Harveston Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 10 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Temecula, CA 92591 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, April 9th, 2025.
Apr 10
8am to 1pm
Apr 11
8am to 1pm
Apr 12
8am to 1pm


We do not have a sign up list. First come, first served.

You must be physically at the property ( you in your car, box or bag in line ok) to hold a space in line.
We will let all in at open, not in stages, respecting fire codes of course.

We will presell any pictured furniture, automobiles, , appliances or animals at our estate sales WHEN POSSIBLE.
Unfortunately we are unable to "SELL BEFORE THE OPENING" or answer PRICING questions on any other items PRIOR TO THE ESTATE SALE OPEN.

Please do not knock on the door and disturb the resident - thank you.
We can not assist you with loading heavy items to your car, please bring a helper

We accept cash, zelle, paypal and venmo
We provide a hold area while you shop
We ask that you inspect and test all items prior to purchasing. We are unable to guarantee condition or functionality of items and are unable to do refunds or exchanges
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason
We are not responsible for accidents

Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 car garage full of treasures


Follow us on Instagram @crystalcoveestatesale


More pictures loaded as setup begins

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