Huge Sale! Vintage political, vinyl, books,art,Native American, rare music memorabilia, purses, etc!

estate sale1 day sale 4 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Skokie, IL 60077 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, January 10th, 2025.
Jan 11
9am to 3pm
Rare Obama poster collection

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash, Zelle or Venmo only - no credit cards or checks!

We will honor a watch list

This is a massive blowout one day sale - all items must be removed that day

Door open 9am sharp and you must be present when your name is called

The pricing will be great from the get go but will offer big discounts in the last hour of the sale on remaining items
 Description & Details

You are going to loose your minds! this is an entire home sale - literally there is something for everyone! - extensive rare record collection - Beatles, Styx, Elvis, Stevie wonder, Janis Joplin, Prince, Lennon, Def Leppard, etc. Rock & Roll Collectibles: Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Styx rare collectibles, sealed and promo albums —-much more Mint 45 collection in sleeves: Wings, Clapton, Elvis, Carpenters, Jackson 5 & more (original collection of 50+ records) Dozens of Vinyl albums: Beatles, Woodstock, Village People, Janis Joplin, Stevie Wonder, Elton John and more Artist Dream house: premium beading supplies to create necklaces and bracelets;...

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