Ox Yoke Way Estate Sale
Cash and Credit cards are accepted.
Dealers welcome!
Please bring help with the loading of large items.
We try to have boxes and packing materials available, but please bring your own if you're an enthusiastic shopper!
Delivery may be arranged for additional fees.
We do prosecute shoplifters and have security on site.
Attendees are expected to treat others respectfully while in line and inside the sale site.
Attendees who do not conduct themselves appropriately may be banned from future sales.
Activity on sale sites prior to the sale will be considered trespassing.
Capital Cleanout Co. and the homeowner are not responsible for accidents on estate sale premises.
Sales tax will be charged. ~ Dealers, please have your Tax-exempt number available.
Valuables are removed from the site during off-hours.
Thanks so much for attending!

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