estate sale2 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Atlanta, GA 30315 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, December 19th, 2024.
Dec 20
2pm to 7pm
Dec 22
11am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

Hey y’all, we're back again!!! It’s me, your favorite Rich Auntie Sale host—the one whose sales have gone viral, drawn lines before 8 AM, and SOLD OUT everything in hours. Last weekend was OUR BIG A$$ ESTATE SALE, but so many of y’all couldn’t make it or asked for PART 2 —and guess what? We’re delivering! This FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20th we’re hosting the Friday Happy Hour version of the BIG A$$ Estate Sale (2pm-7pm), and SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22RD we're hosting a LAST CALL Sale (11am-3pm), and we’re bringing: New Furniture Arrivals fresh from one last storage haul before Christmas—this is...

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