Antiquarian & Collectible Books

online only auction1 day sale 9 days away
  • Location Berkeley, CA 94710

Sale Starts

Apr 3

Sale Ends

Apr 3


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Nearly 300 lots of first and rare editions of books in all fields. Highlights include a finely bound first edition of Emma by Jane Austen, William Everson?s masterpiece Novum Psalterium Pii XII, owned by the introducer of the text, and a rare Chinese-Christian fore-edge painting by Lu Hongnian. The sale also features early printed books, miniature books, and numerous finely bound sets - something for collectors of every stripe.
Abercromby's Martial Atchievements of the ScotsSindelar broadside for George Ade, Lotos Club NYDeath in the Family, first issue in unclipped djZachary Coke, The Art of Logick 1654Three from Richard AllestreeWith over 100 plates by Thomas AllomAllom's China with steel-engraved platesJ. Sabin and Son, Booksellers, broadsideThe Pictorial Arts of Japan by AndersonDavies translation of Appian, 1696Ashburton, History of England until 1793John Auldjo Sketches of Vesuvius 1832Emma by Jane Austen, first edition 1816Austen's Northanger Abbey 1st Bentley ed. 1833Color facsimile of Aztec pictographsFrancis Bacon, De Augmentis Scientiarum in EnglishFrancis Bacon, early English legal writingsWorks of Schiller, printed and bound by BarrieBarry's Treatise on Digestions and DischargesSeven works on French History bound by BayntunJournal of Tour to Hebrides w/ Johnson, 1785Prescott's works bound by Bayntun, 12 vols.Illustrated by Remington, bound by BennettExtra-illustrated Picart Bible2-volume Jesuit Czech Bible, 1769-1771Geneva Bible 1589, with Psalms 1591Early Prophets from 16th c. Bomberg Bible, HebrewFacsimile of Gutenberg Bible leaves on vellum1st complete Latin Bible printed in England, 1580Bigland's History of Spain, 1810My Colorful Career, SchanilecWilliam Blake engravings for Blair's Grave 1808Jerusalem, 1st Trianon Blake facsimileTwo Trianon Blake facsimile editionsTrianon Blake, Milton: A Poem, 1967Deluxe copy, Trianon Blake, Book of LosThree works illustrated by William BlakeBlount, Fragmenta Antiquitatis, 1679Annals of the Bohemian Club, 7 vols.Large collection of Grove PlaysPhil Frank bird's-eye of Bohemian GroveMap of Bohemian Grove encampment 1956Trail map of Bohemian Grove 1960Map of Bohemian Grove Roads and Hiking TrailsThirteen Bohemian Grove playsBolingbroke's Letters on History, 1752Bonnycastle's Intro to Astronomy, 1816Boston Massacre in the Town and Country Magazine, 1770Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson, First Edition, early issueJohn Brady's Clavis Calendaria, 1815Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities, 1813George Eliot's Works, bound by Brentano'sThe Fool of Quality - 4 vols. 1809Two Little Trains In scarce jacketLittle Fur Family with original fur binding & two part boxBuchanan's History of Scotland, 1690Works of Scot Poet George Buchanan 1715Episodes of Insect Life, hand-colored, finely boundEdmund Burke's collected WorksBurney's History of Music1001 Nights De Luxe, nicely bound w/ supplementsTowers' translation of Caesar's Gallic Wars4 on football from Walter CampPolitical treatise by Girolamo Cardano, Elzevir imprintEtchings by Alken for Don QuixoteContinuation of Don Quixote in English 1705Brussels edition of Don Quixote 1607Suite of most famous Quixote illustrationsCervantes Instructive Novels, trans. T. Shelton33 plates illustrating Don Quixote, 1819Don Quixote, small edition 1828, 4 vols.Angler's Vade Mecum:...Discourse of Angling, 1681Churchill's second book: The River WarWinston Churchill My African JourneyThomas Clarkson's influential abolitionist essayFirst Edition of Jack's Cocktail Manual, 1908J. Collier Essays on Moral SubjectsComyn's Digest 1780 editionWith 27 hand-colored lithograph plates of shells16th century agricultural treatise, P. CrescenziCrosby, Early Coins of America, 1875Baron Sefton of Croxteth's copySarah Scott on Agrippa d'AubignéHistory of the Civil Wars of France, 1678 trans.Defoe's history of the London PlagueKenelm Digby Powder of Sympathy 1669Inscribed by the authorParadise Lost illustrated by DoréDoves Press ephemera, some presentation copiesHistoria Anglo-Scotica, 1703Ducarel, Anglo-Norman Antiquities 1767Zoology volume from Dumont D'UrvilleEchard's Roman History in 5 volumes 1713-24Einstein on the fabric of spacetimeGeorge Eliot Silas Marner, 1st ed. unopened near fineDryden and T.S. Eliot, Haselwood BooksHenri Estienne's infamous banned satireNicely bound histories by Elliot and Saint-Beuve3 rare Everson poems Everson, The Compass, 1943-5Everson's masterpiece Psalter, as Brother AntoninusWilliam Everson's third bookFabricius, Latin Library, Padua 1754Uncorrected Proof, Faulkner's Uncollected StoriesApollinaire's Surrealist Breasts of TiresiasAdam Ferguson on Civil Society, 1781Ferguson's Astronomy on Newton's PrinciplesMarsilio Ficino on Plato's SymposiumWorks of Henry Fielding 2nd editionRuskin's Future of England finely boundFlorus Roman History, 1744 period vellumIcelandic Sagas Folio Society9 vols. from the Folio SocietyBoccaccio with 5 cherubic fore-edge paintingsFine red morocco binding by Bourlier, 2 vols.Chinese Christian fore-edge painting w/ brocade caseWith fore-edge painting of castle and villageThe Gentle Shepherd w/ fore-edge paintingFosbroke's Antiquities with extra plates & SupplementKahlil Gibran The Prophet w/ 12 collotypesLovely morocco binding w/ 19 platesGlanvill's Essays 1676, on witchcraft et al.Glanvill's Witches & Apparitions, 17261st in English of Goethe's FaustusDaudet's Sapho, 1/12, plates in multiple statesHolland Gardener 1669, owned by Florence Yoch14 volumes, Writings of Bret Harte, signedBrief History of Time 1st Book Club editionHawkins' criminal law treatise, 3rd editionHistoire de L'Art du Japon, 1900Green Hills of Africa by Hemingway, 1st state djHenry's History of England, 5 volumesSigned by Audrey HepburnAbout the Inns of Court and Chancery, 18041st ed. Hobbes works, incl. Latin LeviathanPoetical Works of the Ettrick Shepherd 1860With 30 hand-colored plates after Hans HolbeinThree medical essays from Oliver Wendell HolmesHome on the History of Man 1774Engraved by John PineHortensius Deinology 1789Hume & Smollett History of England 13 volumesHutcheson's Essay on the Nature of the Passions and Affections 1728Francis Hutcheson's 1st work, 1st EditionIllingworth, Inquiry into Laws 1800Incunable Wynkyn de Worde leaf, 1498Inness' essay on the ancient Scots, 1719History of the Rebellion 1745 and 17461747 history of the Jacobite RebellionsThe Book of Animals by al-Jahiz, 8 vols. 1965-9Jenkins, Eight Centuries of Reports 1734Defense of Anglicanism translated to Greek, 1614John of Salisbury, Policraticus 1514Works of Samuel Johnson 1825, nine vols.Johnson's Tour of Western Islands of ScotlandJohnson's Tour of the HebridesSir William Jones Reports 1675Junius. Stat Nominis Umbra, 1813Justinian's Institutes 1761Proof signature from Kelmscott KeatsSigned by Carl Ruck, limited editionDeath of Socrates translated by CopeLavater's Physiognomy in English 1792D.H. Lawrence Sons and LoversFour T.E. Lawrence books, 2 first editionsAdventures of Gil Blas 2nd edition 1761 illus.Illuminated 15th century book of hours leafThe Monk w/ engraved frontispieces, 1797Lindsay's Cronicles" of ScotlandRoman History by Titus Livius 1744John Locke's Humane Understanding 1694Locke on English constitutional Law 1796Jack London Scorn of Women First EditionMachiavelli's Discourses & Prince 1661-3Malthus on the Populaiton, 5th edition 1817With 36 plates including colored frontispiece17th c. illustrated medical textMentelle's Cosmographie Élementaire, An VIIAre These Things So? Miller's satire on WalpoleAn History of Muhammedanism by Mills, 1818Paradise Lost Second Edition 1674Milton's History of Britain, 1695Poe's Cask of Amontillado Bromer Miniature - 3 copiesBromer Books miniature ShakespeareMiniature Garden Companion 1/30Mark Twain Compliments the President's Wife - 3 copiesAnne Frank Catharijne Press Special Edition27 minitatures from Honeybee PressLarge collection of Kitemaug Press MiniaturesLong Long Ago Lilliput Press 1/554 micro-miniatures from Lilliput Press6 leather-bound miniatures from lilliput18 fine miniatures from Rebecca PressGemological Pharmacopoeia miniature 1/25Nightingale and the Rose Artist Proof 1/1510 miniatures from Wind & Harlot PressOvid, An Elegy - specially bound miniature69 miniature books in various languages70 miniature books in various languagesMontesquieu on Fall of Rome, 1755Illustrations from Jo Mora's Del Monte menusMott's Quaker celebration of lives of Persons of ColourTutor To Astronomy And Geography - Moxon 1674Boccherini scores for violin, viola, violoncelloFrench composer Darius Milhaud archiveNabokov's Lolita, 2nd printing in EnglishPemberton on Sir Isaac Newton's PhilosophyIsaac Newton on Biblical prophecy, 1733Almanac of Twelve Sports William Nicholson 1898Roman customs and ceremonies 1741Herbert's translation of Norse sagaRare work on Sundials owned by Florence YochThe Gospel according to Officina Bodoni, 1962John Ogilvie's Providence, plates by A. WalkerThe Book of Tea, First American EditionOxford catalogue English/Scottish mss 1697Henry Huth's copy of PedantiusDeluxe edition of Shahnama of Shah TahmaspPezron's The Antiquities of Nations 17068 issues from 1st year of Philosophical TransactionsEnglish law: Piracy act 1698 original textAult & Wiborg Co. Poster Album, 1902Pufendorf, Law of Nature and Nations, 1717Pyne's Costume of Great Britain 18041666 edition of Raleigh's Historie of the WorldWars and Sports of the Mongols and RomansDe Rapin's Acta Regia, 1726La Dernière Avanture, First EditionMichele Riccio on medieval Mediterranean history, 1534-5Sir Charles Grandison 1st EditionRare volume on bookplates of A. de RiquerRobert Burns Works, bound by the Riverside PressComic History of England & Rome Riviere BindingUnusual embossed binding by Riviere & SonFinely bound by Riviere and Son, w/ Cruikshank illus.With 40 early albumen photographs, c.1860Itinerary of Spanish post offices 1761Rolle's Abridgment 1668Elzevir 1664 Amsterdam ed. Corpus juris civilisBiography of Félicien Rops, 1908With frontispiece by Felicien Rops, 1899Rousseau's Social Contract 1791Rowlandson's Scarborough, with 21 color platesFlorence Yoch's copy of 1660 architectural workPortraits of the 18th century, nicely boundDe Serres, A Generall Historie of France 1624Cat in the Hat 1st printing in jacketSharp's Descriptions of Some of the Utensils in HusbandrySkene's Regiam Maiestatem, 1613Sombart's try at blaming Capitalism on the JewsRobert South, collected sermons 1679Spence's Polymetis 2nd editionSquier's Travels in Central AmericaStarke's guide to Italy in 1836 w/ folding mapHarmonium Wallace Stevens 1st bdg 1923With 30 color plates of grapesWith 153 plates on English dress1658 Reports by William StyleSuetonius, Twelve Caesars 1688Principles of the Distribution of Wealth 1824Two editions of Thomson's SeasonsPompilio Totti on Ancient Rome, 1645Helleu & Sergent edition of Toulouse-Lautrec, 1930With Toulouse-Lautrec at the Circus, 1905Early aviation in Czech, Prague 191117th c. Latin dissertation on atonementVale Press Cupid and PsycheVale Press Mary Schweidler, the Amber WitchLucilio Vanini, Amphitheatrum AeternaeWilliam D'Avenant 1 of 4 copies on vellumVoltaire's Age of Louis XIV in EnglishVoltaire's History of Europe, First English editionVoltaire's paean to Russia, 1763H. Sotheran fine binding, Complete AnglerSangorski & Sutcliffe binding of Walton's classicHenri de Massue in Spain & PortugalWashington Collection in the Boston AthenaeumIsaac Watts' Logick, 1731H.G. Wells Outline of History5 issues of German political magazineChinese Weapons illustratedEdith Wharton's Decoration of Houses 1897Leaf from Leaves of Grass 1st editionWhittier's Life and Works, Artist's EditionEdmund Wingate on 214 legal maxims, 1658John Brent by Winthrop, 1st editionWorlidge's Dictionary, 1704Six volumes by Pardoe, nicely bound by WorsfoldArthur Young's Political Arithmetic, 1st

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