The Best Nautical Auction

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  • Location Norwell, MA 02061

Sale Starts

Nov 24

Sale Ends

Nov 24


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The ship is in. Fantastic hoard of Choice Nautical Antiques. Lanterns, Compasses, POW Models, Paintings, Telescopes, Nautical Furniture, Portholes, Mirrors, Carvings. Wow, Wow, Wow, . View This Sale. Sunday November 24, 2024 Auction Time : 10:00 am- Preview Now- Until Sale
Carved Dolphyn Marine Barometer by Salom of LondonThree-foot Giant Clam Shell Tridacna Gigas 166 lbsAmerica's Cup Yacht Rainbow in CasePlanked Six Foot Half Model of a CutterSteam Yacht Corsair Water PitcherAntique Ships Wheel and Binnacle TableShips Engine Order TelegraphShips Binnacle with Compass by LionelShips Lantern By A Ward HendricksonColin Gray of Nantucket Boat ModelAntique Half Model of a SloopNathaniel Herreshoff Builders Model of Junius MorgSolid Brass Ships Wheel on a StandPrivate Yacht Lone Star Passing New London Ledge LAluminum Ships Engine Order TelegraphEarly 20th Century Yacht Skylight BinnacleNew York Forty Silver Trophy Cup19th Century Ship's Wheel Fitted with a ClockSix Spoke Mahogany and Brass Ships WheelBrass Ship's Porthole Mounted to a Table BaseEnglish Double Ended Lifeboat ModelSix Foot Carved Haddock TradesignHalf Model of Kings Yacht BritanniaCity of Boston Map from 1926Fine Model of the Steam Yacht CorsairPainted Deck Bucket with Yacht RelianceSteel Auxiliary Schooner Yacht BlueprintSiemen Brothers Ships TelegraphEnglish Pond Yacht with Marconi RigAntique Model of a CatboatPolished Brass Ships Porthole TableEighteenth Century Navigators QuadrantShips Binnacle On Pedestal BasePorthole MirrorSix Foot Model of the TitanicShips Masthead Lanten of Solid CopperSolid Brass Ships BinnacleFine Ship's Wheel from 19th CenturyVintage Pond Yacht Model with SailsLighthouse Motif Keepsake BoxPair of Sweep Oars with Old Varnish FinishAntique Brass Boat LanternThree Foot Half Model of J Boat RainbowFalmouth Map From 1900Vintage Pond Yacht with Makers BadgeBrass Ships Navigators Rolling Rule of Enormous SiAriadne Steam Yacht Model Basset LowkeThomas W Lawson Watercolor on PaperLarge Sawfish Bill or Sawfish ROSTRUMShip Captains Spyglass with Octagonal BarrelBuilders Half Model of Packet Ship KenningtonCape Cod Catboat Model10 foot Carved Codfish TradesignYachting Binnacle Compas Circa 1920Worden Wood Gouache Of Coast Guard ShipNautical Clock by Dieges and ClustShips Wheel from Nineteenth CenturyYacht Dreamer by Worden WoodShips Lantern by Grimley of BirminghamSix Foot Model the Dixie II SpeedboatShips Longboat Model by William HitchcockBritish Royal Navy Ships Badges as a GroupCorsair II Half ModelCarved Wood Eagle in Louisburg Style17th Century Spanish Armada Iron Strong Box with LOcean Liner Queen Mary Ship ModelBristol Yacht Club Herreshoff TrophyBasset Lowke Builder's Model of the Crew Launch Ar8 Foot Framed World Map by PhilipsShips Navigators Quadrant 18th CenturyShip Model of the Schooner Yacht AtlanticArt Deco Ship Model Of Princess Anne Ferry BoatPrisoner of War Model of Eighty Gun FrigateNavy Builders Model of an American War Ship 1878Mariners Chart of North America in FrameDestroyer Ericsson By Worden WoodLightship Nantucket Placque for a Wall HangingRoyal Yacht Squadron Yachtsmen LithoBuilders Model of an Oil TankerPair of Early 20th Century Port and Starboard LantFrench Prisoner of War Bone ModelPearl Harbor Engine Telegraph from The U.S.S. St.Steam Yacht Harvard In CaseSolid Brass U.S. Navy Ship's BinnacleSolid Copper Ship’s Lantern by Tung Woo of Hong KoScottish Ship’s Lantern by Emory DouglasCarved Wood Alligator Wine TableSiemen Brothers Ships TelegraphAntique Marine Signal Lantern by Charles PicardAluminum Ship's Spotlight on StandMartinique Chart from 1887Early 20th Century Ship's BinnacleScale Model of a Minot's Light LighthouseIndustrial Copper Fluid Level InstrumentAmerican Warship Painting of A Nautical Patrol CorShips Engine Order Bridge TelegraphSolid Copper Ships Port and Starboard LanternsFramed Edwin Levick Photo Of Yacht CaritasJohn Alden Yacht BlueprintOcean Chart Of Massachusetts BayFine Yacht Model of a Wianno SeniorChinese Military Eye BinocularsSteam Yacht "Aphrodite" c.1899Half Model of the Fishing Schooner BluenoseAntonio Jacobsen of a Brig at SeaWet Fish Trade Sign from EnglandBrass Yachting Binoculars from Paris, FranceMarine Painting by William Pierce StubbsThe Ship Bar and Restaurant SignBritish Pattern Ships BinnacleNantucket Lightship Half ModelBritish Royal Naval Admirals SpyglassMiniature Models of the Ocean Liner Queen ElizabetNautical Signal Flag in Shadow Box FrameCleaning Rod for a Large Naval CannonBoston Lightship ModelBrooklyn Tugboat ModelHalf Model of the Schooner AtlanticShips Lantern with Fresnel Glass LensTugboat Diorama By Arthur ClarkPatrick McAllister Tugboat SignU.S. Navy Ship Bridge BinnacleShips Lantern from Trinity House LightshipEarly 20th Century French Clock and BarometerSawfish Bill Forty Two Inches LongLarge Turned Brass Signal CannonCased Barograph by French marker MaxantPrisoner of War Bone Model with Straw BasePair of Dueling Pistols by Robert TomlinsonPair of Early 19th Century Percussion PistolsPrisoner of War Style Ship ModelBritish Admiralty Pattern Clinometer Inspectors LeBrass transit by the Warren Knight Co.Very High Quality Ships SextantPair of Belaying Pins from Yacht AlohaWhale Oil Lantern from Mid 19th CenturyMarine Steam Engine with Two CylindersAntique Ship Captains Spyglass TelescopeRare Telltale Ships CompassSolid Brass U.S. Navy Bell with ClangerTelescope on Tripod Circa 1920Steam Yacht "Niagara"Ships Wheel with Ten Turned SpokesBoucher Lewis Model of Steam Yacht EMUSix Foot Carved Codfish TradesignPainted Chest with Decorations Related to EnglishShips Wheel by Simpson Lawrence of EnglandClipper Ship Torrens Seven FeetAluminum Ship's Porthole TableScale Model of The German Yacht MeteorClipper Ship Flying Cloud Model in Wood CaseThornycroft Yacht Half Model Of A Fifty Foot YachtShips Navigators Quadrant From 18th CenturyEnglish Ships Anchor Lantern By MeteoriteClement Drew Marine PaintingRoyal Navy Submarine Captains Telescope From GievePair of Solid Copper Port and Starboard Lights byOil on Canvas by P.J. Clays, Gift of J.P. Morgan,Model of JP Morgan's "Corsair IV", 1930Rare Porcelain Dish from Yacht Corsair With modelSteam Yacht Corsair Linen Dinner NapkinsJ Pierpont Morgan Related BooksNantucket Lightship model in caseUSS ConstitutionPeriod Model of the Packet Anglo SaxonTroughton & Simms Navigators PantographBaby Bootlegger Gold Cup Racing SpeedboatHalf Model of the Gold Cup Racer DIXIE IIAntique Pond Model of a Double Ended SloopShip Wheel Circa 1935 on Stand.Graves Lighthouse Diorama off a BostonSolid Brass Beacon LightShips Compass by Thaxter of Boston, Circa 1870Massive Solid Brass Ship's Search Light on a BaseRosewood and Brass Library PlanterShips Anchor Lantern Made of CopperCorsair Steam Yacht Of JP MorganFrench Industrial Nautical ClockShips Wheel that is Six Feet RoundShips Telegraph by Kirk Habicht of BaltimoreShips Binnacle Compass N.V. Observator RotterdamWood and Brass Ships BinnacleCanvas Covered 19th Century Sea ChestSilk New York Yacht Club Burgee from Yacht CorsairSix Foot Carved HaddockDollond of London Telescope on TripodOpium Pipe from the Nineteenth CenturyHand Carved Federal EagleCigar cutter in the Form of an Engine Order TelegrCanvas Covered 19th Century Sea ChestSteam Yacht Corsair Vegetable Serving BowlYacht Lantern by Simpson Lawrence of EnglandChrome Yacht Binnacle by John HandYachtsman and Horseman Arthur Curtiss James Desk SeUSS Jenkins Ship Model with CaseBuilders Half Model of Maine Schooner Helen B. CroAmerica's Cup Yacht Australia Half ModelShipyard Builders Model of the Phoebe CrosbyJamaica Pond Painting by Josiah WolcottFred S. Cozzens Painting of New York BaySteam Yacht Sagamore Painting by Antonio de SimoneFine Half Model of the Yacht VerveCohasset Yacht Club Trophy from 1931Bust of Yachtsman Sir Thomas J LiptonBuilders Model of the Schooner Alicia B CrosbyAmerica's Cup Yacht Ranger Tank Test ModelShips Cabin Lantern by Bulpitt of BirminghamBrass Library Telescope by Wellington of London CiHand Carved Pediment EagleBrass Bound Port Wine KegU.S. Coast Guard Post LanternBrass Locomotive Placque from the Leopoldina RailwShips Sextant in a custom Mahogany Wall BoxHand Held 19th Century Gilt Brass BarometerBrass Bound Camphorwood Sea ChestTwo Pair of High Quality OarsWoolwork of the Cruise Ship Stella PolarisShip's Engine Order Telegraph of Polished AlumniumEarly 20th Century Line Throwing GunNautical Spotlight on TripodWood Cased Ship Model Of The Benjamin F. Packard oAntonio Jacobsen Painting of an American Clipper SCopper Ship's Masthead Lantern from Early 20th CenShips Lantern with Ruby Red LensAntique Wood Fish Market SignTwo Solid Brass Taffrail Spinners with CouplingsBrass Library Binoculars by Jumelle of ParisShips Masthead Lantern with Copper and Brass BodyYacht Cleat of Solid Brass on BaseBoston Lighthouse Cocktail ShakerShip Builders Plate from the Hitachi ZosenTwo Yacht Timer Stopwatches by Heuer and TaylorYachting Stopwatches by Minerva and LeonidasWorden Wood Frigate of the Ship on the Line OhioU.S. Lighthouse Service Post Lantern BSolid Brass Ships Anchor Lantern with Fresnel LensMarine Binoculars by Chevalier of FrancePair of Wood Carved Cannonball BookendsBow Lantern from a BoatSteam Engine Indicator by Dobbie McinnisLarge Ships Lantern with Red Fresnel LensU.S. Lighthouse Service Post Lantern BEbony Ships Navigators Octant in BoxCompetition Speedboat Miss England IIIWood Table Made From Ships DoorU.S. Lighthouse Service Post Lantern BEarly 20th Century Canoe BookcaseUSS Constitution Ships Wheel BookendsModel of the Paddle Steamer SIRIUSU.S. Lighthouse Service Post Lantern BShips Cannon with English MarkingsMassive Ships Pulley BlockSeven Foot Carved Eagle from Artistic Carving CompThirty Two Inch Copper CauldronBritish Tornado Fighter Jet Fuel TankImmense Telescope by Bardou and Son of ParisAluminum Ships Porthole Fitted with MirrorYacht Blueprint from Eldredge Mcinnis Inc.Van Ryper Model of Steam Yacht CorsairCampaign Style Coffee Table by StarbayTeak Two Part Campaign Chest with Brass TrimMiniature Barque by C. Brookings WetherbeeOriginal Aluminum Ships Porthole With Solid DoorLarge Brass Ships WheelAntique Plank on Frame Launch ModelBrass Porthole TableAquamarine Blue Marine LightShips Lantern by Bulpitt of BirminghamMark III Flare Pistol by CSR of SydneyShips Anchor Lanterns by Perkins Marine Lamp CompaU.S. Navy Quartermaster Telescope in BoxColumbia Yacht Club of Philadelphia TrophyStillwater Yacht Club Half Model Trophy1904 Indian Harbor Yacht Club TrophySteel Ships Anchor LanternAntique English Half Model of a Ten Gun BrigHeavy Plastered Bust of John F. KennedySterling Silver Presentation Cup to Captain ChauncDouble Ended Canoe PaddleU.S. Navy Destroyer Searchlight, 6 Feet TallShips Wheel with Brass Inlay and HubCopper Anchor Lantern with Fresnel LensThe Surrender of Napoleon to Great BritainYacht Endeavour Half ModelChesapeake Bay Oyster Shipping BasketShips Port and Starboard LanternsHMS Endymion watercolor Circa 1900Cased Model of a Hudson Day Line Steamship19th Century Ships Compass From AmsterdamBuilders Half Model of a Motor YachtMaitland Smith Globe on Stand1873 Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket ChartFaux Crocodile Skin ChestRare Pair of Ship's Pelican BlocksWeehawken Ferry Steam Boiler Builders PlateShips Sextant made into a LampYachting Relics from John Brown Herreshoffs YachtChesapeake Bay Skipjack ModelSea Chest with Great Beckets and Canvas TopCanvas Deepsea Divers BeltAntique Shadowbox Ship ModelGigantic Ships Snatch BlockSix Foot Carved Sailfish with BillOcean Liner Normandie Longitudinal PlanFolk Art Ship Model of a SteamshipOcean Liner America Model in CaseOcean Liner of the Kungsholm of Swedish American LBrass Bound Scotch Keg on LegsBoston Yacht Club TrophyAnnisquam Yacht Club Trophy from 1939Patent Model of a Geared ApparatusShips Wheel Clock and Barometer by Chelsea1870 Chart Martha's Vineyard And NantucketSturdy Masthead Lantern by PerkoClipper Ship Model of Great Republic by Thomas RosPatent Model of a Ships Pump by J.L. De WolfPatent Model of a Horse CollarBlock Island Boat Blueprint from Wickford R.I.Copper Port and Starboard Ship LanternsPenataquit Corinthian Yacht Club Trophy 1905Quality Boat Bow Lantern by PerkoAluminum Boat Compass BinnacleShips Lanterns of Solid Brass "Wood Base"Ships Quarterboard William WirtCut Glass Decanter From Yacht The GypsyThe Lawson History of the Americas CupNineteenth Century Ships OctantSolid Brass Ships Masthead LanternAntique Model of the Sailing Barque ArgoDiving Pump With Copper TankSteel Ships Masthead Lantern by MeteoritePair of Linen Lap Napkins from Steam Yacht CorsairShips Cabin Lantern With Oil BurnerSolid Brass Perko Bow LanternShip Model Diorama of a Full Rigged ShipMamaroneck New York Harbor Chart from 1901Pair of Colorful Yachting PrintsSolid Brass Ships Anchor LanternKaiser Wilhelm II Ocean Liner by Beken of CowesShips Taffrail Log with Spinner and RopeBoston Yacht Club Trophy from 1937 Lightning RaceHarris Beach By Bennet Bradbury PaintingSteamship Clermont Model By Peter NessTransit in Box by Keuffel and Esser CoSolid Brass Student LampConvoy Zigzag Clock by Seth ThomasWychmere Harbor Allens Harbor Map Circa 1890Sailing Sloop "Santo" Half ModelPolished Steel Ships Port and Starboard LanternsBoat Lanterns by Perko of New YorkMap of the town of Yonkers in Westchester CountyAdlake Ships Lantern with Ruby LensSteam Yacht Aztec Shoe or Boot Button ToolSteam Yacht AZTEC Sauce LadleSteam Yacht AZTEC Silver Serving BowlShips Lanterns as a LotMassive Piece of Brain Coral from North River MuseCollection of Five Pieces of Ocean CoralPair of Whale VertebraeLarge Piece of Ocean Coral from MuseumNantucket Whaleboat Model on DavitsShips Lanterns by Perko of New YorkClipper Ship Portrait Oil on CanvasWhale Ribs from a City Island New York MuseumWine Bucket from Anthony's Pier 4 of BostonU.S. Naval Gun Factory StadimeterX-167 Ships Lantern with Green LensAmerican Clipper Ship Model in CaseWine Bottle Holder made from Tree RootWollaston Golf Club 1909 Trophy CupA.P. Hadaway Patent Model of Shoe HeelShips Spyglass with Leather Covered BarrelCopper Masthead Boat LanternsEnglish Cutter Ship Model in CaseX-168 Ships Lantern with Beautiful Green LensShips Industrial Light for Ceiling MountBritish Admiralty Mark III ClinometerEnglish Gun Powder Bucket of LeatherShip Model Diorama of a Full Rigged WarshipPair of Industrial Light Fixtures from a ShipShips Port Lantern on Wood BaseFolk Art Paddle Steamer ModelSeven Framed Yacht PrintsFour Carved Ship Half Models as a LotPolished Steel Ships Masthead LanternAntique Clipper Ship Model "Flying Cloud"Ships Lantern From The Navy Tugboat SS Trinidad HeModel of the Juan Sebastian de ElcanoShip Model In Case "La Réale"Depthometer Measuring Device by Dobbie McinnisSteamboat Ticonderoga Original Line DrawingBritish Military World War II Azimuth Circle in BoBroadside Crew List from the Ship Issac RichIndustrial Lighting Fixture from a ShipMicrometer Sextant by C. Plath, HamburgBoat Compass on Gimbal in Aluminum CaseMaritime Flare Pistol by Signal Pyrotechnic Co.Laminated Pine Speedboat Half ModelCarved Wood FishAntique Brass Gauge on Iron StandTrade Sign "Ask MR. TUTHILL"Patent Model of a Double Ended Ships HullQueen Mary Ship Model by Ron HughesQueen Elizabeth II Ship Model in CaseLiberty Ship SS Jeremiah Obrien Ship ModelSS Leviathan Ship Model by Van RyperMercedes Benz Auto Boot Speedboat ModelRMS Queen Mary Ship Model by Berti and LewisRMS Orcades P and O Liner Model By Charles FoxVan Ryper of Marthas Vineyard Ship ModelBasset Lowke Ship Model of CorhavenMV Herbridian Princess Ship ModelVan Ryper Ship Model of Hudson River SteamshipModel of the Steam Tug LackawanaQueen Mary - Queen Elizabeth Ocean Liner Pull ToysOcean Liners Aquitania, Rangitoto, Carmania, and EOcean Liner Models Stockholm, Itacia, and CarinthiCunard Ocean Liner Carmania by ScherbakVan Ryper Model of TA HellenthalWaterline model of a Japanese Oil and Ore CarrierModels of Ocean Liners Europa and BremenModel of German Freighter "Prasident"Ship Model of a Cement CarrierModel of the Tramp Steamer ExcaliberOcean Liner SS America Ship ModelModel of the SS Steam Ship IberiaOcean Liner Majestic Ship Model by Van RyperU.S.S. Constitution Ships PulleyThree Boat Ladders as a LotPorcelain Ship's Sink with Brass FittingsEarly 20th Century Fuel CanShip's Wheel Coffee Table with Glass TopPair of George Carpenter Port and Starboard Boat LBritish Royal Navy Life Rope Bow FenderFour Sided Railroad Lantern by Handlan of St. LouiWood Hole Nautical Chart from 1901Painted Sea Chest from H.M. Gunboat CockatriceHalf Model of the Iron Ship HolbrookEight Spoke Ships Wheel with Iron HubShips Telegraph by BrelcoPainted Wood Chest with Maritime ThemeNaval Officers Epaulets in MetalCarl Zeiss Binocular in Leather CaseSolid Brass Marine Lantern with Fresnel LensMonumental Whale Ship Model of the Helen Snow of NFour Pipe U.S. Navy Destroyer U.S.S. PrestonCast Stone Cherub Putti Holding A BasketAuthentic Ships Deck BucketNineteenth Century French BarometerChris Craft Bow PortholePorsche 911 Engine Block Coffee Table8 Cylinder Engine Block Reconfigured into a TablePier 4 Restaurant Dining TablePier 4 Restaurant Dining TablePier 4 Copper Pot and Pan Hoard (32 pcs)Pier 4 Copper Pot and Pan Hoard (39 pcs)Five Ships Wheels as a Lot from Pier 4 (5 pcs)Pier 4 Restaurant Dining TablePier 4 Restaurant Dining TableCoastal Schooner in CaseAntique English Brass Watering Can1894 Larchmont Yacht Club Race TrophyUS Navy Lifeboat Training Aid Apparatus4 Foot Tugboat ModelWood Replica U.S. Navy Cannon on CarriageNautical Gate with Ships Grating PanelFifth Avenue and Central Park Horse and Carriage WHalf Model Of The Topsail Schooner SwiftLarge Iron Garden PlanterCast Stone Garden Ornament of WomanShips Lanterns by Universal of Brooklyn New YorkPrimitive Ship Model of the Barque OpheliaDiorama of a Two Masted SchoonerHull Model of the Steamship AMIENS in Distressed CScale Model of "Santa Maria"Huge Harvard Women's Crew Sign with OarIndustrial Ship's Lighting Fixture

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