Applegate Estate Sale BY A Simple Solution Estate Sale Company
Cash Only. We do not accept Checks. All items are sold in as is condition with no exception. Please bring truck and muscle for picking up items. All items must be picked up one hour prior to the close of Sale. If you are interested in any items please be present at the Sale. Please bring bags, boxes and wrapping materials also.
We are not responsible for any injuries to anyone at our Estate Sales. Come at your own risk.

This Estate has some great items! We hope that you can come and join us for the fun! Watch for our Pink and Black signs the days of the Sale.
*Pots and Pans
*Kitchen Gadgets
*Corning Ware Coffee Pot
*Mr. Coffee Pot
*Cleaning Products
*Corning Ware
*Kitchen Utensils
*Wall Decor
*Panasonic Microwave Oven
*Outdoor Tables
*Shelving Unit
*Danish Modern Chairs
*Mid Century Modern Bench/Table
*Plants and Pots
*Wall Unit
*Samsung Flat Screen Television
*Yamaha RX-V363 AV Receiver
*Mid Century Modern End Table
*Book Shelf
*Shark Vacuum
*Pioneer Turntable PL-670
*Sansui Turntable P-L51
*Technics Stereo Receiver SA-EX110
*Sylvania Hi Fi Stereo VHS
*Mid Century Modern Chairs
*Vintage Dresser
*Rice Cooker
*Wall Art
*3 Twin Beds
*Luggage Rack
*Nick Knacks
*Display Cabinets
*Various Chess Sets
*Men's L Clothing
*Night Stands
*Vintage Vera Roose Sewing Machine
*Vintage Clocks
*Vintage Side Board
*Type Writer Table
*C Grizzley Shop Machines
*Grizzley Dual Drum Sander
*Grizzley Wood Cutting Band Saw
*Grizzley Wood Planer
*Grizzley Wood Lathe
*Grizzley Table Saw
*Ergo Lift Cart
*Skil Saw
*Ryobi Oscillating Spindle
*Grizzley Dust Collector
*Makita Miter Saw
*Belt Sander
*Power Tools
*Gas Cans
********And much more. We hope to see you there.
If you or someone that you know is looking for a reputable Company to set up and host your Estate Sale, please call Valerie Johnson at 916-202-1767.
24 Hour Security before, during and after all of our Sales. We are not liable for any injuries on the premises of any of our Sales. We apologize in advance if an item that is listed is no longer at the Sale but sometimes the owners remove items without our prior knowledge. No early birds.

Thank you for using EstateSales.NET. You're the best!