estate sale3 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Snelling, CA 95369 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.
Jan 9
1pm to 5pm
Jan 10
8am to 3pm
Jan 11
8am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Not responsible for accidents
All sales are FINAL.
All items are sold As is and where is.
Please keep small children by your side at all times and do not allow them to touch or ride or sit on items .
Please do not block driveway
Please no checks CASH ONLY PLEASE
Please be sure to bring help to load large items.
 Description & Details
  1. Cowboy boots
  2. Madame Alexander collectible dolls
  3. Large German PORCELAIN  doll
  4. doll clothing
  5. Glassware


  1. Cabbage patch dolls
  2. Large pirate ship with accessories 
  3. Bb gun
  4. Yarn
  5. Books
  6. Dishes 
  7. Yard items
  8. Ice skates size6
  9. Huge collection of small spoons 
  10. 45's
  11. Candle holders
  12. Tons of collectible dolls
  13. Nèrf guns
  14. Refrigerator
  15. Washer and dryer
  16. Linens
  17. Books










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