Estate Sale for the late Paul and Glenys Jackson
Cash , check, and all major credit cards accepted.
Please bring help to load large items. If an item(s) cannot be removed the day of purchase, arrangements can be made to pick up purchases outside the time and dates of sale.
Neither The Fireside Shop, its representatives, nor the family for whom this sale is being conducted are responsible for accidents. All necessary precautions have been taken to provide a safe, pleasant environment. Please use good judgment when going through the home.

Robert W. Daley (listed artist) original 1968 oil painting
Robert W. Daley signed prints
Original paintings by Paul Jackson
Vintage late 1960’s-mid 1970’s clothing
new lift chair with heat
large, wooden machinist tool chest
pair of twin beds
MCM bedroom furniture
dining room table and chairs
books including The Great Books series
kitchen items
holiday decor
game table
ladies clothing
jewelry armoire
sewing machine
art supplies
This sale offers a wide variety of items with a broad interest range!

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