Photos Pinbacks Posters Military Sports
online only auction•1 day sale •12 days away
Sale Starts
Apr 6
Sale Ends
Apr 6
Online viewing only...Items are located in the San Francisco Bay area. Small items can be shipped by the auction house. Large items MUST be picked up or delivery service arrangements can be made. Pick-up is available in Santa Rosa. Please call after winning if you wish to arrange for pickup. Payment is due within 72 Hours after invoice. Shipping will be billed to the buyer.If you win multiple lots we will combine shipping to lower costs. Any and all sales taxes apply. Items are described and sold to the best of our knowledge. Items are as-is. All sales are final. No returns.

This auction contains a little of something for everybody. Many grouped lots of historical photographs, many by well known photographers such as Ansel Adams, Standar, Baumgaertel, Pillsbury, George Shiras, Willard Worden, Hopkins, Arundell Nicholls and more, Lots of California items and photos, Military including Aircraft Nose Art and George Patton items, Landscapes, Native American, Transportation, Architecture, Events, Rock and Roll and Blues Concert Posters and Flyers including many signed Mark Arminski Posters, Lots of Political Ephemera and Pinbacks, Lots of Pinbacks, Maps, Art, A Rare Ralph Chesse piece, Animal Engravings, Paintings, Advertising, Catalogs including Firearms, George S. Patton personal paper, Signed items such as Joe Louis, Henry Longfellow, and Franklin Hough, Sports including Baseball, Lots of Aviation and Famous Aviators, Automobiles and Motorcycles, Historic Letters, Cabinet Photos,Postcards,Panoramics, and so much more. MORE ITEMS MAY AND LIKELY WILL BE ADDED AFTER AUCTION IS PUBLISHED SO KEEP AN EYE ON THE CATALOG

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