Dec 22 Rare Beer Cans & Breweriana

online only auction1 day sale 5 days away
  • Location Brimfield, MA 01010

Sale Starts

Dec 22

Sale Ends

Dec 22
Aurora Beer Pre-Prohibition Tip Tray

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Dan Morean,, Morean Auctions, and any designated auctioneer, if applicable, are colle...
 Description & Details

This auction features the Toby Zwick Breweriana and General Advertising Collection. A college professor gave his student, Toby, a tip tray in about 1960 and that started a life time of passionate collecting! You will find many scarce and top grade brewery items like tip trays, tap knobs, frothers, celluloid mirrors, cans and signs, You also will find a diverse offering of other types of antique advertising for: whiskey, oysters, soda, cigar, tobacco, shoes, insurance, and much more. Items like culloid mirrors, tap measures, tip trays, match safes, match strikes, match holders, tins, paperweights, whistles, tops, toys, harmonicas, tennis ball...

Morean Auctions

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