Furniture, collectibles, new items, decor and more for Auction!

auction house1 day sale starts tomorrow
Dec 18
6pm to 10pm
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 Description & Details

A-1 Auction has 2 in person auctions every Wednesday. This listing is for our 6pm auction. Lanterns, Wheel chairs, New paper towels, Party lite Christmas decorations, Records, wood Christmas trains, Mikasa glass bowl, Beanie babies, Waterford wine glasses, Waterford small glass figs. swarovski crystals, Waterford Christmas ornaments, Lennox figurines, Gobel figs., brown couch with ottoman, brown recliner, New Nike slippers, New Pyrex dishes, New pots/pans, New hair products, New kitchen mats, Christmas decorations, Norman Rockwell small Christmas houses, Nativity scenes, New paper towels, Blender, new sheet sets, Other new items, books, Old fans, Royal dishes, Vintage cash register, New towels,...

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