Historic Arms and Militaria

online only auction1 day sale 3 days away
  • Location Sutton, MA 01590

Sale Starts

Mar 16

Sale Ends

Mar 16


Online bidding Buyers Premium 23%

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Blackstone Valley Auctions is honored to offer the first of a series auctions from three lifetime collections. The items span from the American Revolution through the Second World War, and beyond. Among the items in this auction are an engraved powder 1769 dated horn, an important Bunker Hill relic related to General Joseph Warren, and a document signed by Thomas Jefferson.
British Pattern 1796 Infantry Officers SwordItalian Flintlock Belt PistolAbraham Perrin's 1769-Dated Powder HornEnglish CuttoeImportant Joseph Warren Bunker Hill HandkerchiefPennsylvania Property-marked Flintlock MusketThomas Jefferson Signed Congressional Act 1792Early Military Artillery Ammunition ChestBrass-hilted BriquetteColt Model 1851 Navy RevolverPost-Civil War Carbine Holster and SocketVirginia Militia CoateeTiffany US Model 1840 Heavy Cavalry SaberEnglish Brass Barreled BlunderbussPair of Pre-Civil War Artillery Officer's EpauletsMass Arms Co. Maynard Primed Pocket RevolverJ.J. Herman Brevete Percussion Pistol & CylinderUS Model 1836 Conversion Percussion PistolHopkins & Allen 5-shot Conversion RevolverMass Arms Adams Pocket RevolverBelgian Single Shot Percussion Military PistolRare Gutta-Percha Flap Pistol HolsterCased Lap Desk Colt Model 1849 Pocket RevolverMilwaukee Turners German Silver Belt BuckleWrought Iron "US" BrandIdentified Roby US Model 1840 NCO SwordCased J. Pratt Full Stock Kentucky Takedown RifleA.W. Spies Imported New York Militia Musket92nd Gordon Highlanders Carved Horn and MountHammond Artillery Saber and ScabbardBrace of William Ketland Flintlock PistolsUS Model 1840 NCO Sword and ScabbardBrass Hilted Militia Sword and ScabbardEagle Pommel Sword and ScabbardTwo Eagle Pommel SwordsP-hilt Cavalry SaberMiddle Eastern Flintlock PistolC. Sharps Pepperbox PistolMiddle Eastern Flintlock Blunderbuss PistolModel 1854 Lorenz Jaegerstutzen RifleUS Harper's Ferry Model 1842 Percussion MusketReconverted Whitney Model 1822/28 Contract MusketUS Springfield Model 1842 percussion MusketClark Percussion Single Shot PistolKentucky-style Full Stock Percussion RifleA.W. Spies Half Stock Percussion RifleFrench Brass-barreled Conversion PistolW. Ketland Flintlock Trade GunThree Edged WeaponsThree Early PistolsBrass Hilted Short SwordEight Powder and Priming HornsUS Model 1842 Springfield MusketJ. Harding Half-stock Kentucky-style RifleHalf-stock Kentucky-style Percussion RifleAlvan Pratt Concord, Mass. Half-stock RifleFour Early 19th Century Socket BayonetsMiddle-Eastern Jezail Miquelet-Lock MusketJoseph Kent Letter To Smith Thompson USMC 1820Early Iron Banded Wood Canteen With HandleSelf Priming Prototype Rifle W-Loading MagazinesGrouping Of English Firearms Patents For The QueenLt. George E. Curtis's 4th Rhode Island SwordRoby US Model 1860 Light Cavalry SaberUS Model 1863 Norris & Clement Contract MusketRemington Model 1863 Zouave Rifle and BayonetColt Model 1860 Army RevolverColt Model 1860 Army RevolverThomas Griswold & Co. Confederate Officer's SwordBritish Pattern 1853 Cavalry Trooper's SwordColt 1860 Army Revolver, Stock, Holster, & MoldWalch Firearms Co. 10-Shot RevolverVolcanic Repeating Arms Lever-action Navy PistolRemington Rider Pocket Percussion RevolverStarr Model 1858 Double-action Army RevolverRemington-Beals Army RevolverBelgian Engraved Lefaucheux Pinfire RevolverHassam Boston Civil War-era Bowie KnifeWm. Lewis Patent For Attaching Scabbards to BeltsDamaged Sword of Capt. Thomas O'Hare, 16th MassPresentation Sword of Capt. Horace C. LittlePresentation Sword of Capt. Minott Pruyn 1st NYMREarly Roby Model 1860 Light Cavalry SaberAmes Medical Officer's Sword of Charles R. HartNon Regulation 1860 Cavalry Officer's "USC" SwordNon Regulation 1860 Cavalry Officer's "USC" SwordShepardson Half-stock Target/Sharpshooter Rifle13th New Hampshire US Model 1855 KnapsackPair of Civil War-era Officer's Saddle HolstersM-1851-style Massachusetts Militia Belt and PlateCivil War-era Belt, Buckle, and Cap BoxCased Civil War-era Captain's EpauletsCivil War-era E. Gaylord Carbine SlingCivil War-era and Later CartridgesCivil War-era Bass Drum with Commemorative MarkingCivil War-era Kersey VestSix-pound Shell From Ft. Johnson with SabotTexas-Marked KnifeGwyn & Campbell Saddle Ring CarbineUS Model 1863 Springfield Rifled MusketUS Model 1861 Robinson Contract Rifle MusketBritish Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle MusketUS Navy Model 1852 Officer's Sword and ScabbardUSN Model 1852 Officer's Sword and ScabbardTwo Civil War-era Saber BayonetsGroup of Civil War-era Belt PlatesCivil War-era British Snake BuckleThree Civil War-era SwordsCivil War Infantry Lieutenant's Frock CoatCivil War Uniform of Lt. George E. AndrewsCivil War Model 1864 Cartridge Box and StrapCivil War Universal Carbine Cartridge Box & AmmoGroup of Five Civil War-era Socket BayonetsCivil War-era Hotchkiss ShellCivil War-era Inert ShellEight Solid Shot and One ShellCivil War Era Smith Cavalry CarbineCivil War Era Griswold Navy Type RevolverLarge Civil War Era Hand Made Belt KnifeGerman-made Buffalo Hide ScaleItalian Ivo Fabbri Walnut Gun CaseG.A.R. Foote Post 17 Connecticut Veterans MemorialGroup of Civil War and Post War ButtonsVirginia Militia TunicGroup of Japanned Tin USN Epaulet CasesRichmond Light Infantry Blues UniformRichmond Light Infantry Blues Officers UniformVirginia Double Breasted Frock CoatGroup of Richmond Light Infantry Blues InsigniaHopkins & Allen Dictator Percussion RevolverU.S. Model 1860 Small Size Cavalry Officer's SwordCharles "Commodore Foote"  Nestel's CaneSpringfield/Bannerman Cadet Training Inert MusketIndian Wars Officer's Belt and PlatePhiladelphia Exhibition 36-star Centennial FlagGroup of Civil War-era and Post War ItemsLarge Group of Fourragere's and Hat CordsGroup of EpauletsDecorative Log Souvenir of ChickamaugaGerman Model 1871 Training/Parade BayonetWorld Columbian Exposition Guard Short SwordMerrimack Arms Southerner PistolWinchester Model 1873 Lever-action RifleUS Model 1884 Trapdoor Springfield RifleUS Model 1884 Trapdoor Springfield RifleUS Model 1873 Trapdoor Springfield RifleUS Model 1884 Trapdoor Springfield RifleUS Model 1866 Allin Conversion Trapdoor RifleMartini-Henry Mk. II Lever Action RifleGroup of Military ItemsGroup of Indian Wars Belt Plates and InsigniaGroup of 19th Century Military ItemsRemington Rolling Block Sporting RifleTwo US Model 1872 Cavalry Officer's SwordsGroup of Antique AmmunitionFour Trapdoor Springfield Socket BayonetsFive Socket BayonetsSky Blue Overcoat with Connecticut ButtonsPost-war Sky Blue Kersey OvercoatUS Model 1873 Trapdoor Springfield RifleState Seal From a Virginia FlagColt Model 1892 Double-action .38 Parts Kit.Henry-Martini MKIII Lever Action RifleSporterized Remington Rolling Block Rifle19thC Photograph Of General Frederick D. GrantPost Civil War New Hampshire Volunteers PhotographGrouping Of Post Civil War Military ItemsLarge Photograph Of Civil War GAR Veterans FramedJeb Stewart Confederate Style Slouch HatCased US Navy Captain's Epaulets, Hat, and BeltIdentified US Navy Model 1895 Service TunicIdentified US Navy Model 1895 Service TunicUS Navy Model 1895 Ensign's Service TunicUS Navy Model 1895 Lieutenants Service TunicUSNRF Model 1895 Ensigns Service TunicUS Navy Model 1895 Lieutenants Service TunicTwo Pairs of US Navy Officer's Dress EpauletsTwo Pairs of US Navy Officer's Dress EpauletsRichmond Light Infantry Blues ShakoVirginia Double Breasted Frock Coat and TrousersTwo 1902 Virginia Officer's Visor CapsUSMC Lieutenant's Evening Dress CoatUSN Model 1852 Sword Identified to Newman K. PerrySword & Uniform of Navy Cross Recipient George DayGrouping of Dress Uniforms of Lt. D.R. BattlesGroup of Virginia-related InsigniaC.S. Bowers Spanish American War GroupingSpanish-American War Collins #326 Sword MacheteUS Revenue Cutter's Sword of Robert R. TafelMexican Border Service MemorabiliaUS Model 1902 General's Full Dress Visor CapTwo US Model 1902 Army Officer's SwordsWinchester Repeating Arms Company CannonTrunk, Photos, and Uniforms of Capt. Robert TaylorUS Navy Lt. W.E. Gladding's Cased EpauletsC-1898 Yard Long Photo Of Gen. Sanger 3rd Div.WWI Enlisted Overcoat and InsigniaTwo U.S. Navy Flat CapsTwo Campaign HatsGroup of USN and USMC Sword CasesWWI USN Uniform of Submariner Lt. Sifrein F. MauryUSN Dress Uniform of Admiral Walter F. WorthingtonWWI USN Naval Aviators Uniform of Millard MorganWWI USN Naval Aviators Uniform of J.H. RoseUSMC Officers Dress Uniform of Capt. Wyle J. MooreUniform of Silver Star Recipient Franklin GarrettTwo WWI-era USN Officer's Visor CapsTwo WWI-era USN Officer's Visor CapsTwo USN Visor CapsWWI-era USMC Bell Crown Visor CapWWI-era USMC Bell Crown Visor CapGroup of USMC Band UniformsUS Model 1905 Bayonet and ScabbardUS Model 1905 Bayonet and ScabbardWWI 101st Infantry, 26th Yankee Division HelmetWWI 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Div. Helmet LampWWI Model 1916 German Camouflage HelmetWWI German Baden Model 1915 PickelhaubeWWI German Bavarian Infantry FeldmutzeWWI French Model 1833 Naval Dirk and ScabbardWWI British Lewis Gun Anti-Aircraft SightWWI German 08/15 Drum Magazine and Ammo CanGroup of WWI German ItemsGroup of WWI Yankee Division ItemsGroup of Yankee Division AEF Reunion MemorabiliaGroup of WWI Medals and EphemeraGroup of Trench Art and Inert ShellsWWI German Aviator Paul Bruckner GroupingWWI German Artillery/Pioneer Visor CapPair of US WWI Pershing BootsUS WWI-era Model 1916 Saber Fencing GearWWI 92nd Division Buffalo Soldiers Yard Long PhotoCapt. Francis Leahy 101st Infantry Regiment ImagesPainted Trunk of WWI US Aviator Lee PhillipsWWI French Chauchat Parts Kit W-Magazine1930s-40s FBI Police Grouping Of ItemsAntique Police Signal Telephone Call BoxMounted WWI Era Wood Propeller With PhotoUS Model 1941 Johnson Rifle HandbookFour WWII USMC Model 1941 PacksWWII USMC Officers Dress UniformWWII USMC Dress Uniform of 2nd Lt. W. MoranTwo WWII US Coast Guard UniformsWWII Woman's Army Corps M-1943 UniformUS Navy Uniforms of Phillip K. ShermanUSN Dress Uniform of Rear Admiral Harold M. BriggsUSMC Dress Uniform of Lt. Col. J.W. KnightonUSMC Dress Uniform of Maj. S.L. "Roxy"  RothafelUSN Uniform of Rear Admiral Edgar H. ReederThree WWII-era USMC Summer Officer's TunicsFour WWII-era USMC Green Visor CapsWWII USMC P-41 HBT Jackets and TrousersWWII USMC P-41 HBT Jacket and TrousersGroup of Five WWII-era USN Visor CapsTwo US Navy Uniform JacketsWWII German Army Dagger and KnotWWII German Drager U-Boat Escape VestWWII Class A Uniform of Sgt. William Hundley1942 Norman Rockwell WWII PosterThree WWII German Dagger KnotsLarge Group of Medals, Pins, and Ribbon BarsGroup of WWI and WWII GearWWII German SS Enlisted Visor CapWWII German Flossenburg Prison Camp ArtWWII German M38 Paratrooper HelmetWWII German Gas Mask and CanisterWWII 5th Army Grouping of Sgt. Joseph OlivariWWII-era Ladies, USMC, WAC, and Waves UniformsTrunk, Uniforms, and Equipment of Thomas LohrGroup of USMC Women's Reserve UniformsTwo US Secretary of the Navy Ships FlagsTwo US Navy Admiral's FlagsWWII US Navy WAVES Grouping of Gail WunderlichWWII WAC Grouping of Grace LouisGroup of WWII Woman's Military ItemsFour WWII-era Virginia TunicsGrouping Of WWII Era War Bond PostersWWII Front Seam Fixed Bale M1 HelmetGroup of Empty U.S. Military Medal CasesUSMC OPFOR Cold War Aggressor Helmet LinerAfrican-American USMC Sgt. Robert W. Mapp GroupingThree US Navy/USMC Summer TunicsVirginia Double Breasted Militia Officers CoatUSN Uniform of Rear Admiral William Wirt KimballUSMC Dress Uniform of Gen. Robert Livingston DenigGroup of Five USMC Tan Visor CapsGroup of Four USN Visor CapsTwo US Coast Guard Uniform JacketsVietnam USMC Advisor's Beret of Lonnie W. PattenKorean War Ike Jacket and TrousersSummer Uniform of General James L. DozierKorean War 8th Army Brigadier General's UniformInlaid and Engraved Pipe Tomahawk by W. BuchelePost-WWII German Luftwaffe 2nd Model DaggerTwo Fighting KnivesBert Ducey US Navy Gunboat Centipede PaintingReproduction Plug BayonetTrunk and Uniforms of General George EastesGroup of USMC Overseas CapsThree Edged WeaponsLeo W. Nadeau Signed Print, Flight Suit, & MedalsU.S. Military AN-19/2 Mine Detector UnitU.S. Military Early Vietnam War Era Mine DetectorGround Surveillance Radar SystemE.O.D. Military Mine Counter Mine Training KitContemporary A-2 Type Flight Bomber Jacket

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