Studio Estate Sale, lighting, props, wardrobe, kitchen, 70% off

moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Burbank, CA 91504 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, December 19th, 2024.
Dec 20
10am to 3pm
Dec 21
9am to 3pm

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Digital Video Production Studio Estate Sale With LED Pro lighting, Props, wardrobe and toys. Almost Everything is 70% off today! Professional Stage Lighting: Ovation CYC 1 FC lights, Dracast LED1000 Plus Bi-Color LED Lights with V-Mount, plus proline florescent lighting and effects lighting. PC Computer and Grip equiptment, Props, Kids Toys and games, Costumes, Wardrobe, Greenscreen and blackout drapes, Kitchen utensils, mini frig, office furniture, Oil paintings and Artwork, chairs, sofa, tables, desks, shelves, dishes, kitchen items, portable AC, Neon, portable outdoor partisions, Basket Ball Hoop plus other noveltys. Come on over.

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