of Dr. and Mrs. Donn Brascho

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cropwell, AL 35054 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Mar 28
10am to 4pm
Mar 29
9am to 3pm
Mar 30
2pm to 4pm

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Parking on one side of street, please ...... we love the police but we do not want them coming.
 Description & Details

The Brascho’s lake home is full of great things : floral sofa/matching club chair, occasional chairs, leather sofa, love seat, nice mahogany desk, books, glass top breakfast table, split king adjustable mattress/frame, nice king bed, dresser, queen bedroom suite, curio, rugs, Joyce Robal artwork, cookbooks, runners, stocked kitchen, Corning ware, crystal, silver plate serving pieces, cd/dvd collection, original artwork by Ann Day, daybed, sewing machine, chaise lounge, great wicker sunroom furniture, wrought iron patio furniture, clothing, costume jewelry, toys, linens, lamps, end tables, elephant collection, brass, books, home health equipment, holiday decor, cradle, wall bookshelf, twin bed, luggage, great framed...

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