Woodworkers, Toby Collectors, Everyone!!

estate sale2 day sale last day of sale
Jan 17
8am to 3pm
Jan 18
8am to 3pm
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 Description & Details

There will be no sign up sheet We have the home and a 1400sq wood working shop, Lots of Veneers, wood, lots of hand tools, lots of electric tools, cabinets, handmade specialized wood cabinets for tools, air compressor, ladders, crafts, paint sprayer, vintage planers Stanley too, wood tools, jewelry tools, wood shop supplies, 2 pull carts, shop vac, Trex bicycle, shelves, blower, The house is filled with over 200 Royal Dalton Vintage Toby Jugs, antique metal toys, tins, Erector set in red metal box, collection of old razors, handcrafted and beautiful wood furniture - multiple bookcases, beautiful dining table, intricate...

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