Viera East MCM Swarovski Vintage Jewelry Art 1 of 2 weekends

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
  • Directions
    Gated community #4950 code to get in- The gates should be open but just in case! This is a strict HOA. Please be overly respectful to the neighborhood and their grass. There will be estate ninja sig... 
Jan 9
10am to 2pm
Jan 10
9am to 2pm
Jan 11
9am to 2pm
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Cash only. This was a pet friendly home. There are a lot of figurines and breakables - you break it you buy it! Best to leave the kids and unruly persons home for this one. There’s not a lot of space inside the home.
 Description & Details

This is the first weekend of a two weekend sale. This was a borderline hoarder situation. For the first weekend the primary bedroom and two car garage will NOT be open. Come back next weekend for those two rooms and their contents as well as anything else we unearth. This sale is to generate funds for the persons assisted living facilities. Their uncle had a vintage store and items handed down to her as well as her own collections. Vintage needlepoint/needlework Golf bags & clubs & balls & decor Party/hosting supplies & decor Danish & Swedish Every small appliances you...

Estate Ninjas

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