Multi Estates - One Location, Normal, IL

moved offsite to warehouse3 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Normal, IL 61761 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025.
Apr 3
4pm to 7pm
Apr 4
9am to 5pm
Apr 5
9am to 2pm
Barbie and Skipper travel trunk

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 Description & Details

This is our special event - multiple sales in one location. Over 50 tables plus floor items. We are FULL !!! We offer this sale opportunity when multiple estates are too small to hold their own sale. This sale features a very large estate from Minonk plus smaller ones from St. Joseph, Bloomington, El Paso and Normal. Thousands of outstanding items in a first time offering and all under one roof. One floor, no stairs. Restrooms on site. Plenty of parking. Wait list will be posted at 2 pm on Thursday, opening sale date. You may sign and leave. Return...

Blue Goose Estate Sales LLC

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