Snuff Bottles

online only auction1 day sale 14 days away
  • Location Hanover, MA 02339

Sale Starts

Mar 27

Sale Ends

Mar 27


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19th and 20th Century bottles in jade, glass, ceramic and other materials, sourced from private collections around the world. At our Hanover gallery.
RELIEF-CARVED CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".CARVED CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2". Includes wood stand.INTERIOR-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED WHITE/LIGHT CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".SIX BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 19th/20th Century Heights from 2" to 3". IncludesSIX SNUFF BOTTLES 19th/20th Century Heights from 2" to 2.75".CARVED CORAL SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3".COLLECTION OF SNUFF BOTTLE STANDS 19th/20th Century Lengths from 2" to 3.25".TWO HARDSTONE SNUFF BOTTLES Late 19th/Early 20th CenturyFIVE CLEAR GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES Early 20th Century Heights from 2.5" to 3".ROSEWOOD DISPLAY CABINET Late 19th Century Height 34". Width 20.5". Depth 3".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED BLUE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th/20th Century Height 2".MOSS AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th/20th Century Height 2".AVENTURINE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".MOSS AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th/20th Century Height 2.5".CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".FLOATER AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.75".WHITE AND RUSSET JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.25".CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th/20th Century Height 3.25".OVERSIZED FLOATER AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th/20th Century Height 3.5".WHITE AND RUSSET JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".FOUR PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 19th/20th Century Heights from 2.25" to 2.5".THREE SNUFF BOTTLES 20th CenturyMONGOLIAN SILVER METAL SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 3".TWO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES 20th CenturyOVERSIZED CARVED SHADOW AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.75".CARVED SHADOW AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.25".TWO BLUE, RED AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 19th CenturyCARVED SHELL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.75".MILK WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".CARVED BAMBOO SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".DOUBLE-WALLED OPENWORK PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3".MOTTLED GREEN AND BROWN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 3".CLOISONNE ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".PAIR OF FACETED GLASS MINIATURE SNUFF BOTTLES Late 19th Century Heights 1.5".OVERSIZED DOUBLE OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3".CARVED CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5".TWO OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES Early 20th CenturyHAIR CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Length 2".TWO GOLD-FLECKED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES Late 19th/Early 20th CenturyWHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED SHADOW AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.25".CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.25".CARVED BEIGE AND WHITE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2".HAIR CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.25".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.75".MIXED METAL DOUBLE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5". Length 2".TEA DUST PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 3".THREE SNUFF BOTTLES 19th/20th CenturyCARVED WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3.5".HARDSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3".FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3".GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.25".CARVED MOTTLED GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".SIX SNUFF BOTTLES 19th Century Heights from 2" to 3".RUBY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.25".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.25".AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".INTERIOR-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".CARVED GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 3".POLYCHROME ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE 20th Century Height 2".GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Cnetury Height 2.5".AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.5".BANDED HARDSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.5".OVERSIZED BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 3.5".BAMBOO SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.5".CARVED CINNABAR SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 3".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.25".RHODOCHROSITE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.25".OVERLAY AND INTERIOR-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".PORCELAIN DOUBLE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".INTERIOR-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.75".FAMILLE ROSE ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".MOTTLED JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.25".TWO FAMILLE ROSE ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLES Late 19th/Early 20th Century Heights approx. 2".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/20th Century Height 2.5".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.25".TWO CHINESE OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES 19th/20th CenturyPORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2".TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 20th CenturyTWO BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES Late 19th CenturySILVER METAL OVER HARDSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.75".CARVED HONEY AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Height 3". Includes fitted silk box.ROCK CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2".CARVED GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2".BLUE AND FAUX BOIS GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.5".TWO FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES Late 19th/Early 20th CenturyFIVE SNUFF BOTTLES 19th/20th Century Heights from 2.5" to 3".UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3.5".CARVED CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".INTERIOR-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 3".BLUE AND RED GLAZE ON CREAM CRACKLEWARE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".TURQUOISE HARDSTONE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".SHADOW AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.25".CARVED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.25".CARVED MOTHER-OF-PEARL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".OPAQUE BONY AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2.5".ENAMEL ON SILVER METAL SNUFF BOTTLE Early 20th Century Height 2".FAMILLE ROSE MOLDED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".FAMILLE ROSE MOLDED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3".BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED MOTHER-OF-PEARL SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".CARVED MOSS AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".CARVED OPAL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2".CARVED STAG ANTLER SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 3.5".CARVED SHADOW AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".CARVED LAPIS LAZULI SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED DARK AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.75".FAMILLE ROSE MOLDED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.75".CARVED MALACHITE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 2.5".OVERSIZED CARVED SHADOW AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 3".SMOKY QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED CINNABAR SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.25".CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".CARVED TURQUOISE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.25".CARVED WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2".CARVED PINK QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".INTERIOR-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2".CARVED WHITE/YELLOW JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED CELADON/YELLOW JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED PINK QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Late 19th Century Height 2".CARVED CORAL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2".CLEAR CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".CARVED BANDED AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.25".CARVED HAIR CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 3".CARVED BLACK JADE SNUFF BOTTLE 19th Century Height 2.5".

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