Buddha Gallery Spring
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Items purchased at auction are nonrefundable, and we do not offer any warranty. This is true of ALL auction houses, as it is impossible to run truly competitive auctions which allow returns. If you want to buy items with returns as an option, please visit The Buddha Gallery's main website. There you will find approximately 2,000 items for sale, all of which offer a 2 week return policy--no questions asked. "Any purchases over $5000.00 will be processed through bank wire only"
**Even though items listed in our auctions are also available for sale on theBuddhagallery.com, as well as in other places, we strive to make sure that you can feel confident that an item will not be pulled out from under you at the last minute. If an item is currently in a live auction, it will not be sold (and pulled from the auction) under the following circumstances:
1. If the auction has less than 30 days until the auction date
2. If the item in question has any bids on it
3. If others have expressed significant interest in the item
In these circumstances, the Perspective buyer will be encouraged to bid in the auction if they are interested in the item. If they feel the price is too high for them to bid then they can wait until the auction is over and then they can make an offer during the two-week "Best Offer" period.

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