estate sale2 day sale starts today
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    Home is located south of Main St. and east of Randall Rd. 
Jan 31
9:30am to 2pm
Feb 1
9:30am to 2pm
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 Description & Details

This is a great sale, fully loaded with antiques and collectibles. Something here for everyone. Contents include: COLLECTIBLES Antique Machinist Chest, Glassware - Hazel Atlas Blue, Pink Miss America, America Fostoria & Much More, Apothecary Jars, Wedgewood China, Vintage Ball Jars, Vintage Toys, Metalware, Crockery & Pottery, Vintage Bird Cages, Iron Stove, Copperware, Old Phones, Scales, Souvenir Spoons, Old Cameras & Equipmenr, Electronics - Marantz 2010 Receiver, Pioneer Cassette Player & Much More, Vintage Linens, Batavia Memorabilia, Singer Featherweight 221 Sewing Machine (1935), Dolls, Doll Clothes & Accessories - Raggedy Ann & Andy in Box, Records, Fishing Poles & Gear,...

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