Oakland Photography Warehouse Mega Prop Sale
All Sales Final!
•Cash Preferred•
•credit cards accepted•,
•Bring help to load large items.•
•We are required by law to charge sales tax.•••
•All Items sold as is•
•No refunds, No Credits, No Returns•
•All sales Final!•
•Not responsible for accidents!•
You are responsible to make sure what you purchase is in working order!

Widely acclaimed and highly honored photographer produces photographs that match the highest expectations of clients in a collaborative, positive environment. He is recognized for his ability to shoot with available light, which enables him to bring out the subtle details and natural beauty of food. His studio includes two commercial kitchens, full-service technical services and client work facilities.
Clients Served: Over 700 commercial clients and 4 decades in business
Sunset Magazine
Williams Sonoma
Bon Apetite
Many others...
Join us for a fun filled weekend helping liquidate equipment and photography props:
- 2 full kitchens with commercial and top quality appliances
- One entire floor of kitchen accessories, plates, cups, bowls, pots, etc.
- Viking Stove
- Solid wood table tops
- Tons of heavy duty metal wire racks
- Cabinets
- Pizza Oven made by Waring
- Vintage chairs
- Vintage window frames
- Beautiful Barcelona chairs
- Four Atosa commercial freezers
- Vented Hood
- Vintage and antique chests
- And much, much more!

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