Estate Sale with Antiques, Furniture, Collections

estate sale2 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Ellicott City, MD 21042 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 27th, 2025.
Mar 28
1pm to 4pm
Mar 29
9am to 11am


Cash Only. Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents.

Don't miss this fantastic estate sale which includes:
Antique furniture in beautiful condition including 4 china cupboards!!
Vintage crocks, vintage kitchen tools, framed vintage maps
Decoy ducks and carved shore bird collections
Lots of Royal Doulton figurines
Huge collection of Stamps
Jewelry, cameras, TV
Lighthouses, cats, cows,
China, glassware, teacups, vintage plates, dolls, Boyds,
LOTS of books
Pool table,
Holiday decor
Collections, framed art, candlesticks,
Household and kitchen items, Pyrex, lamps,
and much more!!!
Friday 3/28 1-4p and Saturday 3/29 9-11am Cash only, No early birds or inquiries please. We will be very busy getting ready for you!

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