March Estate Catalogue Auction: Day Two

online only auction1 day sale starts tomorrow
  • Location Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Sale Starts

Mar 14

Sale Ends

Mar 14


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Including Property From A Longtime Washington, DC, Collector Rare, Historic American Newspapers and Other Ephemera from the Collection of a Retired Journalist Antiques & Fine Art from Various Other Estates and Consignors Antiques, furniture, paintings and sculpture, silver, decorative arts, rugs, jewelry, Asian ceramics and works of art, and clocks
"OF THE LATE DUEL" HEADLINE COVERAGE OF THE ALEXANDER HAMILTON-AARON BURR FATAL DUEL, Columbian[CIVIL WAR], GETTYSBURG], "GETTYSBURG: A GREAT VICTORY WON" FRAMED NEWSPAPER, The New York Herald."VICKSBURG IS OURS": RARE CIVIL WAR ERA NEWSPAPER, Port Hudson Freemen, July 15, 1863. Vol 1, No. 1[CIVIL WAR]: "CAPTURE OF THE REBEL GENERAL EARLY" NEWSPAPER, The New York Herald. March 6, 1865. -"INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN" AND "THE INAUGURAL ADDRESS CONCILIATORY BUT FIRM" FRAMED[ABRAHAM LINCOLN SECOND INAUGURATION] NEWSPAPER COVERAGE, New York Herald, March 6, 1865. - Framed,[ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSASSINATION] FRONT PAGE COVERAGE FROM TWO NEWSPAPERS, Frank Leslie's Illustrated[LINCOLN ASSASSINATION] "ASSASSINATION OF THE PRESIDENT; ATTEMPTED MURDER OF SECRETARY SEWARD AND[1906 SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE]: TWO FRAMED NEWSPAPERS, THE CALL-CHRONICLE-EXAMINER, APRIL 19, 1906,"ROOSEVELT, RAIN-SOAKED AND EXPOSED TO STORM GETS SPLENDID OVATION AT CAPITOL'S DEDICATION" FRAMEDSINKING OF THE TITANIC NEWSPAPER ISSUE, The Detroit Free Press. April 17, 1912. - Framed, 24 in. x"LINDBERGH DIVES INTO PARIS IN 33 1-2 HOURS" FRAMED NEWSPAPER, Boston Sunday Post, May 22, 1927. -[PEARL HARBOR ATTACK]: "JAPAN WARS ON U.S. AND BRITAIN; MAKES SUDDEN ATTACK ON HAWAII; HEAVYTWO JOHN F. KENNEDY ITEMS: THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD. NOV. 22, 1963 AND U.S. SENATE LETTER DATED JUNE"NIXON RESIGNS; HE URGES A TIME OF HEALING; FORD WILL TAKE OFFICE TODAY": NEWSPAPER ACCOMPANIED BYMILLENIUM NEWSPAPERS; BOXED SET OF SEVEN NEWSPAPERS, ALL FROM JANUARY 1, 2000. Limited edition boxed[AVIATION] AMERICAN AIRLINES DC-3 PHOTOGRAPH ACCOMPANIED BY SILVERPLATE CUTLERY. - Framed, 12 in. xORIGINAL SIGNATURES OF THREE ASTRONAUTS, NEIL ARMSTRONG, BUZZ ALDRIN AND MICHAEL COLLINS, WHO CREWEDPHOTOS OF APOLLO XIV MOON LANDING SITE AND ANOTHER OF NASA ASTRONAUT EDGAR MITCHELL (1930 - 2016)APOLLO XVII "BLUE MARBLE" VIEW OF EARTH FROM DEEP SPACE SIGNED BY COMMANDER EUGENE CERNAN, DECEMBERAPOLLO LUNAR MODULE APPROACHING ITS LUNAR LANDING LOCATION, GICLEE PRINT SIGNED BY ASTRONAUT ALAN"EARTH-RISE" AS SEEN ON THE MOON, GICLEE PRINT SIGNED BY ASTRONAUT ALAN BEAN, No. 40 of limitedPHOTOGRAPH OF THE VOYAGER AIRCRAFT OVER THE MOJAVE DESERT SIGNED BY CREW DICK RUTAN AND JEANAFRAMED FRAGMENT OF THE BREITLING BALLOON KNOWN AS "ORBITER 3", #444/1000. - Framed, 17 in. x 26 1/2FRAMED ENGRAVING OF HORACE GREELEY, FAMOUS 19TH-CENTURY PUBLISHER OF THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AND CUTCIVIL WAR "DRAFT MEETING" BROADSIDE OR RECRUITNG POSTER. - Framed in period wood frame, 17 in. x 141873 MAP OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND ENVIRONS. - Period wood frame, 14 in. x 31 in.HARPER'S WEEKLY CENTERFOLD DEPICTING 1869 INAUGUARATION OF ULYSSES S. GRANT, - Framed, 21 1/2 in. x[JAMES GARFIELD]: REPUBLICAN TICKET BALLOT FROM FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT (NEW YORK), NOVEMBER1883 BROOKLYN BRIDGE OPENING DAY SOUVENIR ISSUED BY NEW YORK DEPARTMENT STORE LORD & TAYLOR. -ENGRAVED GOLD STAMP HOLDER PRESENTED TO CLOTHIER LEVI STRAUSS BY WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST, . - StanpBENJAMIN HARRISON AND LEVI P. MORTON 1888 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN SCARF OR HANDKERCHIEF. - Framed, 2245-STAR AMERICAN FLAG, circa 1906. - Framed, 16 in. x 14 in.1916 WOODROW WILSON PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN POSTER. - Framed, 20 in. x 16 in.1993 KENTUCKY DERBY SILK SCARF. - Framed, 35 in. x 35 in.2007 KENTUCKY DERBY SILK SCARF, - Framed, 35 in. x 35 in."WASHINGTON'S OWN HOUDINI" CARICATURE BY CARTOONIST ZINERBERG DEPICTING HUBERT HUMPHREY, Undated. -THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, March 11, 1969. - Framed, 17 in. x 21 in."FRONT PAGES" BY NANCY CHUNN, 1997, Published by Rizzoli, New York. - 8 1/2 in. x 14 in.NANCY CHUNN (b. 1941). Untitled mixed media work, De-acidified artistically rendered edition ofNANCY CHUNN (b. 1941). Untitled mixed media work, De-acidified artistically rendered edition ofNANCY CHUNN (b. 1941). Untitled mixed media work, De-acidified artistically rendered edition ofWILLIAM FULTON BROWN (English, 1873 - 1905). The Pheasant Shoot, Oil on canvas. Signed. Framed.COLIN GRAEME ROE (English, 1858-1910). A Pony on a Grouse Moor with a Game Basket, Oil on canvas.JAMES HARDY II (English, 1832-1889). The Day's Bag, Watercolor on paper. Signed. Framed.  .ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCIS CALCRAFT TURNER (English, 1782-1946). Two Works; A Pair of Shooting Scenes,ALBERT DE BALLEROY (French, 1828-1872). Hunting Dogs, Oil on canvas. Signed. Framed.  .JOHN FERY (Austrian / American, 1859-1934). After the Hunt, circa 1890, Oil on canvas. Signed lowerBENJAMIN BLAKE (English, 1757-1830). Two works: Larder Still Lifes with Dogs, A pair of paintings.CIRCLE OF ABRAHAM COOPER, R.A. (English, 1787-1868). Gentleman Shooting Partridge, with Pointers inALFRED WHEELER (English, 1852-1932). On the Scent, Oil on canvas. Signed and inscribed "Bath."ALFRED WHEELER (English, 1851-1932). A Steeplechasing Scene, Oil on canvas. Signed and dated "86"ATTRIBUTED TO JAMES SEYMOUR (English, 1702-1752). A Groom feeding two Horses in a Stable, A secondHEYWOOD HARDY (English, 1842-1933). Off to the Hunt, Oil on canvas. Signed lower left hand corner.SAMUEL HENRY GORDON ALKEN (English, 1810 - 1894). A pair: Covert and The End of Run, Two works AtSAMUEL HENRY GORDON ALKEN (British, 1810 - 1894)SAMUEL HENRY ALKEN (English, 19th century). Four Works: Hunding Scenes, Oil on canvas. Framed.SAMUEL HENRY GORDON ALKEN (British, 1810-1894). Four Works: Four Hunting Scenes. Oil on board. EachHENRY THOMAS ALKEN SR (British, 1785-1851). Two work: "Full Cry" and "The Death", Two works. Oil onJOHN FRANCIS SARTORIUS (English, 1734-1804). Hunstman and his Horse and Groom, 1784, Oil on canvas.JOHN NOST SARTORIUS (English, 1755 - 1828). Coursing, 1812, Oil on canvas. Signed and dated. Framed.DEAN WOLSTENHOLME THE YOUNGER (British, 1798-1883). Two works: "A Coach" and "Four Crossing a Ford",JOHN NOST SARTORIUS (English, 1755 - 1828). Five works: Five Hunting Scenes, Five works. Oil onWILLIAM JOSEPH SHAYER (English, 1811- 1892). Two Works: "The Right Sort" and "The Early Delivery"ATTRIBUTED TO SAMUEL ALKEN JR (British, 1784-1825). Duck Hunting, Drawing with colors on paper.THOMAS SMYTHE (English, 1825 - 1906). Four Works: Hunting Scenes, Oil on canvas. Framed.RAOUL H MILLAIS (English, 1901-1999). Before Setting off to the Meet, Oil on canvas. Signed. Framed.GEORGE SMITH ARMFIELD (English, 1808-1893). Spaniels Flushing a Pheasant, Oil on canvas. signed andJOHN NOST SARTORIUS (English, 1759-1828). The Kill, Oil on canvas laid down to board. Framed.   .EDMUND BENJAMIN HERBERTE (British, 1857 - d. 1893). Four Works: The Meet; On the Scent; Full Cry;SAMUEL HENRY GORDON ALKEN (British, 1810-1894). Four Works: Foxhunting Scenes, Oil on canvas. OneHEYWOOD HARDY (English, 1842-1933). A Glass Before the Start, Oil on canvas. Signed. Framed.  .LIONEL DALHOUSIE ROBERTSON EDWARDS (British, 1878 - 1966). Off to the Meet, Oil on canvas. SignedFRANCIS CALCRAFT TURNER (English, 1795-1847). A Shooting Party, Oil on canvas. Framed.  .HARRY HENRY HALL (English, 1814-1882). Mr. Martinson's Nancy With Job Marson, Jr. Up And The TrainerJOHN DALBY (English, 1810-1865). Over the Ditch, Oil on board. Signed "Dalby" lower right handJOHN DALBY (English, 1810-1865). Over the Ditch, Oil on board. Signed. Framed.DAVID DALBY (English, 1794-1836). Hunting Scene, Oil on canvas. Verso old gallery label withENGLISH SCHOOL (mid 19th century). Two works: Hunting Scenes, Pair of pencil and watercolorBRITISH SCHOOL (19th century). A Pair "Snipe Shooting" and "Duck Hunting", Framed engravings withBENJAMIN MARSHALL (English, 1767-1865). A Gentleman with a Bay Hunter and Terrier in a Landscape,JOHN EMMS (English, 1841-1912). Gone to Earth, Oil on canvas. Signed. Framed.ITALIAN SCHOOL (19th century or earlier). Bearded Man wearing a Green Shirt, Oil on board. Unsigned.ITALIAN SCHOOL (18th/19th century). Portrait Of Young Man With A Pipe, Alternative title: "PortraitCONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19th century). Portrait of a Man, 1860, Oil on canvas. Signed and dated "E.F.A.CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19th century). Floral Still Life, Oil on canvas. Framed.FOLLOWER OF GIOVANNI BAGLIONE (Italian, 17th century). Erato, Muse of Lyrics, 17th century oil onFOLLOWER OF PIETER ANDREAS RIJSBRACK (Flemish, 17th century). After the Hunt, Late 18th / early 19thATTRIBUTED TO JOHANN PHILIP LEMKE (German / Swedish, 1631-1711). Battle Between Cavalries, Oil onENGLISH SCHOOL (Circa 1760). Gentlemen Drinking and Smoking Pipes 'Round a Table, a servant bearingAFTER TITIAN (Italian, 16th century). Diana and Callisto, Early 19th century copy of "Diana andGASPAR PIETER VERBRUGGEN II (Flemish, 1664 - 1730). Roses, Peonies, Lilies and Other Flowers in anSPANISH SCHOOL (17th century). Two Works: Tulips, Irises, Roses and Other Flowers in a Gilt Urn on aRICARDO SILVEIRA MIRO (Cuban, born 1960). Retrato de Familia (Family Portrait), 2003, Collograph onITALIAN SCHOOL (Early 20th century). The Virgin Mary Immaculate, (for restoration). Oil on canvas.AFTER CARLO MARATTA (Italian, 17th century). The Head of Christ from the Baptism of Christ, Oil onSPANISH SCHOOL (18th / 19th century). A Winged Cherub, Oil on canvas laid down to a board. ArtworkITALIAN SCHOOL (Late 18th century). Saint Joseph with Christ Child, Oil on canvas. Unsigned. Framed.EGISTO MANZUOLI (Italian, 19th century). Madonna del Cardellino (after the Italian RenaissancePERUVIAN SCHOOL (Early 19th century). A Sleeping Angel, Oil on canvas. Framed.HENRI EMILIEN ROUSSEAU (French, 1875-1933). Two Horsemen, Oil on panel. Signed lower left handITALIAN SCHOOL (19th century). Portrait of an Oriental Lady, Oil on canvas. Signed possibly asF SANTOS (Spanish, 19th Century). The Harem Dancer, 1888, Signed and dated 'F. Santos 1888' (lowerSPANISH SCHOOL (19th Century). At the Market, Oil on canvas. Signed "A. Borrio". Framed.GABRIEL ROUSSEAU (French, 19/20th century). Ben Salah Mosque, Marrakech, Signed Gabriel - RousseauGIOVANNI BATTISTA FILOSA (Italian / French, 1850 - 1935). Dans la Serre (Indolence), Signed Giov.FABIO FABBI (Italian, 1861 - 1946). Oriental Dancer, Oil on canvas laid on board (framed underHASSAN EL GLAOUI (Moroccan / French, 1923 - 2018). Horsemen, Signed Hassan el Glaoui lower right.HASSAN EL GLAOUI (Moroccan / French, 1923 - 2018). Fantasia Horsemen, Signed Hassan el Glaoui lowerADOLF SCHREYER (French / German, 1828 - 1899). The Standard Bearer, signed Ad Schreyer (lowerHENRI EMILIEN ROUSSEAU (French, 1875 - 1933). Arab Horsemen. Signed Henri Rousseau and dated 15ADOLF SCHREYER (French / German, 1828-1899). The Chase, Oil on canvas. Signed Ad. Schreyer lowerADOLF SCHREYER (German / French, 1828-1899). The Lion Hunt, 1865, Oil on canvas. Signed lower left:FELIX NUNEZ MOLINERO (Spanish, born 1941). View of the Alhambra, Granada, Oil on canvas. SignedENGLISH SCHOOL (early 20th century). Two Works: Oriental Landscapes, circa 1933, Oil on board. EachBORIS B. MAJOR (Russian / American, 1876 - 1951). At the Souk, Oil on canvas. Signed lower leftMARCUS WATERMAN (American, 1834-1914). Algerian House, Oil on canvas. Signed lower left. Framed.FERDINAND WACHSMUTH (French, 1802 - 1869). Figures by a House in the Middle East, 1830, Signed andGEORGES WASHINGTON (French, 1827 - 1910). La Rencontre des Cavaliers, Oil on canvas. Signed G.FERDINAND MAX BREDT (German, 1860 - 1921). Leisure of the Odalisques, Signed F.M. Bredt lower left.EMMANUEL DE DIEUDONNE (Swiss, 1845 - 1889). Harem Beauty with Narguileh, Signed E. Dieudonné lowerC. RUSTON (French, 19th century). A pair: Two Oriental Beauties, Oil on panel. One signed "C Ruston"GERMAN SCHOOL (19th century). Two Works: "Cairo, Egypt" and "Market, Damascus.", Oil on canvas.FELIX NUNEZ MOLINERO (Spanish, born 1941n). Seville's Torre del Oro and Cathedral, Oil on canvas.SPANISH SCHOOL (20th century). Mother and Child at the Beach, Oil on canvas. IndecipherableSPANISH SCHOOL (20th century). Early Morning View of the Beach, Oil on canvas. IndecipherableSPANISH SCHOOL (20th century). Regata, Oil on canvas. Indecipherable signature and dated lower rightSPANISH SCHOOL (20th century). The Green Boat, 1994, Oil on canvas. Indecipherable signature andPEDRO FRAILE (Spanish, born 1957). Bueyes en el Mar (Oxen at the Beach), 1994, Oil on canvas. SignedSPANISH SCHOOL (20th century). Girl Wearing a Yellow Shirt, 1994, Oil on canvas. IndecipherableROSEMARIE HAHN (German-American, 1931-2007). Bora Bora, 2003, Unframed.ROSEMARIE HAHN (German-American, 1931-2007). Aurora Borealis, 1969, Oil on canvas. Signed and datedRONNI PASTORINI (American, 1915-2011). Via Parigi, Oil on canvas. Signed lower right hand corner.RONNI PASTORINI (American, 1915-2011). Palm Beach, Oil on canvas. Signed lower right hand corner.HAITIAN SCHOL (20th century). Harbor Scene, Oil on canvas. Indecipherable signature lower left handENGLISH SCHOOL (19th century). HMS Warrior, Oil on canvas. Verso titled and attributed to an artistLAURITZ HOLST (Danish, 1848 - 1934). Fishermen Returning Home, 1872, Oil on canvas. Signed and datedREYNOLDS BEAL (American, 1866-1951). U.S.S. Constellation at Newport, R.I., 1927, Limited editionTHEOPHILE CHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB STEINLEN (Swiss, 1779-1847). Le Chatelard, Signed lower right.AMERICAN SCHOOL (Late 19th century). A Sunset in Late September, Oil on board. Unsigned. Framed.AFTER JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY (AMERICAN, 1853-1921). The Lonely Fisherman, Early 20th century oil onHANS ELLERTSEN (Danish, 1855-1935). The Lonely Boat, 1897, Oil on canvas. Verso titled, dated andAMERICAN SCHOOL (Early 20th century). Landscape with Cows in a Lake. Probably Hudson River ValleyAMERICAN SCHOOL (Early 20th Century). A Massachusetts Landscape, Oil on canvas. Framed.AMERICAN SCHOOL (19th century). Wooded Area With Stream, Oil on board. Indecipherable signatureCONTINENTAL SCHOOL (20th century). Two Works: Roman Statue and Resting in the Park, Two works. OneLEON ESPERANCE BROQUET (French, 1869-1935). Late Afternoon View with a Boat, Signed lower left. OilENGLISH SCHOOL (19th century). The Inn at the Lake, Oil on board. Unsigned. Framed.FRENCH SCHOOL (late 19th century). Early Winter Landscape, Oil on board. Unsigned. Unframed.CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (20th Century). View of the Lake with Poppy Seed Flowers, Watercolor on paper.AMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Two works: California Coastal Scenes, Oil on board. Unsigned. EachACHILLES HENNION (Belgian, 1882-1973). Winter Sunset, 1929, Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lowerFRENCH SCHOOL (Late 19th century). Sunset Rural Scene, Oil on board. Unsigned. Framed.REINALDO MANZKE (Brazilian, 1906-1980). River Scene, Watercolor with intense color schemes. SignedAMERICAN SCHOOL (19th century). Two Works: River Views, Oil on board. Unsigned. Individually framed.ITALIAN SCHOOL (late 19th century). A view to the Lake. Oil on canvas. Unsigned. Framed.CHARLES WILSON KNAPP (American, 1823-1900). Landscape with Bridge, Oil on canvas. Signed "C Knapp"ENGLISH SCHOOL (19th century). View of the Lake and its Castle, Watercolor on paper. Initials of theAFTER JOSEPH HORLOR (British, 1809 - 1887). The Timber Wagon, 19th century oil on canvas artwork.ENGLISH SCHOOL (19th century). Landscape with Children Playing. Oil on canvas. Unsigned. Framed.GARCIA NEGRETE (American, 20th century). The Old Italian Fort, Oil on canvas. Signed "G Negrete"AMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Small Opening in the Forest, Watercolor on paper. Unsigned. Framed.MOSES WEBSTER (English, 1792 - 1870). An Artist Sketching Plein Air while at the Scottish Highlands,JOHN THOMAS RICHARDSON (British, 1860-1942). View of Lake Lucern, Oil on canvas. Framed.JOHN ATKINSON GRIMSHAW (English, 1836-1893). Landscape with a Winding River, 1868, Oil on board.RAOUL DUFY (French, 1877-1953). Nice, Promenade des Anglais, Watercolor on paper. Pencil signed.FELIX NUNEZ MOLINERO (Spanish, born 1941). Rock Creek Park, 1977, Oil on board. Signed and datedFELIX NUNEZ MOLINERO (Spanish, born 1941). Nieva en Terenes (Asturia, Spain), Oil on canvas. SignedFELIX NUNEZ MOLINERO (Spanish, born 1941). River Bank, Oil on canvas. Signed lower right handITALIAN SCHOOL (18th / 19th century). The Old Castle Ruins, Oil on board. Unsigned. Unframed.GERI DIBIASE (American, 20th century). Aqua Grill, Limited edition print; artist's proof. Ink signedFRANCIS FOCER BROWN (American, 1891 - 1971). Indiana Landscape, Oil impasto on board. Signed lowerAMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Arizona Landscape, Oil on canvas. Signed "Campbell" lower left handCONTINENTAL SCHOOL (20TH century). Colorful Urban View, Oil on canvas. Unsigned. Framed.AMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). 3 Apples and a Pear, Oil on board. Unsigned.BRYAN KING (American, 20th century). A Piece of the Pie, 1979, Pencil on paper. Signed and dated atMARKO (MARK) WALKER VUKOVIC (American / Yugoslavian 1892 - 1973). Eight Pears, Oil on canvas. SignedENGLISH SCHOOL (Late 19th century). Still Life with a Wicker Basket, Oil on paper laid down toRAUL RODRIGUEZ CAMACHO (Mexican, 20th century). El Pastor (The Shepherd), 1983, Oil on canvas.CYNTHIA BURKE (American, 20th century). His Majesty, the Boston Terrier, Oil on board. Hand-paintedAFTER EDWIN LANDSEER (English, 19th century). King Charles Spaniel (The Cavalier's Pets), Oil onAFTER EDWIN LANDSEER (English, 19th century). Portrait of a Newfoundland Dog Resting on a StoneCIRCLE OF SAMUEL RAVEN (SAMUEL RAVEN English, 1775-1847 English, 1775-1847). A Huntsman with TwoHENRIETTE RONNER-KNIP (Dutch / Belgian, 1821 - 1909). Cats with Four Kittens Playing with a CopperLESVER DE QUIROS (Cuban, 1928-1997). A Rooster, 1972, Oil on canvas. Signed lower left hand corner.AMERICAN SCHOOL (19th / 20-th century). The Stag, Pencil and ink on paper. Unsigned. Framed. NotORVILLE RICE (American, 1919 - 1986). Lunchtime, 1970, Watercolor on paper. Signed and dated lowerCLAUDE GUILLEMINET (French, 1821 - 1885). Interior Scene of a Farmyard with a Peacock, Oil onENGLISH SCHOOL (19th / 20th century). Farm Scene, Family and Cow by Cottage, OIl on canvas laid downAFTER WILLIAM SAMUEL HOWITT AND THOMAS WILLIAMSON (British, early 19th century). Six Framed PlatesJOSE SALAZAR RUIZ ESPARZA. (Mexican, 1926 - 2006). Baby in a Cradle, Oil on canvas. Signed. "B LewinJOSE SALAZAR RUIZ ESPARZA (Mexican, 1926 - 2006). Abstract Face, 1976, Oil on canvas. Signed andROSEMARIE HAHN (German-American, 1931-2007). Abstract in Brown Palette, 1975, Oil on canvas. SignedAMERICAN SCHOOL (21st century). Abstract with Smokey Leaves, 2007, Mixed media on canvas. SignedROSEMARIE HAHN (German-American, 1931-2007). Abstract, 1994, Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lowerAMERICAN SCHOOL. (21st century). Smoke, 2014, Mixed media on a wooden board. Signed and dated lowerCONTEMPORARY SCHOOL , Abstract Flowers, 2004. - 58 x 23 inches; frame: 59 x 24 inches.PAUL AIZPIRI (French, 1919-2016). Bouquet de fleurs a l'oiseau, Limited edition lithograph in colorsGUSTAVO FOPPIANI (Italian, 1925-1986). Angelo Cattivo che Prova il Brevetto, 1962, Oil on board.AMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Composition with Blue and White Balls, Mixed media on paper.AMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Women, Mixed media on paper. Illegibly signed lower right handHAP GRIESHABER (German, 1909 - 1981). Wacholderengel (Juniper Angel), circa 1971, Woodcut wth colorsJOHN COPPOLA (American, 20th century). The Whole Catastrophe, Mixed media on paper. Verso attributedJOHN LARABEE (American, 1954–1989). Untitled, Gouache on paper. Verso gallery label providesAMERICAN SCHOOL (Mid-20th century). Green and Red Abstract, Mixed media on canvas. Unsigned.SAM RICHARDSON (American, 1934-2013). Abstract with Yellow Cube, Oil on canvas. Signed "Richardson"IMITATOR OF PABLO PICASSO (20th century). Picasso's Summer, 1980, Oil or acrylic on canvas. SignedLEONARD BASKIN (American, 1922-2000). Two Works: "The Hanged Man" and "Mantegna at Eremitani", TwoLEON BERKOWITZ (American, 1911 - 1987). Algonquit, 1985, Oil on canvas. Verso titled, signed andGENE B. DAVIS (American, 1920-1985; act. Washington, DC). Boxing Gear Schematic with Boxing TrunksVICTOR VASARELY (Hungarian / French, 1906-1997). Vega, circa 1972, Limited edition hand signedVICTOR VASARELY (Hungarian / French, 1906-1997). Hexa-Oltar, 1976, Individually cut-and-pasted colorREMBRANDT VAN RIJN (Dutch, 1606-1669). Christ Seated Disputing with the Doctors, circa 1654, EtchingREMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN RIJN (Dutch, 1606-1669). St Peter and St. John Healing a Cripple at the GateAFTER GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI (Italian, 1720-1778). Veduta del ponte, e del mausoleo, fabbricatiHOI LEBADANG (Vietnamese / French, 1921-2015). Horses, Limited edition lithograph with colors onCLEMENT PUJOL DE GUASTAVINO (Spanish / French, 1850 - 1905). Audience Before the Emir, Signed C.GILBERT SCOTT WRIGHT (English, 1880-1958). The Old Swan Inn, Oil on canvas. Signed 'Gilbert SWILLIAM WATSON, JR. (English / Scottish, 1847 - 1921). Pair of works of Shooting Scenes, 1864, TwoVINCENZO GIACOMELLI (Italian, 1841 - 1890). Fête Galante, Signed and dated Giacomelli. / 1878 lowerAFTER FRANCESCO BEDA. (Austro-Hungarian, 1840-1900). The Presentation of the Favorite, 19th centuryRAFFAELE ZELONI. (Italian, 19th / 20th century). Music Hour with the Cardinal, Oil on canvas board.JOHN ARTHUR LOMAX (English, 1857-1923). After a Good Day, Oil on board. Signed lower left handAFTER JEAN-HONORE FRAGONARD (French, 18th century). L'Amant Couronne (The Lover Crowned), circaMARCEL BLOCH (French, 1882-1966). Catching up on the News, Oil on board. Signed lower right handAMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Bouquet of Summer Flowers, Oil on board. Framed.LAWRENCE BEALL SMITH (American, 1909 - 1995). Seaside Nomads, circa 1946, Lithograph. Pencil signedSTOW WENGENROTH (American, 1906-1978). Windy Shore (Oqunquit, Maine), circa 1964, Limited editionLUIGI LUCIONI (Italian / American, 1900-1988). Tree Tapestry, circa 1945, Etching. Pencil signed atJOHN STOCKTON DE MARTELLY (American, 1903-1979). Farmer Brown Had a New Scythe, circa 1938,AMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Abstract, Mixed media on paper. Illegibly signed lower right handCLARENCE BOLTON (American, 1893-1962). Winter Sunlight, circa 1939, Alternative title of artwork isM. A. DE SALVIN (Italian, 19th / 20th century). Portrait of a young Boy, standing, full-length, in aSANDOR NYULASSY (Slovak, 1840-1903). Portrait of a Lady, half-length, Holding Bunches of Grapes,AFTER PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR (French, 1841-1919). Claude Renoir, Turned to the Left, circa 1919,HAYNES KING, R.B.A. (English, 1831-1904). Cozying up near the Fireplace, Oil on canvas. SignedALFRED EISENSTAEDT (American, 1898-1995). Two Related Works: "Thomas Hart Benton Stands in Front ofAFTER GEORGE MORLAND (English, 1763-1804). Outside the Ale-House Door, 19th century oil on canvasENGLISH SCHOOL (19th Century). Child on A Lake Shore with Doll and Basket, Oil on a metal plate.FRENCH SCHOOL (Late 19th century). SHEPHERD AND SHEEP BY STREAM, Indecipherable signature lowerJOHN WILLIAM HAYNES (English, 1836 - 1908). Mother writing a Message to the Young Navigator, Oil onROMAN REDWARE DOUBLE HANDLED PITCHER OR FLAGON, ROMAN IMPERIAL PERIOD, circa 1st to 3rd century AD.COPTIC TEXTILE FRAGMENT WITH ZOOMORPHIC AND FLORAL MOTIFS, circa 4TH-6TH CENTURY AD. - ApproximateCOLOMBIAN QUIMBAYA POTTERY SEATED MALE SLAB FIGURE. - Heigth:. 6.5 inches.ECUADOREAN FIGURE HEAD PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY.. - Height (including base):. 4.75 inches.MEXICAN TOTONAC PRE-COLUMBIAN WIND INSTRUMENT. - Lenght: 9 inches.MEXICAN VERACRUZ SMILING PRE COLUMBIAN POTTERY HEAD, 600 - 800 AD. - height (including base): 4MEXICAN COLIMA AND CHUPICUARO PRE COLUMBIAN FIGURINES. - Height (including stand) of the ColimaMEXICAN TOTONAC CULTURE PRE COLUMBIAN FIGURINE. - Height (including base):. 7.5 inches.MEXICAN JALISCO POTTERY FIGURES PRE-COLUMBIAN PERIOD, 200 BC- 400 AD. - height (statue with base):.MEXICAN COLIMA PRE COLUMBIAN FIGURES CA. 100 B.C. - 250 A.D. - Height (figure standing on a blackMEXICAN STANDING VERACRUZ REMOJADAS PRE COLUMBIAN FIGURES, CA. 600 TO 800 CE. - height (standingMAYA HEAD OF JAGUAR, CLASSIC PERIOD, 550-900 AD. - height (including stand):. 12.75 inches.PERUVIAN NAZCA JAR WITH NARROWED NECK DEPCITING ANTHROPOMORPHIC ELEMENTS, 180 BC–500 AD. - height:PERUVIAN CHIMU BLACKWARE PRECOLUMBIAN VESSEL, 1200 - 1450 AD. - height: 7 inches.SEVEN PRE-COLUMBIAN CLAY FIGURINES. - height between 3 and 5 inches.FIVE PRE-COLUMBIAN CLAY BOWLS. - Average height between 3 and 5 inches.TWO PRE-COLUMBIAN CLAY CANTEEN SHAPED VESSELS. - height (Chancay jug): 10 inches.CONGOLESE KUBA PEOPLE TRIBAL MASKS AND HELMETS, Late 20th century. - Height (helmet): 18 inches.LARGE ETHIOPIAN COPTIC PROCESSIONAL BRASS CROSS,FRENCH BRASS FIREFIGHTER HELMET. mid 19th century.GORKAH NEPALESE ARMY KUKRI KNIFE. 3 pieces; Nepalese Kukri Gurkha Fixed Blade Knife w/ Wood Handle.MILITARY MAUSER BAYONET KNIFE W/ SCABBARD. - Length: 15.5 inches.BRITISH 1907 WW1 BAYONET WITH SCABBARD, - length: 22.25 inches.FRENCH SCHOOL (Early 19th century). A Young Military Boy, Watercolor and gouache on paper. Unsigned.ENGLISH SCHOOL (Early 19th century). Portrait of Patrick Henry, Watercolor on paper. Verso titled.ENGLISH SCHOOL (19th / 20th century). Portrait of an Officer, Watercolor on paper.  Unsigned.AFTER JOHN HAYNES-WILLIAMS (British, 19th century). The Penny Whistle, 19th century oil on boardATTRIBUTED TO THOMAS BALE (British, 1855-1925). The Village Barber, 1869, Oil on panel. Signed lowerLEOPOLD DE MOULIGNON (French, 1821-1897). The Flower Seller, Oil on canvas. Signed. Framed.CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (Late 19th century). Heather from the Hills, (For restoration) Oil on canvas.JOHN GEORGE BROWN (British / American, 1831 - 1913). The Young Farmer, Oil on canvas. Signed.CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (Early 19th century). Lady's Portrait, Oil on board (metal board). Unsigned.RICHARD SEEHAUSEN (American, 20th century). COUNTER CONVERSATION, signed and dated 1982 on reverse.MAX SLEVOGT (German, 1868-1932). Small self-portrait with cigar. 1911, Etching on paper. PencilMARGARET GRAHAM KRANKING (American, 1930-2013). Etude (Study), 1979, Ink and watercolor wash onAFTER ANDERS L. ZORN (Swedish, 1860-1920). "Guerdi, Study for Oil Painting," 1933. Signed upper leftFRENCH SCHOOL (19th century). Boy with a Red Cravat, Pastel on paper or vellum. Framed. Not examinedAMERICAN SCHOOL. (19th century). Portrait of a Young Man, Oil on board. Unsigned. Framed.HOWARD HELMICK (American, 1845 - 1907). The Teacher, Mixed media on board. Signed lower left handAFTER SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE (English, 19th century). John Philip Kemble as Hamlet, Oil on board.AMERICAN SCHOOL (19th century). Portrait of a Gentleman, Oil on canvas laid down to board. Unsigned.AMERICAN SCHOOL (Mid-to-late 19th century). Portrait of a Woman in Lace Bonnet, Oil on canvas.AFTER GILBERT STUART (American, 19th century). James Madison, Early 20th century oil on canvasCONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19th century). Portrait of a Gentleman, Oil on canvas. Unsigned. Unframed.AFTER EMILE-ANTOINE BOURDELLE (French, 1861 - 1929). La Nuit de profil (The Night in profile),PHILIPPE WOLFERS (Belgium,1852 - 1929). Head of a Hellenistic Ruler, Limited edition bronze number 3JEAN-LEON GEROME (French, 1824-1904). La danseuse à la pomme (The Dancer with an Apple), Gilt andJEAN-LEON GEROME (French, 1824-1904). La danseuse à la pomme (The Dancer with an Apple), GiltPIERRE-JULES MENE (French, 1810-1879). Retriever, mid-to-late 19th century, Patinated bronzeJULES MOIGNIEZ (French, 1835-1894). Two Fighting Song Birds on Branch, Patinated bronze. Signed atANTONIO COELLO DE PORTUGAL (Spanish / Portuquese, born 1948). Pair of Birds in Flight, LimitedJULES MOIGNIEZ (French, 1835-1894). Bird Feeding Chicks, Patinated bronze sculpture. Signed at base.PIERRE-JULES MENE (French, 1810-1879). Pointer Dogs Hunting, Patinated bronze. Signed on base: "P JALFREDO HALEGUA (Uruguayan / American, born 1930). Beachgoer, circa 1960s, Sculpture of eitherALFREDO HALEGUA (Uruguayan / American, born 1930). The Model, circa 1960s, Sculpture of eitherALFREDO HALEGUA (Uruguayan / American, born 1930). Resting Beauty, circa 1960s, Sculpture of eitherALFREDO HALEGUA (Uruguayan / American, born 1930). Abstract, circa 1960s, Sculpture of eitherJEFFREY BIGELOW (American, born 1984). Untitled, 1984, Artwork in thick molded lucite with sharpAFTER LOUIS AUGUSTE MOREAU (French, 1855 - 1919). Pair of Bronze Standing Cherubs, Patinated bronzeTHREE BRONZE GRAND TOUR CONTINENTAL SCULPTURES, - Height (approx.): 8.5 inches (tallest statueTHREE BRONZE CONTINENTAL SCULPTURES, - Height (approx): 9.75 inches (tallest statue including base).GEORGES CHARLES COUDRAY (French, 1863-1932). Bronze Warrior With Axe, Patinated bronze statue.RON LIOD SAUVAGE (French, 19th/20th century). Henri IV as a child, Patinated bronze statue after theGRAND TOUR BRONZE OF A GLADIATOR, AFTER THE ROMAN ANTIQUE, Italian, 19th century. - Height: 10.75AFTER HIPPOLYTE ALEXANDRE JULIEN MOULIN (French, 1832 - 1884). Secret d'en haut, Patinated grandPATINATED BRONZE BUST OF PERICLES, 20th century. - Height: 13.5 inches (including base).GRECO ROMAN BRONZE MALE TORSO NUDE, Early 20th century. - Height (including base): 14.5 inches.GRAND TOUR BRONZE OF APOLLO BELVEDERE, AFTER THE ANTIQUE, Early 20th century. - Height: 14.5 inches.AFTER MARIUS JEAN ANTONIN MERCIE (French, 1845-1916). Joan of Arc, Patinated bronze statue. SignedANTOINE BOFILL (Continental, 19th century). A Blacksmith in Sheepskin, Patinated bronze sculptureGRAND TOUR BRONZE SCULPTURE OF DISCUS THROWER, Early 20th century. - Height (including base): 11.5GRAND TOUR BRONZE SCULPTURE, RUNNER ON BREATHE OF A PUTTI, Early 20th century. - Height: 15 inches.AFTER EMILE-LOUIS PICAULT (French, 1833- 1915). Honor y Patria, Patinated metal statue with "Honor yPATINATED BRONZE FIGURE OF A ROMAN YOUTH, THE BERLIN ADORANTE, Late 19th century. - Height: 14.5BRONZE FIGURE OF THE HERCULANEUM WRESTLER, 20th century. - Height: 10.5 inches.CARL MAX KRUSE (German, 1854 - 1942). A Marathon Runner, Patinated bronze sculpture. Presented on aBRONZE STATUE OF SPARTAN SOLDIER, POSSIBLY KING LEONIDAS, 20th century. - Height: 15.5 inches.AFTER JEREMIAS CHRISTENSEN (German, 19th century). Knabe vom Berge (Boy from the Mountain),AFTER HENRY FUGERE (French, 1872 - 1944). Triomphe du Genie, Patinated bronze sculpture. InscriptionAFTER LUIGI VALADIER (Italian, 1726-1785). Mars, Patinated sculpture.AFTER FRANCOIS GIRARDON (French, 1628-1715). Equestrian Bronze of Louis XIV of France, PatinatedAFTER OSKAR GLADENBECK (German, 1850-1921). Karl Marx, Patinated bust. Signed.GRAND TOUR ANTONIUS FARNESE BRONZE STATUE, 19th / 20th Century. - Height: 25.25 inches.STATUE DEPICTING MERCURY , 19th / 20th century. - Height: 17 inches.BUST OF GEORGE II, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, 20th century. - Height: 13 inches.THREE AMERICAN BUSTS, - Height (approx): 11.5 inches (Lincoln bust).POSTER FOR 1995 SAINT AT LARGE NYC WHITE PARTY (1995).GALLERY EXHIBITION POSTER FOR ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE'S WORK (Florence, Italy, 2009). Perfection inFRIEDA GROSSMAN (20th century). A Roman Nude, Watercolor on paper. Pencil signed "F Grossman." UpperCONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19th / 20th century). Achilles Practicing with a Bow and Arrow, Oil on canvas.JOSE VILLARRUBIA (Spanish / American, born 1961). Young God, 1991, Cibachrome print out of anROBIN RICE (American, 20th century). Keith #1, circa 1994, (LGBTQ + INTEREST) Photograph. Framed.POSTER FOR "THE SUMMER SOLSTICE" 2010 EXHIBITION (Shanghai, China). Framed. Not examined out ofPOSTER FOR "TAKE CONTROL" INITIATIVE,TOM BIANCHI (American, born 1945). Male Nudes Standing atop a Large Rock, [LGBTQ+ INTEREST]. LimitedRODNEY COOK (American, 20th century). Queen Custard, 2000, Limited edition glicee print number 5 ofSTEPHEN HANSEN (American, b. 1950). EVE WITH SERPENT IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, Signed and dated lowerAMERICAN SCHOOL (21st century). Sex with Christ, 2012, Mixed media on board. Signed "DON" lowerEDUARDO MEJORADA (Mexican, born 1969). Untitled (from Magenta Series), Oil on paper. Framed. NotARMANDO CHAPELLI (Cuban / American, 20th century). Destino de la Pureza, 1970, Oil on canvas. SignedFLORE DE PRENEUF (French, 20th century). Barrel House Liquor, 2015, Photograph. Framed. Not examinedH GUTIERREZ (American, 20th century). Untitled, 2016, Mixed media on canvas. Signed and dated lowerAMERICAN SCHOOL (20th century). Rainy Day in Atlantis, 1989, Mixed media on paper. Illegible pencilPOSTER "BREAK THE CHAINS OF DEBT" (South Africa, 2000). Framed poster.STEVEN WILLIAMS (American, 20th century). Kobe Bryant & Destinys Child, Limited edition photographALDO SCABBIA (Italian, 1910-1996). Two works: Portraits of a Young Man and Woman, 1958, Mixed mediaWAYSON R. JONES (American, born 1957). Exploded, 2015, Powdered graphite, acrylic medium, acrylicPOSTER FOR SILAS GREEN FROM NEW ORLEANS: SNAPPY MUSIC! (CIRCA 1919-30). Poster in red, yellow andAMERICAN SCHOOL (21st century). Patient, Photograph on canvas. Framed. Not examined out of frame.AMERICAN SCHOOL (21st century). Happy Faces, 2019, Impression on paper. Pencil dated and signedATTRIBUTED TO HENRI GUEDON (Martinique / France, 1944-2006). Untitled, Pencil on paper. Unsigned.AMERICAN SCHOOL (21st century). Walking on Snow, Oil on canvas. Signed "DON" lower right hand

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