Large Sun City Center Estate Sale
We accept cash and credit/debit cards. Cards will be charged a 3% fee. Luka Blue LLC is not responsible for any accident or injury on the property. Please bring help to load items.
This ad is for the onsite Estate Sale, it is not an online sale for individual items. First come first serve on posted event dates and times, no holds or presales.
The estate representative has the right to pull any item at any time.
We make every effort to price items at fair market value. We do not mark items high in an effort to have negotiating room or come down. On higher priced items we will consider fair offers.
What is not sold by Sunday morning at 9:00 AM will be reduced to 50% off when doors open at 9 AM SUNDAY, with the exception of a few items that the owners are not willing to let go at 50% off.
You can find us with many more pictures and videos of the estate on Facebook by the name of Luka Blue LLC. We post a video each evening after we close so that you can see what is available the next day. Please follow us on Facebook for additional upcoming Estate Sales.
Please respect the neighbors and park along the street and do not block neighbor driveways. Leave room for large vehicles to get through.
We love to see all our regular customers and welcome all new comers.
We do not tolerate difficult or verbally combative/abusive customers. We will refuse service and ask those to leave. All Luka Blue LLC employees are aware of our polices and empowered to make a decision on terminating a customer relationship at any time on the property.

Large Estate Sale
1709 N Pebble Bch Blvd
Sun City Center, FL 33573
March 14, 15, 16
9 to 3 each day
No presales.
An absolutely unique and packed estate sale with beautiful items and rare vintage and antique furniture and decor along with everything one will find in any home.
Living room furnishings from the 50s and 60s, rattan and bamboo sectional couch, club chairs, dining room table, card table with matching lamps, magazine racks, wall mirror and coffee table. Side tables, floor lamps, table lamps, hundreds of books from antique to cook books to novels and travel to new books, side chairs, table lamps, bedroom sets, dressers, clothes, vintage neck ties, record albums, desk lamps, new shoes, clothes, hand bags, travel bags, rugs, medical supplies, paper goods, linens, blankets, secretary desk, lots and lots of jewelry, antique medical cabinet, numerous sets of dishes, some made in Italy, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and England. Corelle, Corningware, Paula Deen, Pier One, vintage Tupperware. Pots and pans from Revere ware, Faberware, Flint, Lodge and Many more. Many kitchen appliances, glass sets, silverware sets and serving pieces. Whirlpool washer, Hotpoint dryer, tools, garden tools and all types of cleaning supplies.
This is an onsite sale.
You may line up early at the front door. Please be mindful of the community and neighbors.
Hope to see everyone there!

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