LARGE ESTATE SALE Taylors Estate Liquidation Sales

estate sale3 day sale starts today
  • Directions
    Do not block the drive way. Street Parking. All items are to be taken when purchased; not responsible for left items. No checks 
Dec 4
8am to 5pm
Dec 5
8am to 5pm
Dec 6
8am to 12:30pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Cash only; bring help to load; No early sales; Not Responsible for any left items or accidents.
Not responsible for accidents.
No checks; No Venmo; No cash app..strictly cash
 Description & Details

Chair stair lift with directions to install., Pyrex wheat pattern and other sets; Correll and Fiesta., Trailway train in a box, 3 bedroom suites, Grandfather clock, Sterling silver, Tools, Jewelry, Wrought iron patio set to include the loungers., Many retro clocks, T CART, Headboards white vinyl and green velvet, Lift chair, Newer matching recliners, Marble top tables, Dining room SETS, Jadeite table lamp, Many circus posters, Book cases; desks; chairs; holiday decor; gorgeous furniture, Airport memobillia Blue Angels 100th anniversary, Quilts sewing supplies, Autographed Art,

Taylors Estate Liquidation Sales

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