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Sale, Sale, Sale Everything Must go!!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Burbank, CA 91505 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 1
8am to 5pm
Feb 2
8am to 5pm

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Acceptable forms of payment-cash, Venmo, Zelle and card. Bring help to load large items.
Most items priced above $5.00 will be 50% off.
 Description & Details

Many items for sale-Furniture, depression glass, records, N.Y. Yankee memorabilia, lots of tools, hardware, cleaners, 1,000 of books, thimbles, Star Wars items. clothing, linens, vintage board games, holiday items, stationary items, office, typewriters, sewing machine, quilt hanger, cabinets, desks, small figurines, kitchenware, plush, Disney collectibles, sports cards, containers and plastic totes various shapes and sizes and some items not mentioned. We are wanting to clear the place out. MOST items priced above $5.00 will be 50% off the entire sale. Come join the fun and get some of these treasures for yourself. Resalers and collectors welcome. Sale is from 8...

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