Old Metairie Time Capsule

estate sale2 day sale starts tomorrow
  • Address The address for this sale in Metairie, LA 70005 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, January 31st, 2025.
Feb 1
8am to 2pm
Feb 2
8am to 2pm

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We operate Cash and Carry. Please provide your own truck/vehicle and equipment to move purchased furniture.
 Description & Details

Home is packef with 60 plus years of accumulation includes costume jewelry, refrigerator, washer and gas dryer, glassware, corelle, vintage Christmas, Pleyel piano, lamps, Avon perfume, collectibles, mativity set, small appliances, D H Holmes mugs new in box, duck hunting gear and clothing, microwave, bakeware, art, exercise equipment and pilates, armoire, afghans, purses, gloves, luggage, 2 cedar chests, steins, walkers, linens, napkins, antique doll clothes, beds and bedroom set. Leather chairs, lift recliner, sofa with matching chair, orec air purifier, pyrex visionary, hot wheels set, children's books, serving dishes in boxes, kitchen utensils, cleaning supplies, cd's, records, planters, macrame plant...

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