estate sale3 day sale 20 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Greentown, IN 46936 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025.
Apr 17
10am to 3pm
Apr 18
10am to 3pm
Apr 19
10am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

This Lovely family SAVED everything with utmost care! Some dating back to late 1800's. Bring a friend or two and Please plan time to see it all! Nice country ride outside of Gre entown Antique Victorian Full Bed . Matching Dresser n Wash Stand, Antique Armoire, Antique Art Deco Full Bed, lady's Vanity. Chest of Drawer, Antique Kitchen cabinet with Pie safe, Several Parlor Tables, Antique Library Table, CROCKS, Antique ornate Shadow BOXES, Vintage BOOKS. Magazines. Calendars, Caning Jars . Vintage BLUE Jars several #13. VINTAGE TRADE MARK LIGHTNING Fruit Jar., Antique Large Truck / Chest brought by GREAT Grandfather...

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