Incredible Luxury Designer Sale - Hermes Chanel LV Gucci etc 70% off Clothing! Appt only. NO walk-in

moved offsite to warehouse3 day sale starts tomorrow
Dec 18
10am to 4pm
Dec 19
10am to 4pm
Dec 20
10am to 4pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Text / Call for your in-person appointment! 773 447-8527
Sale is appointment only due to limited space. NO walk ins. NO last minute appointments. Walk in's are not allowed.
Prices are not given before sale.
NO large bags. NO large coats. You will be asked to return them to your car.
Not responsible for accidents. Enter at your own risk.
Cash. Zelle. (Credit cards will be accepted with an additional 4% charge.)
No animals. Please leave your pet at home.
We do not ship.
Thank you.
 Description & Details

This sale is appointment only. Please text 773 447 8527 to set up your in-person appointment. We have added items as well as added a 70% discount on all of the beautiful clothing! Accessories, shoes and non-luxury handbags are 50% off. Luxury bags are priced as marked. Offers will be taken on the luxury bags (Dior Chanel Gucci Louis Vuitton Burberry Fendi etc) This is not your typical sale. NO kitchenware or garage items.... strictly clothing and accessories from 8 members of our client's family. Womens 80% and mens items 20%. Women's sizes range from 0-12, shoes are sizes 5-10...

Digz Residence, Inc.

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