IRCC - Guard Gate on Murrell

estate sale2 day sale starts tomorrow
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    Entry Gate on Murrell - No need to register just state you are going to estate sale and have address ready. 
Jan 31
8:30am to 2:30pm
Feb 1
8:30am to 2:30pm
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 Terms & Conditions
It is very important that no one parks on the grass, blocks driveways. Also, park only on one side of the road so that garbage and emergency vehicles can get through. Thank You. Cash or check. We do not pre-sell. Once pictures are on the site the items will be at the sale.
 Description & Details

Taiwanese temple rubbings Drexel Heritage dining room set King bedroom set Flat screen T.V.'s Rattan couch and recliner Hand carved Asian desk and bar Brilliant glass crystal Buddahs - stone and bronze Imari ceramics - plates - vases - urns and more Sofa and love seat Portable fireplace and utensils/tools Hummels Lots of figurines Lenox China - Cinderella - 18 servings plus loads of serving pieces Ladies clothing - very elegant size small Leather jackets - London Fog coat - mink stole - fur trimmed coat Asian figurines Artificial plants Planters brass 6 panel teak modesty screen 3 Asian 3...

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