Spanish Point Sale

estate sale3 day sale 3 days remaining
Jan 31
9am to 3pm
Feb 1
9am to 3pm
Feb 2
10am to 3pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Payments: Cash, Venmo or credit cards ($50 minimum and 3% service fee). Please make arrangements for help and appropriate equipment to remove large furniture. All sales are final. We are not responsible for any accidents on or off property during the sale. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. No pets allowed inside the home. Please be mindful of neighbors and do not park on the grass. Thank you
 Description & Details

This beautiful home has more to offer! Come back for round 2! The entire house is now open and we are clearing it out.

Bedroom furniture, living room furniture, kitchen supplies, dining room table, breakfast table, mirrors, patio table and chairs, vintage serving dishes, linens, vintage desk, china hutch, garage items, antique vanity and so much more! 

We will have a sign up sheet out the morning of the sale. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you 

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