UMW Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
Mar 13
8am to 1pm
Mar 14
8am to 1pm
Mar 15
8am to 1pm
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No advance sales. Buyer must be present. We do not move furniture or assist with your purchases.

The sale includes many items from a lifetime in this home. There are beautiful tea pots, serving dishes, two sets of fine China and stoneware. There is a small grandfather clock, lots of electronics, and office supplies. In addition, the cookware includes three sets of Cuisinart, Wolfgang Park other name brand manufacturers. It is an excellent sale for someone wanting to stock up on candles and stationary. There are a few choice antique pieces such as a beaded wrist purse, and a nested set of mixing bowls , A maple rocking chair, secretary desk, and double sided gilded mirror. The couch is in pristine condition. There is a manual typewriter, and an a classic Singer sewing  machine. In addition, there are two working wheelchairs.

Sale PictureMaple rocking chairHummel figurines and tea cups and saucersGerman porcelain Romance of Time by trend clocks grandfather clockGilded mirrorsBee tea setTemptations servingware. Individually priced.Wentworth China set for 12Sale PictureFestive set for 12Coffee grinders and pots11 Corning ware casserolesBaking dishesiPod nanoCorduroy couchBeaded wrist purseWheelchair Book or record rackWheelchairMonocularAssorted stationary Collectible glassesTea potsSinger sewing machine FigurinesManual typewriter Technology such as Kindles, telephones, camerasSale Picture

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