Frank Miller collected WAR , models. antiques SEE

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Goshen, IN 46526 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 5
9am to 5pm
Dec 6
9am to 5pm
Dec 7
9am to 3pm


We DO NOT give out PRICES = No early sales - We take a lot of pictures = but you can't always judge a sale by that. We are very busy and don't have all items uncovered or unpacked. Sometimes it isn't until the day before a sale that we are done & ready to post MORE pictures.
Please Pay with Cash or checks only NO debit cards.
We have no one to help you with heavy objects. Bring truck, money & lots of help. PLEASE! we do not! have Moving Service available.




Frank Miller was an avid collector  OF you name it ! . Books on military .War , Scouts , nonfiction ,

garage -full of tools , Basement -hundreds of war type models , shed all full and MORE

Household ,and MORE. LOTS MORE NOT PICTURED = look back later


Thursday 9 A.M - 5:00 P.M -FULL price

Friday 9 AM -5 pm 25% off

Saturday - 9 AM - 3 PM - 50 %Off

manikins watermelon depression glass URANIUM watermelon depression glass URANIUM under black light smoking items boy scout items Canteen, Mess Kit, Belt, Etcwar uniforms several war posterswar poster German stamps large sign . BUBBLE SEXTANT WWII BUBBLE SEXTANT WWII LOTS of Military army shovels holsters BB gunstargetsWAR MANY daggers swords  and daggersLongaberger potteryiron skillets Sterling sample of the JewelrySmalls / watches / JewelrySmalls / watches / JewelryAl  AndersonART Al  AndersonNYC Fire Bucketdresser . heater  therm a Hot Military Model  kits -TANKS AIRPLANES & MOREHUNDREDS of Model kits HUNDREDS of Model kits HUNDREDS of Model kits HUNDREDS of Model kits models = lots new but vintage NOSUnused Unused  = basement Unused Dancers NEW in the boxesmantel clockcoo / coo clockantique IRONSantique metal  doll headbar stools Antique / Vintage TV / file cabinetdinning room setcurved curiomicro scopes Fantasy knight figures Fantasy knight figures Fantasy knight figures just some of the toy war figuresassorted knight figures  assorted knight figures just some of the toy war figures some of the toy war figurescollectables  MORE of the toy war figuresgames , figures  ETCbar warebarewarepink stool/  file drawers/ main floor war / cowboys ETC. VHS tapes tea tablesboos ?head boards / ART living room GAME Atari  / ?VHS tapes VHS tapes VHS tapes VHS tapes VHS tapes / some cassettesHalloween ! too late for this year  . LOLFlintstones BARBIES and more IN time for Christmas IN time for Christmas  Santa / bench / lamp garage fur coatsFUR stole gloves FISHING strobe extinguisher singer / artvintage electrified singer with WOOD casesinger sewing machine vintage Singer  sewing ARTgarage garage assorted skulls = fake chain sawsdrum setclay ?? garage tool chests garage JacketsGarage  tools garage Black / DeckerFranklin sewing machinegoggles / tool chestANTIQUE Oliver typewriter basement for bullets dehumidifier / MOREhundreds of books / WAR / Grays anatomy  health /animals ZIM and more / cooking YOU NAME it? LARGE ASSORTMENT a sample of the ROCKS new in the boxbasementOLD tin cans games  there are MOREbasement   VASES  ETC like new lava lights power wash tools ?? ?? tools GARAGE basementBasementgarage paint cleaners  ????????????????? GARAGEvintage cleavers vintage GAS cans garage GARAGE GARAGEgarage garage MORE garage garage garage large 2 seat sofa lots of smaller vintage  furniture only SOME of the shells LARGE black lights Watch Crysals part of the basement before we FILL it up part of the basement before we price it .basement before we sort it not sure yetgames / lots of war?? assorted ? lots of BRASSassorted  instruments Christmas boys bike HUGE ladder and more Adlake locks ON chains electronics BOOSelectronics Cigar boxesvintage cigar boxesair compressersome  ! electronics loads of stuff

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