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Christmas, Toys, Case Die-Cast Models on West Side

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Indianapolis, IN 46234 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 22
9am to 2pm
Nov 23
10am to 2pm

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An early-bird sign-in sheet is a physical list placed outside the property one hour before doors ope...
 Description & Details

Update: Day 2 CASE die-cast collectibles will be 30% off with everything else at 50% off! In this 2 story home, with basement, we gladly present an assortment of vintage Christmas, toys, Colts memorabilia, and a large collection of Case die-cast models. Follow Flipside Estates on Instagram Find Flipside Estates on Facebook Visit our website to learn about our services and shop online Join our newsletter and never miss an auction Notable items in this sale: 1:16 Case 2590 Tractor 1:16 Case 580 Super E Loader Backhoe 1:16 Case 1550 Crawler Bulldozer 1:16 Case International 2594 Tractor, Las Vegas Dealer...

Flipside Estate & Consignment Concierge

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