Over 300 Lots! Tewksbury Estate & Business Liquidation! Tools, Cars & Car Parts, Engines, Diecast!
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All payments are done directly through the auction site AuctionNinja and any sales tax certificates are given directly to them and not The Estate Kings.
You are responsible for moving and lifting all items out of the home. Park on street (not in driveway) and please be respectful of the neighbors. Everything is sold as-is and without warranty. Auction House employees will not help with moving items or packaging them. You must come prepared! Bring your printed out invoice with you on Pick-up day. That is 3/29 from 10AM - 12:30. That is the only day for pickup.

If you are looking for Cars (Mustang & Vintage Bronco), Tools, Automotive Parts, Ladders, Engines, Diecast Cars, and a ton of great random items, then you have found the perfect auction for you! This estate is LOADED. Everything starts at only $10! So get your bids in and get some great deals on an entire lifetime of items! Pickup is on Saturday 3/29 in Tewksbury from 10 - 12:30. So plan accordingly!
This is an auction on another platform. Please visit Auction Ninja or click on a photo and go directly to the site in order to bid.

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