Bloomingdeals in Killearn Plantation

estate sale3 day sale last day is tomorrow
  • Directions
    Be mindful to not block driveways or mailboxes or double park where large trucks cannot get in. Save one side of driveway for pickups please. Bannerman to Tekesta and then Briarcreek is the first ro... 
Jan 9
9am to 12pm
Jan 10
9am to 12pm
Jan 11
9am to 12pm
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 Description & Details

Lovely items in this home getting ready to go on the market.   Wrought iron white patio set, several couches, entertainment centers large and small, tvs, coffee tables, wall decor, pots and pans, dishes, box lots of food and cleaning supplies, elegant dining table with 8 chairs and two leaves, china cabinet, wine cabinet, recliner, towels, Stearns and Foster remote King bed (not dual), queen stearns and foster bed.  Lots to pick from.

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