Reason Sale

moving sale3 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Perry, GA 31069 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 6th, 2025.
Mar 7
8am to 6pm
Mar 8
8am to 5pm
Mar 9
10am to 2pm

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Payments accepted Cash, Venmo, Cash App BRING HELP TO MOVE HEAVY ITEMD WE DO NOT MOVE ITEMS. We do not give prices prior to the sale. Seller reserves the right to pull an item from the sale.
 Description & Details

The Reasons have lived in this home in Perry for almost 10 years. They are a military family that has traveled abroad. They have a diverse selection of items. Ranging from musical instruments, gardening, home schooling, canning (food preservation), outdoor entertaining, lawn care and so much more. I'm sure there is something for everyone. They are moving out of state and are downsizing. The sale starts on Friday and runs to Sunday. On Sunday items are half price. There are a few items the seller has at a firm price on or has a reserve on for the auction. This...

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