online only auction10 day sale 9 days remaining
  • Location Roland, AR 72135

Sale Starts

Feb 28

Sale Ends

Mar 9

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 Description & Details

Man Cave Clean Out Online Auction Ends Sunday, Mar. 9th @ 5pm CST Times out 1 item per minute w/ extended bidding Pick up Monday & Tuesday 11am-6pm 7811 Hwy. 300, Roland Ar., 72135 1 mile from the Cantrell Rd. & Chenal Pkwy. intersection towards Pinnacle Mountain state park This auction will have some unusual & rare items that have been squirreled away in 2 man caves for years! Some of the items include an antique S. Newhouse No. 6 Bear trap, MCM Plycraft lounge chair & ottoman by George Mulhauser, Faberge Cobalt blue Crystal Egg vodka & caviar set,...

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