B and D Auctions: Online Only Antiques & Collectibles Auction!

online only auction10 day sale 9 days remaining
  • Location Westminster, MD 21157

Sale Starts

Mar 28

Sale Ends

Apr 6


All Terms and Conditions located on our hibid site.


B and D Auctions

812 Count Flame Ct Westminster, MD 21157




Auction will be online only on hibid.com. Bidding will start 7PM on Friday March 28th and start closing April 6th at 10AM. 




Full lot list below. Terms & Conditions as well as more details on our HiBid page above. 


Lots to Include:


Furniture, Artwork, Jewelry, Porcelain, Antique Glassware, Advertising & More...


We sell estates, anything from single items to entire households. If you would like a free estimate give us a call at (410)871-3080. 



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lotnum lead
         1 Antique Tiffany & Co Art Bronze Vase
         2 6 Antique Tiffany Art Glass Salt Cellars
         3 Steuben Art Glass Acid Etch Green Jade Vase
         4 Rookwood Vellum Art Pottery Vase ET Hurley
         5 Rookwood Art Pottery Vase William Hentschel
         6 Antique Art Glass & Brass Flower Frog
         7 Coca-Cola Coke Porcelain Flange Advertising Sign
         8 Omega Flange Porcelain Advertising Sign
         9 Carved Wood & Painted Carousel Horse Style Figure
        10 Eagle & Ibex Bronze after Antoine-Louis Barye
        11 C.F. Martin & Co Guitar DX420 Special Edition
        12 Lalique French Art Glass Dog Figure
        13 Lalique French Art Glass Eagle Figure
        14 French Figural Mantel Clock Marble & Spelter
        15 Bronze Lion Figure after Barye
        16 Baccarat Art Glass Decanter Bottle & Stopper
        17 Herend Porcelain Fishnet Rabbit Figure
        18 Lundberg Studios Art Glass Vase Hanging Hearts
        19 Lalique French Art Glass Miniature Fish Figures
        20 Lalique Art Glass Roger Powder Box
        21 Cunard Line  Advertising Tin Sign Ocean Liner
        22 Antique French Figural Shelf Clock Porcelain Inset
        23 Prestone Anti-Freeze Porcelain Thermometer Sign
        24 PR 8 Reading Brewing Advertising Thermometer
        25 Drink Hires Porcelain Flange Sign Advertising
        26 Hair Bobbing Barber Shop Porcelain Sign
        27 Rookwood Vellum Pottery Vase Charles McLaughlin
        28 Hutschenreuther Nude Porcelain Figure
        29 Matador Engraved Ruby Glass Decanter Silver Mount
        30 1497 Institutiones Graece Grammatics Book rebound
        31 Plauti Comoediae Cumnotis Varica 1664 Book
        32 Windsor Mill Rd Porcelain & Steel Street Sign
        33 Railway Express Agency Porcelain Advertising Sign
        34 Pair Royal Haeger Etruscan Table Lamps MCM
        35 Plasto MFG. Co. MCM Driftwood Style Table Lamps
        36 Cameo Acid Etch Cutback Table Lamp & Base
        37 Antique Mahogany Inlay Knife Box
        38 Goose Decoy Sportsman Figure
        39 MCM Chrome Pierced Table Lamp
        40 Bruce Springsteen Oversize Vinyl Album Display
        41 Harmony Creamery Advertising Sign
        42 Craven “A” Cigarettes Reverse Glass Sign
        43 Alterations Reverse Glass Advertising Sign
        44 Tailor Reverse Glass Advertising Signs
        45 Leaded & Jeweled Glass Window
        46 Golden Heart Bread Door Pull Advertising Sign
        47 Blackhawk Nugget Tool Box Space Age Rocket
        48 Rookwood Scenic Vellum Art Pottery Vase
        49 Rookwood Art Pottery Vase
        50 Ship Vent Antique Nautical Boating
        51 Schmidt's Beer Philadelphia Advertising Sign
        52 Hand Painted No Wake Boats Sign
        53 Washburn Mandolin & Case Musical Instrument
        54 Native American Beaded Leather Clothing
        55 Coca-Cola Coke Advertising Radio Point Purchase
        56 Chelsea Ships Bell Clock Nautical
        57 MCM Copper Brutalist Sculpture
        58 Antique Carved Wood Sewing Work Box
        59 Wrought Iron & Carved Wood Architectural Element
        60 Willard Batteries Advertising Sign
        61 Insurance & License Sanded & Painted Wood Sign
        62 Stonewall Jackson Cigars Cardboard Litho Sign
        63 Plugs Fishing Lures Painted Wood & Iorn Sign
        64 God Bless America Light Up Sign Cardboard
        65 Pocket Watch Repair Sign Iron Surround
        66 Pontiac Wood Native American Plaque
        67 Soda-Candy Metal Advertising Sign
        68 Myers Pumps Paper Litho Calendar Advertising Sign
        69 Sunoco Plastic Letters Advertising Petroliana
        70 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock Blue Decorated
        71 "Thunder Over The Patuxent' John D. Shaw Print
        72 Antique American Child's Mahogany Dresser
        73 Art Deco Figural Lady Cold Painted Spelter
        74 Art Deco Figural Lady Cold Painted Spelter
        75 Antique Mahogany Tea Caddy Box
        76 Antique Cloisonné Covered Urn
        77 Gorham Sterling Silver & Cut Glass Tumblers
        78 Chinese Porcelain Hand Painted Plate
        79 Chinese Porcelain Hand Painted Urn
        80 Chinese Porcelain Hand Painted Vase
        81 Chinese Export Porcelain Famille Plate
        82 Asian Jade Figures & Objects d'Art
        83 Pair Green Depression Glass Uranium Car Bud Vases
        84 Sinclair Motor Oil NOS Box Petroliana
        85 Meissen Fine Porcelain Figure losses
        86 Meissen Monkey Band Porcelain Figure losses
        87 Antique Continental Porcelain Figure
        88 2 Capo di Monte Porcelain Figures losses
        89 3 Antique Porcelain Figures incl Meissen; losses
        90 MCM Blue Swung Art Glass Vase
        91 MCM Amber Swung Art Glass Vase
        92 Glass Marbles Lot Collection
        93 Oversize Cigarette Store Display Advertising
        99 Slot Machine
       101 Brass Porthole Window Mirror Nautical
       102 Wood Wall Hanging Cabinet
       103 Pewter Ice Cream Molds & Cigar Case Lot Collection
       104 Chinese Chippendale Carved Wood Tabourette
       105 2 Wood Butter Stamps Mold Lot
       106 Hamburg American Line Gaming Set Boxed
       107 2 Antique Silhouette Portraits Framed
       108 Sinking of RMS Lusitania Medallion German Navy
       109 Faro Card Game Set
       110 Antique Brass Bound & Wood Lap Writing Desk
       111 3 Silhouette Portraits Framed Lot Collection
       112 Antique Staffordshire Blue Transferware Platter et
       113 Smoke Bell; Lacquer Snuff Box & Lot Collection
       114 2 Royal Doulton China Porcelain Female Figures
       115 Johnson Bros MARLBORO Dinnerwares Lot
       116 5 Silhouette Portraits Framed Lot Collection
       117 Cut & Engraved Elegant Glass Stemware Lot
       118 Tin Lithograph Christmas Tree Stand & Skirt
       119 A May Countryside Wallace Nutting Photograph
       120 Apache High Precision Air Rifle & Ammo
       121 Blown Art Glass Rolling Pin
       122 Padlock; Clock & Keys Lot Collection
       123 Smith Company Wood Child's Wheelbarrow
       124 Bradley & Hubbard Cast Iron Colonial Door Bookends
       125 Bradley & Hubbard Cast Iron Holmes Bookends
       126 Pair Antique Cast Iron Bryant Bookends
       127 Cast Iron Rabbit Door Stop attb Hubley
       128 French Bulldog Cast Iron Dog Coin Bank
       129 Cast Iron Scottie Dog Door Stop attb Hubley
       130 Cast Iron Borzoi Wolfhound Dog Door Stop
       131 4 Antique Victorian Flue Covers Litho & Glass
       132 Spode Christmas Tree English Pottery Dinnerware
       133 4 Antique Victorian Flue Covers Litho & Glass
       134 2 Pair Glass Kerosene Oil Lamps Princess Feather
       135 Emerson Radio/CD Player
       136 Tobacco Advertising Boxes & Tins Lot Collection
       137 Marble Top Glass & Wood Display Cabinet
       138 2 Wood Advertising Crates incl Budweiser Beer
       139 Chinese Rose Medallion Porcelain Charger
       140 Eagle & Eaglets Cast Iron Mechanical Bank as is
       141 Rumph Art Pottery Tankards Tiki Style
       142 Post Cards Lot Postcards incl Hold To Light etc
       143 Folk Pottery & Redware Lot Collection
       144 Live Steam Engines Toy Lot Collection incl Empire
       145 Chef Moving Eye Wall Clock
       146 Nautical Brass & Wood Telescope & Tripod Stand
       147 Miniature Double Drawer Wood Work Box
       148 Stone Fruit Carved & Painted Lot Collection
       149 Stone Fruit Carved & Painted Lot Collection
       150 Stone Fruit Carved & Painted Lot Collection
       151 Asian Brass Bound & Wood Box
       152 Shelley Porcelain Tea Cups & Saucers; Plates Lot
       153 American Flag Suitcase Trunk Patriotic
       154 Fine Porcelain Cups & Saucers English etc
       155 2 Maryland Delft Faience Pottery Jars
       156 2 Signed Art Glass Paperweights
       157 Toy Cars Lot Collection incl Tootsietoy
       158 Wood & Inlaid Flintlock Pistol Relic Firearm
       159 Roseville Art Pottery Jardiniere Apple Blossom
       160 Black Label Beer Advertising Light Up Wall Lamp
       161 Antique Elephant Spelter Figure Doorstop
       162 2 Easel Back Cast Brass Vanity Frames Antique
       163 Pocket & Pen Knives; Lock; Scale & Lot
       164 Brass Napoleon Plaque; Cast Iron Tractor & Bookend
       165 Antique French Slate Shelf Clock
       166 4 Kerosene Oil Lamps; Dietz; Adlake etc
       167 Tin Cookie Cutters Kitchen Lot Collection
       168 German Tank Sight & Case Military 10x80
       169 Doll Clothing Lot Collection
       170 Tin Lithograph Coca-Cola Coke Trays Lot
       171 5 Japanese Art Scrolls Lot
       172 Metal Gooseneck Desk Lamp MCM Style
       173 Fly Fishing Rod & Case Sportsman Lot
       174 Inge’s Fly Fishing Rod; Case & Bag Sportsman
       175 Phillipson Fishing Rod; Holder & Case Lot
       176 Fly Fishing Rod; Holder & Case Sportsman Lot
       177 Cast Iron Trains & Cars Lot Collection
       178 Cast Iron Horse Drawn Wagons & Fire Pumper
       179 Milk Glass Banquet Lamp
       180 2 Milk Glass Hand Painted Mantle Luster & Prisms
       181 Japanese Porcelain Novelty Figures Lot
       182 Cloisonné Boxes & Vase Lot
       183 Framed Cesar & Pallas Playing Cards
       184 Asian Pottery Saki Set & Fitted Box
       185 Noah’s Ark Wood Sculpture & Figures Lot
       186 Kensington Palace Department 56 Figure & Box
       187 Department 56 Capitol Figure & Box
       188 Department 56 Riverside Row Shops Figure & Box
       189 Pea Shooters Lot incl Boxes
       190 Birth & Baptism Fraktur Taufschein Part Printed
       191 Painted Chicken Sewing Work Stand
       192 James’ Salt Water Taffy Barrel Coin Bank
       193 1907 Montgomery Royal Arch Chapter 262 Plate
       194 Celluloid & Glass Photo Negatives Rowley Mass
       195 Blue Cast Iron Nautical Porthole
       196 Photographs Lot Collection incl Ambrotype
       197 Wood Potato Mashers & Tin Container Lot
       198 Doctor Bag & Accessories Medical Lot
       199 Salt Glaze Stoneware; Redware & Kerosene Oil Lamps
       200 Bradley & Hubbard Cast Iron Inkwell Standish
       201 Ecko Cast Iron Muffin Tin & Enamelware Pitcher
       202 Cast Iron Anvil Stake Blacksmith Tool
       203 Wood Working Planes; Time Books; Adlake Lock etc
       204 Paratrooper Military Clothes & Accessories Lot
       205 Bronze Curtain Tie Backs Architectural
       206 Works of Eugene Fields vol. 1-10 Scribner Pub.
       207 1956 People, Places, Ideas & Things Book Series
       208 Antiquarian Books incl The Arabian Nights etc
       209 Moore’s Poetical Works 1853 vol. 1-8 London Books
       210 1891 Allibone Dictionary of Authors vol. 1-3 Books
       211 The Essays of Montaigne 1-2; Bell & Sons Books
       212 Hogarth’s Works 1806 vol. 1-3 ill. Boydell Books
       213 Life of Henry Longfellow 1886 v 1-2 Ticknor Books
       214 2 Antiquarian Books incl Paul & Virginia 1816
       215 Decline of the Roman Empire Long vol. 1-2 Books
       216 History of English Literature Taine 1895 1-8 Books
       217 Dombey & Son Charles Dickens 1-20 Bradbury Books
       218 Pictorial Shakespeare vol. 1-8; Routledge Books
       219 Works of Lowell 1893; Norton; vol. 1-12 Books
       220 Eugene Sue’s Works Niccolls pub. 19 vol. ill. Book
       221 Antiquarian Books Lot incl Dictionary; Poems etc
       222 History of America 1888 Winsor vol. 7-8 Books
       223 Works of Alphonse Daudet 1898; Matthews Books
       224 Antiquarian Books Lot incl Baum; Shakespeare etc
       225 2 Teak Wood Salad Bowl Sets Boxed MCM
       226 The Tempest 1926 Shakespeare Heinemann Book
       227 MCM Ceiling Hanging Light Fixture Lamp
       228 Kundo German Brass Anniversary Clock
       229 Coin Purses Fashion Handbags Lot Collection
       230 Diaries; Guest Book; Scrap Book & 1854 History
       231 Child's German Character Pottery Teawares
       232 Spelter Military Soldier Figure Philadelphia
       233 Antique Cabinet Card Photo Album
       234 2 Lucite Purses incl Gilli MCM Fashion
       235 Silverplate Cruet Stand; Hot Pitcher & Bread Fork
       236 Handbags Fashion Couture incl Tommy Hilfiger etc
       237 Antiquarian Books Lot; Charles Dana Gibson etc
       238 Japanese Porcelain Imari; Staffordshire & Lot
       239 Books Lot Collection incl Language; History etc
       240 Silverplate Hollow Ware & Flatware Lot
       241 Frank Baum Wizard Oz Books Lot Illustrator Niell
       242 Sign & Advertisement Lot; Texaco & Green Stamps
       243 Violin & Case Musical Instrument
       244 Herend Hungary Porcelain Basket Bowls & Dish
       245 Sun Purple Glass Kerosene Oil Lamps Lot
       246 Metal Seagulls on Pier Sculpture Signed Demott
       247 Victor Gutierrez Seated Woman Metal Sculpture
       248 Pewter Dog Chocolate Ice Cream Mold
       249 Roseville Art Pottery Vases & Bowl
       250 Carved Painted Wood Duck Decoy Signed Amos Carr
       251 Sewing Box; Glass Brass & Lacquer Boxes Lot
       252 Tom Ford Sunglasses & Case
       253 Cast Iron Figural Animal Coin Banks Lot
       254 Advertising Jars; Opera Glasses; Keys & Lot
       255 History of America 1777; Robertson; vol. 1-2 Books
       256 Brass Haircut Advertising Sign Cash Register Top
       257 Fine Porcelain Cups & Saucers; Shelley etc
       258 International Silverplate Tea Service & Tray
       259 Electrified Brass Table Lamp & Glass Shade
       260 Studio & Art Pottery Lot incl Vases & Planter
       261 Cast Iron Baking Molds & Griddle Lot
       262 Antiquarian Books incl The Divine Comedy ill
       264 Miniature Cuckoo Clocks incl Keebler
       265 Vinyl Record Albums Lot Collection
       266 Vinyl Record Albums Lot incl Blues
       267 2 Dietz Kerosene Oil Lanterns
       268 Chisels; Drill Bits & File Tools Lot Collection
       269 Noritake Peking Japanese Porcelain Dinnerware
       270 Antique Wood Lap Writing Desk
       271 Lionel Trains Locomotives Lot Collection
       272 2 Beer Advertising Wood Crates; American & Pabst
       273 4 FORD Hubcaps Wheel Covers Automobilia
       274 Antique Machinist Toolbox
       275 3 Resin Alabaster Busts
       276 Yelloware Yellow Ware Pottery Mixing Bowls Lot
       277 Musical Instruments Lot Collection
       278 Waterford Cut Glass Crystal Biscuit Barrel
       279 Vincent Lipps Fine Translucent China Plates
       280 Porcelain Advertising Signs Lot Collection
       281 Cairns Boonsboro Fire Helmet Firefighting
       282 $500 $1 Bills Lucite Paperweight
       283 1882 Morgan Silver Dollar Lucite Paperweight
       284 Cereal Box Motorcycle License Plates
       285 Speedy Taxi Cab Co. Cookie Jar
       286 Cow Weathervane & Directional Architectural
       287 Regulatory Metal Signs
       288 Porcelain Signs Lot Collection
       289 Advertising Sign & Thermometer Lot
       290 Regulatory Signs Lot Collection
       291 Porcelain NO SMOKING Sign
       292 Regulatory Signs Lot Collection
       293 Mule Hide Roofs Advertising Metal Sign
       294 McCormick Deering Farm Advertising Metal Sign
       295 Premium Buggies Advertising Metal Sign
       296 Porcelain Street Sign Traffic Light Crossing
       297 Advertising Thermometers; Signs & Rulers Lot
       298 2 NO TRESPASSING Metal Signs
       299 Lily Tulip Cup Corp. Cup Dispenser
       300 3 Glass Weathervane Lightning Balls
       301 Lead Crystal Prism Compote Mid-Century Modern MCM
       302 Cut Cobalt Glass & Silverplate Cruet Set
       303 Duvall Pottery Cookie Jar Mid-Century Modern MCM
       304 Halloween Decorations incl Jim Shore
       305 2 Antique German Bisque Figures
       306 Riviera Stainless Steel Flatware MCM Mid-Century
       307 Young Woman Portrait Oil Painting on Board
       308 Pair Michel & Co Bookends
       309 American Studio & Art Pottery Lot Collection
       310 Reverse Painted Silhouette Boudoir Lamp crack
       311 Art Pottery Saki Set Signed
       312 Oversize Novelty Jacks; Painted Wood & Porcelain
       313 Christmas Tree Topper & Holiday Decor Lot
       314 Miniature Mays & Cooperstown NY Baseball Bats
       315 Art Glass Lot Collection
       316 Pewter Pricket Candlesticks & Tray
       317 Asian Chinese Porcelain & Wood Figures Lot
       318 Studio Art Glass Lot Mid-Century Modern MCM
       319 Helene’s Gifts Advertising Store Sign
       320 Tin Litho & Die-Cast Toy incl Dinky Cars
       321 Kenner ROBOCOP & Hasbro COPS Toy Sets Boxed
       322 Wood Duck Decoys Sportsman Lot Collection
       323 Transformers GI Megatron & Batman Action Toys
       324 2 Wood Goose Decoys as is
       325 Carved & Painted Wood Duck Decoy
       326 Carved Wood Duck Decoy Sportsman
       327 Cast Iron Goose Head Doorstop Harry Jobes
       328 2 Carved & Painted Wood Duck Decoys
       329 Warner Classic French Horn & Case
       330 2 African Tribal Statues Ethnographic Lot
       331 Royal Doulton Pottery Berry Bowl Set
       332 2 German Bisque Head Dolls incl Simon Halbig
       333 M. Hohner Harmonica Musical Instrument Collection
       334 TMNT Action Figure Vehicle Toy Sets
       335 Victor RCA Advertising Wood Crate Side
       336 Prudential Insurance Porcelain Advertising Sign
       337 1955 Coca Cola Coke Advertising Litho Sign
       338 AUTOLITE Store Advertising Sign Automobilia
       339 Eldridge Automatic National Sewing Machine
       340 Watch Your Step Porcelain Regulatory Sign
       341 Women Porcelain Regulatory Sign
       342 Kodak Eastman View Tripod Camera No. 2-D
       343 Porcelain Silent Chief Gasoline Advertising Sign
       344 VITA VAR Paints Metal Advertising Sign
       345 1954 Winchester Advertising Litho Sign Print
       346 National Engineering Advertising Thermometer Sign
       347 Orange Crush Tin Advertising Menuboard Sign
       348 Cream Advertising Sign Paper Lithograph
       349 1958 Squirt Advertising Paper Lithograph Sign
       350 Advertising Milk Bottles & Caddy Tote
       351 Epiphone FT-570SB Acoustic Guitar
       352 Sheffield Antler Handle Carving Set
       353 Christmas Santa Decorations; Holt Howard etc
       354 Shiny Brite Glass Christmas Ornaments
       355 Mr. Christmas Music Box Lot Collection
       356 MARX Slot Cars Sports Car Racing Game
       357 Halberd Scottish Bardiche Axe
       358 Martz’s Sanitary Milk Advertising Cooler
       359 Mr. Christmas Music Box & Snow Globes Lot
       360 Wimsies American Dolls Lot
       361 Model Vehicles & Boxes Lot incl Revell & Hubley
       362 Greg Bennett Avion Mav-1 Mini Electric Guitar
       363 Pair MCM Ceramic & Metal Lamp
       364 Spelter Birdcage Lantern
       365 Lafayette in America First Edition; Franklin Books
       366 MCM Plastic Dome Lamp
       367 Wood Shorebird Figure As Is
       368 Goja Violin & Accessories Musical Instrument
       369 Mixed Metal Bookends & 1965 Troop Trophy
       370 Pair MCM Bentwood Teak Lamps
       371 Memphis Electric Guitar & Case Musical Instrument
       372 Como Electric Mandolin & Case Musical Instrument
       391 Squibb Products Glass Advertising Sign
       392 Old Hickory Cigar Tobacco Advertising Label
       393 Albaugh & Babylon Grocery Westminster Md Pail asis
       394 Sherwood Whiskey Cockeysville Md Advertising Box
       395 Putman Fadeless Dyes Store Advertising Box
       396 Advertising & Novelty Ashtrays Lot Collection
       397 1979 Ford Thunderbird Plastic Advertising Sign
       398 Suburban Club Drink Light Up Advertising Sign
       399 Sessions Wall Clock Works
       400 Oiling Lubricant Cans Petroliana Lot
       401 3 Wagner Cast Iron Dutch Ovens
       402 2 Griswold 10 Cast Iron Griddles
       403 Metal Fire Ash Bucket
       404 6 Cast Iron Griswold Skillets
       405 6 Cast Iron Griswold Skillets
       406 Cast Iron Griswold Breakfast Skillet
       407 Cast Iron Griswold Waffle Maker New American No8
       408 Cast Iron Griswold Skillets incl Square
       409 Marvel Coloring Books; Posters; Calendars etc
       410 Non-Sports Trading Cards Lot Collection
       411 Pokemon; Pogs; Marvel Comic Books & Lot
       412 Baltimore Sports Memorabilia w/ Signed Items
       413 1957 Paul Hornung Football Rookie Card RC
       414 1961-62 Fleer Graded Bill Russell Basketball Card
       415 1967 Washington Redskins Bobble Head Nodder
       416 1960's Oakland Raiders Bobble Head Nodder
       417 1950's-60's Non-Sport Trading Cards
       418 JJ Watt Texans Football Signed Jersey
       419 WWE Elite Signed Wrestling Action Figures
       420 Championship Sports Pennant Flags Lot Collection
       421 1981-1985 Topps Football Trading Cards
       422 Sports Cards Lot Collection; Football & Basketball
       423 Science Fiction Paperbooks Book Lot Collection
       424 Vintage 1970-1973 Topps Baseball Cards 200+/-
       425 28 1973-75 Nabisco Sports Cards
       426 JD Caldwell Co Swiss Clock & Wood Boxes Lot
       427 Porcelain & Pottery Animal Figures incl Dogs
       428 Pelouze Scale; Miniature Sewing Machine & Country
       429 Pair Of Chinese Blue & White Porcelain Vases
       430 Copper Tea Kettle; Ash Bucket & Copper Iron Pot
       431 Reed & Barton American Lines Syrup & Nautical Lot
       432 Miniature Watercolor In Gilt Wood Frame
       433 P L B & C Co Success Oil Lantern
       434 Cut & Engraved Glass Lot Collection
       435 Easel & Display Stands Lot Collection
       436 W Adams & Sons White Star Line Ocean Liner Plate
       437 Porcelain & Bisque Dolls Lot Collection
       438 Anniversary Clock; Seth Thomas & Lot Collection
       439 Lenox Winter Greetings Porcelain Dinnerwares
       440 Lenox Holiday China Porcelain Lot Collection
       441 The Great Events By Famous Historians Books
       442 Metal Airtex Advertising Sign
       443 License Plates Stars
       444 ExxonPipe Line Company Aluminum Sign
       445 Essoiube Motor Oil Porcelain Advertising Sign
       446 Hoegaarden Aluminum Advertising Sign
       447 Metal Dental Sweet Snuff Advertising Sign
       448 Kawasaki Engines Aluminum Advertising Sign Boxed
       449 Phoenix Sinclair Dino Gasoline Advertising Sign
       450 Aluminum Ford Parts & Service Sign 2 Sided
       451 Dusty Strings Hammered Dulcimer Instrument
       452 SS Stewart Banjo & Case Musical Instrument
       453 The Bowed Psaltry String Instrument & Box
       454 Black Mountain Dulcimer Musical Instrument
       455 Kalamazoo Mandolin String Instrument
       456 Black Mountain Dulcimer Instrument & Case
       457 Violin; Case & Bows as is
       458 Harmony Banjo & Case Musical Instrument
       459 US Military Paper Ephemera World War 2 etc
       460 Paper Ephemera; Memorial Addresses; Almanac etc
       461 Kid Gloves; Berlin Work & Beaded Panel
       462 Wedgwood Biscuit Barrel Jasperware Jasper
       463 Antique Staffordshire Transferware Plates
       464 Antique Photographs; Stereo Cards & Lot
       465 Carved Stone Ink Well Desk Standish
       466 Stove & Furnaces Catalogs incl SB Sexton
       467 2 Antique Kerosene Oil Lamps; Pottery Stem etc
       468 Antique Bisque Porcelain Figures Lot Collection
       469 Antique Lacquer Snuff & Eyeglass Boxes
       470 Colorado State Association Rifle Metals
       471 English & Continental Porcelain Figures
       472 Antique Metalwares & Carved Horn Spoon
       473 4 Carbide Miners Lamps
       474 Doulton Transfer & Pitcher; Phoenix Glass etc
       475 2 Glass Heart & Thumbprint Whale Oil Lamps
       476 English Staffordshire Transfer & HP Pottery
       477 Antique English & Continental incl Baltimore
       478 Country Lot incl Reading Apple Peeler etc
       479 Antique Staffordshire Transferware Plates Lot
       480 3 Antique Frames Artwork
       481 Brass Binoculars; Compass & Spyglass
       482 Spelter & Slag Glass Ashtray; Brass Lot
       483 Antique Tinned Copper Kettle Country Kitchen
       484 Brass Redskin Brand Spittoon Cuspidor
       485 Lenox Celeste Fine Porcelain Dinnerwares
       486 Terracotta Pottery Water Cooler
       487 TMNT & MOTU Action Figure Toys Lot
       488 Fine Continental Porcelain Lamp Bases - Chips
       489 Native American Santa Clara Pottery Signed
       490 Eastern Filigree Silver Box
       491 Jim Rumph Middle Earth Tankard
       492 Fine German Porcelain Platters
       493 Royal Sphinx Delft Charger
       494 Supreme Japan Cutlery Flatware Lot
       518 48 Star American Flag ( 87" × 54" )
       519 Hand Blown Lenox Crystal Tumblers Lot
       520 Pyrex Refrigerator Glass Bakeware Lot
       521 MCM Spaghetti String Pitcher & Glasses Set
       522 .Screen Print Glass Tumblers & Therma-Jacs MCM
       523 Onyx Table Clock Model W AC 110 V
       524 Pyrex Glass Bakeware incl Sunflower
       525 Wood Walnut Shaped Nut Bowl scratching
       526 Pyrex & Fire-King Mosaic Glassware Lot
       527 QMC Insulated Boots Size 11
       528 Pyrex Mixing Bowls Glass Bakeware Lot
       529 Depression Glass & Silverplate Candlestick Lot
       530 Fire-King Ovenware; Casserole Dish & Lot
       531 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       532 2 Framed Ribbon Dolls
       533 Board Games Lot incl Lite-Brite
       534 Pyrex & Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       535 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       536 Marquetry Wood & Brass Gallery Tray scratched
       537 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       538 Cleaning Oil & Extracts Advertising Tins & Boxes
       539 Pyrex & Fire-King Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       540 Aramith Billiard Pool Balls
       541 Roseville & American Art Pottery Lot Collection
       542 Uranium Green Depression Glass Lot
       543 Hazel Ware Decorated Crystal Glasses Boxed Set
       544 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       545 MCM Royal Haeger Purple Drip Art Pottery Bowl
       546 Marx Wells Fargo Stage Coach Toy
       547 Vanity Fair Magazines Lot
       548 2 Lionel Construction Kit Toys Lot
       549 German Booklets; torn
       550 Drudge Hyster Die-Cast Lumber Hauler Toy Truck
       551 SVE Tri-Purpose Projector & Model 70 Tube Tester;
       552 Mechanical Handbooks Lot Collection
       553 Trill Indicator Co. Engine Indicator & Cells
       554 Nichols T-500 Plastic Fury Cap Gun Toy
       555 Sports Records; Guides & Almanac Booklets
       556 Wood Cigar Drying Box; losses
       557 The Billboard Magazines Lot
       558 Signed Christmas Santa Corkboard Yard Decor
       559 Palmer Wedding Accessories & Paper Ephemera
       560 Antique Staffordshire Stick Spatter Toy Teawares
       561 Gianni Benvenuti Hand Painted Sculptures In Glass
       562 Country Kitchen Lot; Christmas & Halloween
       563 Women's Vanity & Hand Bags Lot Collection
       564 Shipwreck & Rescue Service Books
       565 3 German Glass Latticino Swirl Shooter Marbles
       566 Sulphide & Onionskin Glass Marbles
       567 Glass Marble Lot incl Latticino Swirl
       568 Lenox Fine Porcelain Lot Collection
       569 Aladdin Cathedral Kerosene Oil Lamp & Shade
       570 Aladdin Diamond Quilt  Kerosene Oil Lamp & Shade
       571 Ice Skates; Royal Canadian etc
       572 Barbie; Ken & Dolls Lot Collection
       573 Miniature Dollhouse Furniture Lot
       574 Coca-Cola Coke Advertising Tin Tray
       575 4 The Ashton-Drake Galleries Gene Dolls Boxed Lot
       576 Coca-Cola Coke Advertising Tin Tray
       577 Maritime Spode & Royal Crown Derby Mandarin Bone
       578 Antique Reverse Painted Glass Shade
       579 Cast Iron Flat Irons
       580 Cloisonne Enamel On Brass Vases
       581 Coca-Cola Coke Advertising Novelties Lot
       582 Children's Books; Little Golden Books etc
       583 Madame Alexander Dolls Boxed Lot
       584 Barbie Doll Accessories Toy Lot Collection
       585 Barbie Dolls Boxed Lot Collection
       586 Paul De Longprè Flower Print
       587 Christmas Lot Collection; Light Up Wood Santa etc
       588 Antique Staffordshire Transfer & Gaudy Dutch as is
       589 Dark Blue Staffordshire & Historical Transfer Lot
       590 4 Jim Shore Figures Christmas Santa Lot
       591 Cast Iron & Wood Shoe Forms Cobblers Lot
       592 Land Deed Indentures & Hand Written Paper Ephemera
       593 3 Stoneware Pottery Covers
       594 Country Kitchen Lot; Uranium Glass Measure etc
       595 Silverplate Hollow Ware; Wicker Trimmer; Spooner
       596 Bombay Golf Hall Of Fame Wood Display Case
       597 Lladro Boy with Goat Porcelain Large Figure
       597a Lladro Porcelain Figure; Bell & Teacup
       597b Lladro Little Girl Porcelain Large Figure
       598 Watt Apple Oven Ware Pottery Lot
       599 Japanese Porcelain; Box; Hanging Scroll Lot
       600 Stoneware Crocks & Jug Country Pottery Lot
       601 Victoria & Albert Museum & Porcelain Teapots Lot
       602 Cows Blue & White Stoneware Pottery Pitcher
       603 Blue & White Stoneware Pottery; line to bowl
       604 Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne Stoneware Pitcher
       605 Glass Cup Plates Lot Collection
       606 Japanese Porcelain Teawares Geisha Girl
       607 Hardcover Children's Books
       608 Christmas Glass Ornaments; Shiny Brite etc
       609 Schylling Space Man Toy Figure Boxed
       610 Henn Blue & Green Spongeware Pottery Lot
       611 Maximillian Fiber Glass Suite Case & Blankets
       612 Antique Hand Painted Light Shade
       613 Certified International Susan Winget Winter Song
       614 Harry & David Christmas Cookie Jars
       615 Lenox & Lefton Christmas Fine China Lot
       616 12 Days Christmas & Holly Glass Tumblers Lot
       617 Pennsbury Pottery Lot Collection
       618 Poppytrail Pottery Bread Plate; S&P Shakers etc
       619 Pennsbury Pottery Lot Collection
       620 NB&IW Brass Easel Back Vanity Mirror
       621 Two Brass Easel Back Vanity Mirrors
       622 Enamel & Graniteware Country Kitchen Cookware Lot
       623 Woman's Fashion Hats; Betmar & Meril etc
       624 Advertising Washboard & Drying Racks Country Wood
       663 Carved Wood Woman Holding Child Figure
       664 Korff & Honsberg Renscheid Machete 721 Leather
       665 M Goldsmith 4P Store Display Stand
       666 Jensen Loudspeaker Guitar Amplifier Harmony H500
       667 Vinyl Record Albums; Beatles etc
       668 Japanese Lacquer Vase Lacquerware
       669 Royalite Portable Typewriter & Leather Case
       670 Paper Ephemera; Magic MTG Cards; Scrapbook etc
       671 EICO ST70 Stereo Amplifier
       672 Dansk Digsmed Denmark & Nairobi MCM Wood Trays
       673 Silver Overlay Elegant Glass Lot Collection
       674 Hot the Road! Tourist Maps & Guides
       675 Villeroy & Boch Mettlach 1005 II Beer Stein
       676 Matchbox Collector Showcase 12 1st Responder
       677 Hot Wheels Die-Cast Cars Vehicles Lot Collection
       678 Promo & Toy Die-Cast Cars & Trucks
       679 FBI Agent Paper; Mug Shots & Criminal Justice Lot
       680 Sports Baseball Cards incl Unopened Wax Packs etc
       681 Die-Cast Vehicles Cars & Trucks; Hot Wheels Solido
       682 Die-Cast Military Vehicles Hit Wheels Matchbox
       683 Die-Cast Vehicles Cars; Trucks & 2 Cases
       684 Toys Lot; Die-Cast Vehicles; Britains etc
       685 Cameras & Lens Lot incl Yashica; Pentax & Argus
       686 US United States of America Flags 1 48 & 2 50 Star
       687 Nylint Pressed Steel U haul & 2 Plastic Race Cars
       688 1986 Garbage Pail Kids ET TMNT & Space Cards
       689 Grandpa Trucker Hat Cap Lot Collection
       690 International Stock Food Pig Advertising Sign
       691 Horse & Wagon Pull Toy Paper Litho Wood & Steel
       692 Dr Pepper Plastic Coin Change Bank
       693 Royal Crown RC Cola Metal Advertising Sign
       694 Goebel Extra Dry Chalkware Display Broken Corner
       695 Crosman Medalist II 1300 Pellet Gun Pump Pistol
       696 Kaier's Beer Metal Advertising Serving Tray
       697 Goudey Gum Advertising Sign Contemporary
       698 Porcelain Sign Bathroom Lavatory Restroom
       699 Iroquois Indian Head Beer Advertising Tray
       700 Kohler Engines Double-Sided Metal Advertising Sign
       701 Jack Daniel's Whiskey Metal Advertising Sign
       702 American Express Metal Advertising Sign New
       703 Womans Canning Metal Sign Contemporary
       704 FoMoCo Ford Genuine Parts Metal Advertising Sign
       705 Con-Tact Glue Metal Advertising Sign
       706 Mercedes Benz Metal Advertising Sign
       707 Bitchin' BLVD Metal Advertising Sign
       708 2 Fire Chief Gas Metal Advertising Signs new
       709 Antique American Brass & Wood Bed Warmer
       710 Christmas Santa Claus Blow Mold
       711 2 Christmas Santa Claus Blow Molds
       712 Christmas Santa Claus Blow Mold
       713 2 Christmas Santa Claus Blow Molds 1 Chimney
       714 2 Christmas Santa Claus Blow Molds
       715 Christmas Santa Claus Sleigh & Reindeer
       716 Silverplate Hollow Ware Lot Collection
       717 Christmas & Easter Holiday Decor Rabbits etc
       718 Easter Decor; Bunnies; Rabbits & Chicks
       719 Christmas & Santa Decor; Ornaments etc
       720 New England Patriots Hawthorne 14 Piece Train Set
       721 Russell Wright & Iroquois Pottery Dinnerwares
       722 Paper Ephemera Lot; Postcards; Stamps etc
       723 Holiday Christmas Easter & Baby Greeting Cards
       724 Costa Rican Parrot Tropical Bird Wood Bark
       725 Children's Gate Leg Wood Table
       726 Coleco Telstar 6040 Video Game & Box
       727 Pokemon Master Trainer Board Game
       728 Dong San M60 Light Machine Gun 1/3 Scale Cap Gun
       729 Toy Story Slot Car Race Set & Maximum Speed Car
       730 Die-Cast 1:18 Scale Cars Incl Porsche & Firebird
       731 Die-Cast Vehicles; Cars; Monster Trucks Hot Wheels
       732 Classic Cars & Red Baron Scale Model Kits
       733 Super Nintendo XBox Video Game Consoles etc
       734 Science Fiction Sci-fi Books Paperback etc
       735 Humor Bobbleheads Japanese Nodders Store Stock
       736 Die-Cast Cars & Trucks; Model Kits; Toy Lot
       737 Scale Model Kits; Ships; Planes; Human Body etc
       738 Pennsylvania Railroad PRR 100 Stock Certificates
       739 Paper Ephemera; Photographs & Advertising etc
       740 Matchbox Die-Cast Toy Vehicle Lot Collection
       741 Hot Wheels Die-Cast Toy Vehicles Lot Collection
       742 Baseball Cards Unopened Wax Packs; Box Donruss
       743 Brass & Wood Charcoal Heater
       744 2 HP Faience Pottery Tea Caddies
       745 Levenger 4 Drawer Cigar Humidor
       746 Vinyl Record Albums; Rock; Pop; Jazz inc Beatles
       747 Meat & Vegetable Stew 24 Can Carrier Box Crate
       748 Apple MAC IMac 24" 2.4 GHZ Monitor
       749 4 Paint By Number Paintings Asian Subject
       750 Art Pottery Vase Mid-Century Modern MCM
       751 Pottery Jar & Painted Metal Covered Jug
       752 German Cuckoo Clock Black Forest Style
       753 Griswold & Wagner Cast Iron Corn Stick Pans
       754 3 Wapak No. 8 Cast Iron Skillets
       755 2 Griswold Cast Iron Griddles
       756 3 Wagner Sydney Cast Iron Skillets
       757 4 Griswold Cast Iron Skillets
       758 Advertising Novelty Mini Cast Iron Skillets Wagner
       759 Griswold #8 Cast Iron Dutch Oven
       760 Cast Iron Skillets; Kettle & Frames Kitchen Lot
       761 Cast Iron Skillet & Pot Covers & Lids
       762 3 Wapak Cast Iron Skillets
       763 3 Wagner #8 Cast Iron Skillets
       764 3 Wagner Cast Iron Skillets Griddles Lot
       765 2 Wagner Sidney Aluminum Dutch Ovens
       766 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
       767 Pyrex Glass Ovenware Lot
       768 Pyrex Glass Nesting Bowl Set
       769 Pasinski Washington Frosted Tulip Glass Tumblers
       770 Pyrex Spring Blossom Glass Bakeware Lot
       771 Stoneware Crock & P&J Arnold Bottle
       772 Fire King Jadeite Swirl Glass Mixing Bowls
       773 Wellsville China Pottery Plates Lot
       774 2 Waterford Cut Glass Crystal Bowls
       775 Waterford Cut Glass Crystal Seahorse Decanter
       776 Art Nouveau Metal Chandelier As Is
       777 Nemadji Native American Art Pottery Vases
       778 Pyrex Forest Fancies Glass Mixing Bowls
       779 Leather Camera Bag
       780 Cast Iron Coin Bank; Tin Litho & Wood Gliders Lot
       781 Frederic Remington Game Commission Prints etc
       782 Woman Figural Plaster Statue
       783 Goddess Battery Operated Banjo Clock
       784 American Patchwork Quilt 96" x 96"
       785 Patchwork Star Quilt 86" x 85"
       786 Automobile Magazine Lot Collection
       787 Cast Iron Vehicles & Coin Banks Lot
       788 Die-Cast Vehicles & Coin Banks Collection
       789 Vintage Board Games Lot Collection
       790 Barbie Doll Electric Drawing Set; Cases etc
       808 Manga Manko Japanese Cards
       809 Fine Porcelain Cups & Saucers English; Continental
       810 Fine Porcelain & Pottery; Staffordshire etc
       811 Royal Crown Derby Fine Porcelain Lot Collection
       812 Comic Books Lot Collection
       813 Comic Books Lot Collection
       814 Tin Litho Noisemakers; Sand Toy Ohio Art Lot
       815 Maryland License Plate Tag Tabs
       816 Mack Trucks Speedometers; Emblems & Figures
       817 Brooks Merchandise Mart Piggy Bank
       818 Tin Litho Toy Tops & Toys Ohio Art Lot Collection
       819 1896 Camp Dune Stone Harbor Pencil Sketch
       820 Gilt Gesso Frame Oval Mirror
       821 Antique English & Continental Pottery & Porcelain
       822 Fashion Print; Music Box & Lot Collection
       823 Antique English Teawares incl Spode
       824 Miniature Novelty Violin & Boxes Lot Collection
       825 Fine Porcelain incl Belleek & Samson
       826 Antique Art Glass Miniature Vase
       827 8 Dansk Tapestries White MCM Style Plates
       828 English Pink Luster Teawares Lot Collection
       829 Chinese & Asian Porcelain & Lot Collection
       830 Art Pottery Dancing Woman Frog & French Deer
       831 12 Lenox Fine Porcelain Plates incl Holiday
       832 Hallmark Christmas Ornaments & Santa Figures Lot
       833 Lenox Fine Porcelain Lot Collection
       834 Mintons & Aynsley English Dinnerwares Lot
       835 15 Lenox Fine Porcelain Plates incl Presidential
       843 Fine Art Sculptural Busts Frayda Shalowitz
       844 Porcelain & Pottery Shaving Mugs
       845 Military War Related Books Lot Collection
       846 Franciscan Ware Desert Rose Dinnerwares
       847 Christmas Figures; Santa etc
       848 Cameras & Palmcorder; Polaroid etc
       849 Binoculars Lot; Bushnell; Nikon etc
       850 Wedgwood Jasper Jasperware Lot
       851 Sports Memorabilia Lot Collection
       852 Vanity & Beauty Collectibles Lot
       853 Dinky Toy Cars & Trucks Lot Collection
       854 The Investigator Magazine Periodical Lot
       855 Train Railroad Books; Track & Lionel Car
       856 Hawk Model Super Beetle Toy Car
       857 Lionel Trains 681 Engine & Tender; Car & Building
       858 Stained & Leaded Glass Harlequin Panels
       859 Life-Time Sterilizer Sanitary Box Medical Interest
       860 Signs Lot; No Parking; Hunting & For Sale
       861 Christmas & Santa Stocking & Decorations
       862 Coca-Cola Coke Carrying Tray Advertising Caddy
       863 The Visible Automobile Chassis Model
       864 Pokémon Blue; Gold; etc Gameboy Video Games Lot
       865 Nintendo Gameboy Video Games Lot
       866 Nintendo Gameboy Video Games Lot
       867 Nintendo Gameboy Video Games Lot
       868 48 Nintendo Gameboy Advance Video Games
       869 Nontendo Gameboy Video Games Boxed
       870 Nintendo Gameboy Advance; Video Game
       871 Gameboy Advance SP Video Game Console
       872 Nintendo Gameboy & Gameboy Colors Video Game Lot
       873 Waxbrych Fine Porcelain Dinnerwares
       874 Stamps Postal Philatelic Lot Collection
       875 Noritake Fairmont Fine Japanese Porcelain
       876 Twos Company Oyster Plates
       877 Fine Art Bird Prints Lot Collection
       878 45 Singles Record Lot Collection
       879 Sheep MCM Style Needlework Panel
       880 Car Model Bodies
       881 Books Lot Collection incl The Magic Mounatin
       882 Cadillac Deville Automobile Car Sign
       883 Cox HO Scale Electric Train Set
       884 Tyco Train Set
       885 Advertising & Novelty Ink Pens Lot Collection
       886 Antique Painted Tin Elephants Pull Toy
       887 Tricky Trapeze Superman Windup Toy
       888 Batt-Op Toy Cars incl Japan Banda
       889 Pd Patrol Batt-Op Car Japanese Toy
       890 Statue Of Liberty Bronze Replica Miniature
       891 Antique Inlaid Wood Tea Caddy Box
       892 Matchbox & Die-Cast Toy Cars Lot Collection
       893 Hess Truck; Cast Iron Wagon & Toy Lot
       894 Die-Cast Toy Cars Lot incl Matchbox
       895 Radio Tubes & Gauges Electronics Lot
       896 Wrist Watches & Parts Watchmakers Lot
       897 Pair Brass Bird Bottles
       898 Miniature Brass Cypress Tree Sculpture
       899 Lacquer Painted Eggs & Boxes
       900 Silverplate Inkwell Ink Standish Art Nouveau
       901 Tools Lot; Hammers & Axe Head
       902 NASCAR Mega Blocks Car & Die-Cast Cars
       903 Optimus Turntable LAB-340 & Sanyo RD 7 Cassette
       904 Washington & General Grant Families Prints
       905 Trenton Hull Padre & Franciscan Art Pottery Lot
       906 Antique Ingraham Wood Case Shelf Clock
       907 Philco Wood Clock Radio
       935 2 Framed Antique Prints
       936 Military Print on Canvas
       937 Folk Art Painted Wood Bowl & Metal Tray
       938 2 Crazy Quilts Textile Lot
       939 Tony Lama & Corral Cowboys Boots Western Interest
       940 Stoneware Crocks &  Jugs- chip
       941 Boyd’s Bears Plush Toys Lot Collection
       942 The Bobbsey Twins Books
       943 Ships Clock as is; Pewter Plate & Spoons
       944 Wrought Iron Blacksmith Kitchen; Graniteware etc
       945 Arctic Circle Certificate
       946 Craft Clocks & Busts
       947 Political Ribbons & Pinbacks Cased Display Lot
       948 Cast Iron Persian Cat Doorstop
       949 Medals; Ribbons & Collectibles Lot
       950 Tokens; Ribbons & Collectibles Display Lot
       951 Display of Vintage Jewelry & Brighton
       952 Capguns & Toys Lot incl Hubley
       953 Paper Mache German Candy Container Eggs etc
       954 Political Paper Ephemera; Nixon etc
       955 Pottery Food Molds; Bird Figure & Country Lot
       956 Christopher Radko Christmas Tree & Ornaments
       957 Vintage Board Games
       958 Decorative Glassware & Ceramics Holt Howard
       959 Coca-Cola Coke Advertising Tray
       960 Black Americana Washing Powder Box
       961 Miniature Portrait Paintings & Print Lot
       962 Antique Daguerreotype & Painted Portrait
       963 Louis Vuitton Key Chain
       964 Louis Vuitton Monogram Wallet
       965 Waterford Holiday Heirlooms Christmas Tree Topper
       966 Miniature Portrait Paintings Cased Fine Art
       967 Halloween Post Cards & Decor Lot Postcards
       968 Postcards Travel & Holiday Postcards Lot
       969 British Oil Can H. Bragman
       970 British Oil Can & Pail
       971 Phrenology Head by Fowler- Repaired
       972 Antique Cabinet Card Photos & Postcards
       973 Half Dolls; Chocolate Mold; Marx Toy Car
       974 Miniature Portrait Paintings Cased
       975 Display Case Collectibles Lot Collection
       976 Display Case Collectibles Lot
       977 Mid-Century Modern Style Hanging Lamps
       978 Antique Photographs & Postcards; Cabinet Cards etc
       979 Christmas Holiday Decor incl Anna Lee
       979a Vintage Christmas & Santa Decorations Lot
       980 Miniature Dollhouse Furniture
       981 Disney Character Memorabilia Lot
       982 Antique Games Paper Litho Pasteboard Boxes
       983 2 Gilner Ceramic Fairy Vases
       984 Woman's Accessories Lot Collection
       985 C. D. Kenny Co. Advertising Lot Collection
       986 Art Pottery & Kitchen Collectibles Lot
       987 Jack In The Box; Puzzle; Picture Frame etc
       988 Country Kitchen & Advertising Tins Lot
       989 Country Kitchen; Tin Molds & Metalware Lot
       990 Uranium Green Depression Glass Lot
       991 World War I WW1 Commemorative Print Some Rips
       992 Glass & Plastic Advertising Budweiser Light;
       993 Signed Owl Fine Art Print
       994 Minton Anamone Blue Transferware Platter
       995 Wii Video Games & Accessories Lot Collection
       996 George & Martha Washington Litho Prints
       997 2 Wood Bongos Musical Instruments
       998 Christiana Beaded Purse & Christian Dior Belt
       999 Microman Action Figure Toy
       999a Mego Micronauts Action Figures Toy Lot
       999b Mickey Mouse Disney Collectibles Lot
       999c Play Bridge Abroad Game
       999d 15 Hand Colored CDV's Women's Swiss Costumes
       999e 4 Daguerreotypes & 2 Ambrotypes Photography Lot
       999f Melrath Supply & Gasket Co. Advertising Calendar
       999g Political Memorabilia & Paper Ephemera Lot
      1000 Emile Charlier Chickens in Barnyard Oil Painting
      1001 Woman Portrait Oil Painting on Board
      1002 Antique Woman Portrait Oil Painting on Board
      1003 Karl Mann Folk Art Style Oil Paintings on Panel
      1004 Tennis Players Oil Painting by Arthur Sarnoff
      1005 Picasso Signed & Numbered Lithograph 41/200
      1006 Edgar Degas Etching "Dancers in the Wings"
      1007 2 Moshe Leider Signed & #'ed Lithographs
      1008 Antique Sunset Watercolor Painting Mabel Price
      1009 Aaron Sopher Baltimore Street Scene Pen & Ink
      1010 Antique Waterfall Oil Painting on Canvas
      1011 Pair MCM Still Life Oil Paintings Levente Kovacs
      1012 Cows in Landscape Antique Oil Painting unsigned
      1013 Beach Scene Oil Painting on Canvas SIgned Parrino
      1014 Bill Schmidt Impressionist Oil Painting on Board
      1015 Glen Ranney Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas
      1016 Everett Raymond Kinstler Signed Artist Proof
      1017 Shalom of Safed Jewish Folk Art Artist Proof
      1018 Haitian Fruit Tree Oil Painting on Canvas
      1019 Harry Hunt Fishing Pier Oil Painting on Canvas
      1020 Haitian Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas
      1021 Watercolor Painting Virginia Burgess Signed
      1022 Raoul Dufy "Ascot" Lithograph /250 Horse Racing
      1023 Sydney J. Yard Landscape Watercolor Painting
      1024 Japanese Woodblock Print Hiroshige
      1025 Japanese Woodblock Prints by Hiroshige
      1026 Harvest Field Signed Japanese Print
      1027 Japanese Woodblock Print Signed & Numbered
      1028 Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas John Seitzer
      1029 Nudes on Beach Landscape Pastel Painting
      1030 Ox & Plow Impressionist Oil Painting on Canvas
      1031 Architectural Watercolor Painting
      1032 Moonlight Landscape Watercolor Painting
      1033 Irish Coast Landscape Paintings; Pair
      1034 Antique Peaches & Plums Still Life Oil Painting
      1035 Greg Fletcher Baltimore Oil Painting on Board
      1036 Acadian Owl Etching by Gustav Trois
      1037 Winter Landscape Oil Painting on Board
      1038 Art Deco Pen & Ink Drawing Woman Outdoors
      1039 Interior Scene Oil Painting on Board
      1040 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1041 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1042 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1043 Japanese Woodblock Print Toshi Yoshida Signed
      1044 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1045 Japanese Woodblock Print Hiroshi Yoshida Signed
      1046 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1047 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1048 Triptych Japanese Woodblock Print Kanekazu
      1049 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1050 Nude Original Drawings/Sketches Portraits, Scenes
      1051 Nude Oil Painting on Canvas by Philip Hays
      1052 Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas
      1053 Portrait Oil Painting on Board Luckner Lazard
      1054 Abstract Cityscape Watercolor Painting
      1055 Antique Soldier Charcoal & Pencil Drawing
      1056 Arthur Davies Landscape Watercolor Painting
      1057 Jan Visser Boats on Beach Watercolor Painting
      1058 Landscape Watercolor Painting JA Cook
      1059 Modernist Woodblock Prints incl Toru Mabuchi
      1060 Asbtract Expressionist Painting by Robert Mann
      1062 Japanese Woodblock Print Kunisada
      1063 Japanese Woodblock Print Toyokuni
      1064 Bridge Oil Painting
      1065 Lowell Nesbitt Signed Flower Lithograph
      1066 Charles Wysocki Signed & Numbered Lithograph
      1067 Maxfield Parrish Art Deco Fine Art Print
      1068 “Three Figures” Richard Duncan Signed Etching
      1069 W. Carl Burger Surrealism Pencil Drawing
      1070 “Jay” Bird Etching; Artist Signed Etching
      1071 MCM Style Abstracy Oil Painting on Canvas
      1072 French Street Scene Oil Painting Signed Burnett
      1073 Leonard Maurer Abstract Oil Painting on Board MCM
      1074 Joseph Sheppard Nude Portrait Pencil Sketch
      1075 Phillip Ratner Abstract Watercolor Painting
      1076 2 Modernist Oil Paintings; Houses in Landscape
      1077 Woman Working Antique Oil Painting
      1078 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1079 Japanese Woodblock Print
      1080 2 Max Papart Signed Humorous Etchings #'ed
      1081 MCM Style Oil Painting on Canvas
      1083 Salvador Dali Artist Proof Etching Signed in Block
      1100 Atlas Of The World Maps Cartography Lot
      1101 Isabella Brockway Walker Woodcut Art
      1102 Disneyland Happiest Place On Earth 50 Print
      1103 Antique Wood Shelf Clock
      1104 Stained Glass Table Lamp
      1105 Christmas Cast Iron Snowman Hanging Candle
      1106 Harry Lamar Richardson Signed Fine Art Prints
      1107 Crown 31 Day Wall Clock
      1108 2 Wall Clocks; Elgin & Regulator Style
      1109 Eastern Clothing & Textiles Linen Lot
      1110 Japanese Satsuma Pottery Vase
      1111 M.Hohner Accordion Musical Instrument
      1112 Lionel O Gauge Trains & Accessories
      1113 Paperweights; Boxes & Clocks Lot
      1114 Carved Stone & Marble Laughing Child Bust
      1115 D & C French Limoges Porcelain Platter
      1116 Silverplate Flatware & Hollow Webster & Wilcox
      1117 Comic Books Lot Collection
      1118 Comic Book Lot Collection incl DC
      1119 Comic Books Lot; DC; ST; & Marvel
      1120 Slag Glass Fruit Decorated Chandelier
      1121 The Core Movie Poster
      1122 Sword & Scabbard; Some Damage On Case
      1123 Corvette 50Th Anniversary Wall Clock Boxed Lot
      1125 Glass Tableware
      1126 Children's Books Lot
      1127 Science Fiction Books
      1128 Science Fiction Books
      1129 Star Wars Lot Collection
      1130 3 Star Trek Vinyl Action Figures Boxed Lot
      1131 Children's Toys Lot Collection
      1132 Star Trek Lot Magazines;Cards; Action Figures etc
      1133 Building Kits & Trains
      1134 Alligator Leather Purse
      1135 Military Signed Photographs
      1136 Tube Style FAL/FN Bayonet
      1137 Turkish Pattern Bayonet & Sheath
      1138 Horikawa Super Astronaut toy
      1139 4 Bayonet Sheaths Military Lot
      1140 Hawken American Made Rifle Kit
      1141 Post Card Tarvel & Souvenir Postcards Lot
      1142 4 Bayonets & Sheaths Lot
      1143 Bayonet & Scabbards Lot
      1144 CDV; Tintypes & Photographs Lot
      1145 Hutch 660 Football Helmet
      1146 Embroidered Japanese Curtains
      1147 The Fighting Men Of The American Revolution
      1148 Cold War Visor; Rank & Ribbon Bar etc
      1149 McDonald's Collector Glasses; Toys & Bags
      1150 Military Pins & Patches Lot Collection
      1151 Military Scabbards
      1152 Military Rifle Bayonets & Sheaths
      1153 Aluminum Canteens Military Field Gear
      1154 U.S. Army Jacket & Pants
      1155 Military Uniform Jacket
      1156 Military Uniform Jacket & Pants
      1158 Military Uniform Jacket; Some Stains
      1159 Military Uniform Jacket; Some Holes
      1160 Military Air Force Suit
      1161 U.S. Army Uniform Coat & Pants
      1162 Military Uniform Jacket & Pants
      1163 Petit Main Boxes; Wedgwood; Limoges etc
      1164 Porcelain & Pottery Animal Figures incl Wade
      1165 Unique Leather Dress Shoes
      1166 Russian USSR Matryoshka Dolls
      1167 Rock & Roll Band TShirts
      1168 Hollar Company Copper Plaque & Liquid Fill Fuse
      1169 Kirchner Violin & Case Musical Instrument
      1170 German Violin & Wood Case Musical Instrument
      1171 Tourte German Violin Bow
      1172 Books Lot Collection
      1173 Vinyl Record Albums & 45 Singles
      1174 Adult Photographs & Pinups Album Lot
      1175 Reel-To-Reel Tapes Lot incl Soundtrack
      1176 Political Pins Pinbacks Lot Collection
      1177 Star Wars Action Figures & Cases Lot
      1178 German Bonds & Bank Notes Lot Collection
      1179 Sports Cards Lot Collection incl Bowman Baseball
      1180 45s Singles; Vinyl Records & LPs Lot Collection
      1181 Photo Albums & Year Book Lot
      1182 Vinyl Records Albums Lot Collection
      1183 Paper Ephemera Lot 5 Binders incl Maps & Guides
      1184 45s Sinlges; Vinyl Records & LPs Lot Collection
      1185 Vinyl Record Albums Lot Collection
      1186 45s Singles; Records & LPs Lot Collection
      1187 Jazz Vinyl Record Albums Lot Collection
      1188 1948 Bowman Stan Musial Baseball Card RC as is
      1189 Autographed 1948 Bowman Bob Feller Baseball Card
      1190 Sports Trading Cards Lot Collection incl Baseball
      1191 Trading & Post Cards Lot incl Pop Culture etc
      1192 Johnson’s New Natural History vol. 1-2 Allen Books
      1193 Wood File Tray; Uranium Depression Glass & Lot
      1194 Olympus Digital Camera & Accessories
      1195 Tin Lithograph Toys Lot Collection
      1196 Toy Collecting Books Lot Collection
      1197 Wood Tool Caddy Tray losses
      1198 Planting & Gardening Books Lot
      1199 Wood Doll House Folk Art Style
      1200 Copper Double Boiler & Cover
      1201 Exxon & Gas Memorabilia Lot incl Photograph & Hat
      1202 Brass Ibex & Wire Art Sculptures MCM Style
      1203 Baltimore Sports Memorabilia Lot
      1204 Metal Wirework 2 Tier Plant Stand
      1205 Milk & Bristol Glass Lot Collection
      1206 3 Clocks incl Mantle & Anniversary
      1207 Milk Glass Banquet Lamp electrified
      1208 Wood Wall Regulator Clock
      1209 Cobalt Blue Glass Lot Collection; Pattern & Art
      1210 Convex Framed Reverse Painting & Photographs
      1211 2 Patchwork Quilts Lot incl 9 Patch
      1212 Books Lot Collection incl Military & Political
      1212a 3 Stooges Curley Autographed Check
      1213 Pottery Decanters Lot incl McCormick etc
      1214 2 Schlitz Beer Advertising Trays Litho
      1215 Door Knobs & Architectural Hardware Lot
      1216 Scales & Weights Mercantile Lot Collection
      1217 Oil & Kerosene Canisters Lot incl Eagle etc
      1218 Wood Planes Lot Collection incl Stanley
      1219 Cast Iron Tools & Dietz Kerosene Oil Lamp Lot
      1220 Glasses; Ronson Lighter; Silverplate Teapot etc
      1221 American Flyer Train Cars Lot Collection
      1222 Cast Iron Horse Drawn Wagon; Airplane & Toys Lot
      1223 Slot Cars & Die-Cast Cars Toy Lot Collection
      1224 Renaissance Style Slag Glass & Metal Lamp Light
      1225 2 Refillable Pocket Lighters Lot inc Hadson
      1226 Dunhill Rollagas Gold Plated Pocket Lighter
      1227 Fishing Poles & Tube Box Lot incl Kingfish
      1228 Carpenters Tools Lot Collection incl Screwdrivers
      1229 Art Glass Candle Holders Lot incl Dansk MCM
      1230 Sunbeam Glass Mixing Bowls & Mixmaster Lot
      1231 Cast Iron Enamel Baking Dishes Lot incl Copco etc
      1232 Aluminum Hollow Ware & Flatware Lot
      1233 Corgi Die-Cast Vehicles Lot Collection incl Boxes
      1234 Firearm Carrying Cases & Protective Sleeves
      1235 Power Supplies & Electronics Lot Collection
      1240 Advertising & Novelty Pens & Pencils
      1241 1970’s Topps Football & Baseball Cards
      1242 Cast Metal Soldiers & Figures incl Britains
      1243 2 Jon Box Hand Painted Duck Decoys
      1244 Metal License Plate & Signs Lot
      1245 Yellow Caution Street Traffic Light
      1246 Cobra 2000GTL CB Radio
      1247 U.S. Army Tube Tester I-177-B
      1248 Ferrari & GM Car Rims
      1249 Ship Port Hole Nautical Decor
      1250 2 Gulf 5 Gallon Motor Oil Advertising Cans
      1251 Inez Welch Bird Oil Painting on Board
      1252 4 Autographed Baseball Gloves Sporting
      1253 Ruby Flash Glass incl St. Louis Worlds Fair 1904
      1254 Antique Stoneware Canning Jar Penn as is
      1255 Fine Bone China Cup & Saucers incl Shelley
      1256 Lenox Lead Crystal Stemware Goblets Lot
      1257 Pottery Teapots incl Hall
      1258 Blue & White Salt Glaze Stoneware Pitcher
      1259 Green Art & Pattern Glass Lot
      1260 Krosno Josefina Poland Art Glass Vase
      1261 Art Glass Vases & Swan FIgure Lot
      1262 Books Lot Sailing & Chesapeake Bay
      1263 Stoneware Pottery Pitcher & Jars incl Marcrest
      1264 Slag Glass Floral Chandelier
      1265 Christmas Ornaments & Decorations; Shiny Brite
      1266 Plush Animal Figures; Cake Tops incl Pokémon
      1267 Glass & Porcelain Figures; Cards; Teacup Lot
      1268 Lenox Holiday Christmas Plates & Pyrex Bowl
      1269 Haeger Gypsy Woman Double Basket Planter
      1270 SONY PS-LX1 Stereo Turntable Tested
      1271 Sansui P-L51 Model Turntable Tested
      1272 Technics SL-DD22 Automatic Turntable Tested
      1273 4Record Album Collection incl U2 PAC 45’s
      1274 Tobacco Estate Pipes; Advertising Matches & Tins
      1275 Whitman Illustrated Boys Adventure Books
      1276 Mattel Disney Princess Dolls Boxed
      1277 Mattel Barbie Doll Collection Boxed
      1278 Mattel Barbie Doll Boxed Collection
      1279 Mattel Barbie Doll Boxed Collection
      1280 Mattel Barbie Dolls Boxed Collection
      1281 Mattel Barbie Doll Boxed Collection
      1282 Puzzle & Board Game Lot
      1283 Plastic Vehicle Model Kits Lot
      1284 6 Pocket Knives incl Barlow
      1285 Pana-Vue Slide Viewer; Color Slides incl Mickey
      1286 Character Toys M&M Lot Collection
      1287 2 Backgammon Leather Case Games
      1288 Acrylic Prisms incl Teardrop
      1289 Halloween Card Stock Tally Cards Boxed
      1290 Kenner’s Motorized Bridge Turnpike Building Set
      1291 Disney Theme Puzzles Sealed
      1292 Remington Portable Monarch Typewriter
      1293 2 Fenton Art Glass Vases & Boxes
      1294 Florence Magi King Figure Boxed
      1295 Hermes 3000 Portable Typewriter
      1296 Guillaume Copper Brass Coffee Serving Set
      1297 Comic Books Lot Collection incl Marvel & DC
      1298 Airplane Model Kits Lot Collection
      1299 Hasbro GI Joe Action Figure Toys & Vehicles Lot
      1299a Airplane Model Kits incl Heller & Revell
      1299b Nitro RS4 Powered RC Car
      1299c Boy Adventure Books ill. incl Durham; Bowen etc
      1300 Wagon Wheel; Corn Knife; Ice Saw Country Lot
      1301 Sewing Lot incl Textile Thread Spools
      1302 Straight Razors; Shaving Mugs Barber Shop Lot
      1303 Wedgwood & Jasper Ware Lot Collection
      1304 Sewing Notions Lot Collection
      1305 GI Joe War Action Figures incl John Wayne
      1306 US Army Military Jackets & Shirts
      1307 Trains Lot Collection; Lionel etc
      1308 Military Bags Satchels
      1309 Fishing Lures; Figures & Miniatures Lot
      1310 Wood Figures Lot Collection
      1311 Plush Teddy Bear Lot incl Bully Beat Signed
      1312 Advertising, Metal Irons; Keys & Shoes etc
      1313 Marble Marbles & Marbles Marbles
      1314 Acoma & Southwest Pottery incl B.Ramirez
      1315 Dietz Nier Feuerhand Lantern & Country Lot
      1316 Painted Wood Open Cupboard Contemporary
      1317 Niagara Lantern; Hardware & Advertising Tins
      1318 Seashell Boxes; Vanity & Advertising Lot
      1319 Barometer; Advertising Clock & Lot Collection
      1320 Plush Toy Stuffed Animals; Dream Pets etc
      1321 Plush Toy Stuffed Animals & Character Puppets
      1322 Irwin Cellulite Dolls Lot Collection
      1323 Wood Bowls; Music Box; Copper Teapot etc
      1324 Easter Lot; Bunnykins & Wedgwood etc
      1325 Craft Bears Plush Toys Lot Collection
      1326 Toys Lot; World Of Miniature Bears & Dolls
      1327 Military Hats & Pins Lot Collection
      1328 Sheet Music & Covers Lot
      1329 Screen Print Glass Trays Mid-Century Modern MCM
      1330 Shih Tzu Stained Glass Hanging Wall Decor
      1331 Japanese Lacquer Multi-Tiered Containers
      1332 Anchor Hocking Glass & Tumblers MCM Lot
      1333 GR 3400 Beogram Bang & Olufsen Turntable etc
      1334 Onkyo TX-560 Stereo Receiver
      1335 Pink Depression Glass Tablewares
      1336 Hazel Atlas Glass Baby Bottles Embossed Cats
      1337 Chinese Carved Resin Urn & Vase Lot
      1338 Hawaii Memorabilia; Tikis Statues etc
      1339 Art Glass & Paperweights Lot Collection
      1340 Art Pottery Coin Banks & Planters; Cinderella
      1341 Classics Illustrated Comic Book Lot; Some Ripped
      1342 Brass Candle Holders & Vases Lot Collection
      1343 Wood & Music Boxes Lot Collection
      1344 Tin & Glass Advertising Sprayer Tanks
      1345 Royal Doulton & Royal Winton Character Toby Mugs
      1346 Resin & Porcelain Figures Lot
      1347 4 Bossons Congleton Hanging Chalkware Heads
      1350 Antique Iron Cotton Scale P.S. & W. Co.
      1351 Lincoln Logs Toy Carrying Case & Logs
      1352 Lego Friends & Lego Creator Building Blocks Sets
      1353 Cast Metal Cannons & Pewter Figures
      1354 Lead & Slush Army & Navy Soldiers
      1355 Lead Toy Figures; Soldiers; Cowboys & Skiers as is
      1356 McDonald’s Happy Meal Premium Toys
      1357 Sports Collectibles Lot; Signed Baseballs
      1358 Slush Metal Toy Soldiers; Barclay etc
      1359 Cast Iron & Slush Metal US Army & Navy Soldier Toy
      1360 Slush Metal Toy Soldiers
      1361 Monster Jam Westminster 2025 Feat. Transformer
      1362 Tudor Electric Sports Games; Baseball & Basketball
      1363 Pressed Steel & Tonka Toy Trucks
      1364 Nerf Gelshot; X Shot Insanity & Airsoft Guns
      1365 Little People; Playmobil & Toy Figures
      1366 Xbox; PS2; Nintendo GameCube Video Games
      1367 Funko Pop Figures; Stuffed Teddy Bears & Toys
      1368 Art Glass Paperweights & Pyrex Bowls
      1369 Carved Horn Model Clipper Boats
      1370 Camera & Cassette Player Lot Collection
      1371 Binoculars; Cast Iron Skillet & Gumball Light
      1372 Baseball Cards; Wax Packs & Gloves Lot
      1373 Treadmasters Lion Voltron Action Figure Toy
      1374 Uranium Green Depression Glass Lot Collection
      1375 Pokemon & Yu Gi Oh Trading Cards
      1376 Nikko RC Xtreme Fleet Super Cruiser Toy
      1377 Topper Hot Wheels Car Carrier Toy
      1378 Noll Fly Tying Kit No. 50 Fishing Lures
      1379 Old German Beer Queen City Advertising Clock
      1380 Mik McGill Skateboard
      1381 0Hong Kong Novelty Banks Old Store Stock
      1382 McDonald’s Character Dolls Lot Collection
      1383 Glass Slides & Negatives Lot
      1384 Spider II 30 Guitar Amplifier
      1385 Cast Iron Fire Mark
      1386 Antique English Cased MOP & Silverplate Dessert
      1387 Vinyl Record Albums Lot Collection
      1388 Survey Level Surveyors Sight & Wood Case
      1389 Carved Stone Archaic Style Figure
      1390 REMO Sound Master Snare Drum
      1391 Brass Boat Propeller Nautical Ships Prop
      1392 4 Cast Iron Skillets
      1393 Disney Princess Dolls & Boxed Lot
      1394 Barbie Dolls Boxed Lot incl Elvis
      1395 Barbie Doll Boxed Lot
      1396 Holiday Barbie Dolls Boxed Lot
      1397 Dolls Boxed incl Barbie & Franklin Mint
      1398 2 Chinese Porcelain Table Lamps
      1399 Burma Mandalay Leather Purse; Asian Silk Tapestry
      1400 Crystal Chandelier & Tear Drop Prisms
      1401 B. Sullivan Abstract Painting
      1402 Military Service Pins; Ribbons & Lot
      1403 Radio Shack Dual Cassette Karaoke Center
      1404 45s Vinyl Single Record Lot Collection
      1405 Union Products Turkey Blow Mold Thanksgiving
      1406 Easter Bunny & Chick Blow Molds
      1407 3 Halloween Jack o Lantern Blow Molds
      1408 Silverplate Hollow Ware & Trays Lot Collection
      1409 Antique Horse Bridle Rosettes Lot Collection
      1410 Art Deco Celluloid Vanity Set
      1420 Doll Clothing Lot incl Tressy
      1421 The Harvard Classics Harcover Book Set
      1422 Noritake Japanese Porcelain Joanne Dinnerware
      1423 Noritake Japanese Porcelain Norwood Dinnerware
      1424 Stamp Collection Books Lot; Some Empty
      1425 Horror DVD Movies Lot
      1426 Doll Clothing & Ideal Doll Toy Lot
      1427 45s Vinyl Single Records
      1450 Baseball Pokemon & Garbage Pail Kids Cards
      1451 Ray-Ban Lacoste Sunglasses Beaded Clutch & Lot
      1452 22 1930s German Cigarette Tobacco Cards
      1453 Action Figures; Marvel; DC; Star Wars; GI Joe
      1454 2 Pair Size 9 Boots Rocky with Gore-Tex
      1455 RadioShack Draw Poker Machine & Carved Chess Set
      1456 Total Security Pro Black Riot Helmet Size M/L
      1457 Transformers & Toys Lot Collection
      1458 Gilbert Erector Set & Microscope with Slides
      1459 1940s Military Mini Graphic Guide Books
      1460 Cabinet Card Photographs Lot Collection
      1461 2 Leather Gun Holsters; DeSantis
      1462 JAXJOX Dumbbell Weight Lifting System
      1463 Gauges & Meters Instruments Lot Collection
      1464 Brass & Iron Fairbanks Balance Scale
      1465 Bronze Figure Nude Woman Reclining after Milo
      1466 Family Photograph Snapshot Photo Albums
      1467 Sports Figures; Starting Lineup Baseball &Football
      1468 Country Kitchen Lot Collection; Mixers Corkscrew
      1469 2 Hand Tint Colored Photos Convex Bubble Glass
      1470 Paper Ephemera; Advertising; Magazines & Photos
      1471 2 Antique Photos Framed As-is
      1472 Underwood & Royal 16E Typewriters
      1473 Antique Photographs & Fine Art Prints
      1474 Ampex 2100 Solid State & 2013 & Sony SS Recorder
      1475 Continental & Japanese Porcelain Lot
      1476 5 Antique Celluloid Photograph Buttons
      1477 Country Kitchen & Wood Treenware Lot Collection
      1478 Swift Mill Lane Brothers Coffee Mill Poughkeepsie
      1479 Goebel Hummel Figures Lot Collection
      1480 Funko Pop Lot Collection Star Wars MOTU Marvel
      1481 Funko Pop Lot Collection Star Wars Marvel DC etc
      1482 Funko Pop Lot Collection Star Wars WWE Marvel etc
      1483 Pop Culture T-Shirts Dead Kennedys Bob Marley T2
      1484 Cast Metal Classical Wall Plaque
      1485 Duck Decoys; Shorebirds & Animal Figures Lot
      1486 Riegel Cowboy Gloves Boxed Damage to Box
      1487 3 Wood Duck Decoys smaller as is
      1488 2 MCM Mid-Century Modern Wall Sconces
      1489 Wood Duck Decoys Lot Collection Sportsman
      1490 Glass Slab Architectural
      1491 6 Wood Duck Decoys Sportsman Lot
      1492 History & Art Books incl Photography
      1493 Art Glass; Porcelain & Uranium Depression Glass
      1494 Duck Decoys Lot incl Mallardher & Airduk
      1495 Victory Liberty Loan World War II Signs
      1496 Wood Duck Decoys Sportsman Lot
      1497 Brass & Cast Iron Roller Candy Molds Lot
      1498 Wood Wall Hanging Cabinet & Shuttle
      1500 Center Bowl Child With Swan
      1501 Blue Cut to Clear Center Bowl with Ormolu
      1502 Wedgwood Queensware Fine China Dish Set
      1503 Extensive Set Theodore Haviland Delaware China
      1540 Advertising  Tin Display Box Eberhard Faber
      1541 Heavy Seth Thomas Ship's Clock, works
      1600 Harmony Electric Bass Guitar Musical Instrument
      1601 Comic Books Lot Collection incl Image & Marvel
      1602 Marvel Comic Books Lot Collection
      1603 Wood Level & Carpenters Tools Lot Collection
      1604 Marvel Comic Books Lot Collection
      1605 Wood Planes Lot Collection incl Stanley
      1606 Remco Frogman Navy Commando Toy & Box
      1607 Apple iMac G3 Personal Computer Untested
      1608 Tools & Oil Cans Lot Collection
      1609 Weather Max Mini & Electronic Lot
      1610 Traveler Escape Mk 3 Electric Guitar & Case
      1611 Comic Books Lot Collection incl DC; Marvel etc
      1612 Scarves Lot Collection Fashion Couture
      1613 Large Printed Figural Silk Scarf
      1614 Birthday Cards Lot Collection
      1615 Lady’s Accessories Lot Collection incl Shoes
      1616 Warner’s 1960s Bullet Bra
      1617 Stocking Lot Collection incl Boxes
      1618 Men’s Neckware Lot incl Ties; Bowties etc
      1619 Mens Costume Jewelry & Wood Box
      1620 Origami Animals Lot Collection
      1621 Printed Fabrics Textiles Lot Collection
      1622 Embroidered Scarves & Fabrics Lot Collection
      1623 Sea Shells Lot Collection 3 Flats
      1624 Framed Sea Shell Artwork Plaque
      1625 American Electrical Telephone Wall Phone
      1626 Sessions Banjo Clock
      1627 Zip Cast Iron Desk Fan
      1628 2 Rotary Telephones Phone incl Western Electric
      1629 Oleg Cassini Beaded Red Silk Dress
      1630 Dresses & Women’s Clothing Lot
      1631 Liberty of London Blouse; Scarf; & Button Down
      1632 Men’s Knickers Lot Collection
      1633 Fender Squire Stratocaster Electric Guitar & Case
      1634 Paper Ephemera Lot Collection incl Die Cuts etc
      1635 Black & White Photographs & Cabinet Cards Lot
      1636 Paper Ephemera Lot incl Maps & Photo Album
      1637 Autographed Baseball Memorabilia & Graded Cards
      1638 Wood Smoothers & Caulking Mallets
      1639 Antiquarian Books incl The Works of Edmund Burke
      1640 Ball Glass Jar Tops incl Box Lot
      1641 Toy Vehicles Lot incl Die-Cast Cars Matchbox etc
      1642 Sewing Machine Accessories Lot Collection
      1643 Automobile Accessories & Tools New Old Stock
      1644 Automobile Parts & Tacks New Old Stock
      1645 Brother Correct-O-Ball XL-1Typewriter
      1646 Postal Lot incl First Day Covers
      1647 Scotch Video Tape Reel & Empty Reel Lot
      1648 White Stag Faux Fur Coat
      1649 Whiteford Peltz Fur Coat
      1650 Sears Faux Fur Coat
      1651 Stamps; Commemorative Coins & Albums Lot
      1652 Pop Culture Trading Cards Lot incl Movies
      1653 Action Figures Toy Lot Collection incl Batman etc
      1654 Stamps & Stamp Albums Postal Lot
      1655 Action Figures & Toy Vehicles Lot Collection
      1656 1993 Star Trek TNG Transporter Room UNTESTED
      1657 First Day Covers Stamp  Albums Lot Collection
      1658 Film Reels Lot Collection
      1659 Autumn Air Duck Stamp Sportsman Print
      1660 Automobile Car Parts Lot Collection New Old Stock
      1661 Tissavel Diamonte French Coat
      1662 Ideal PHANTOM RIDER Toy Boat
      1663 10k Gold Plated Cross Pens & Pencils Boxed
      1664 Risqué Aluminum Ash Tray & Brass Calendar
      1665 Wood Planes Carpenters Tool Lot Collection
      1666 Indian Kukri Knife & Sheath
      1667 Lynch & Kelly Sword; Scabbard & Sleeve
      1668 Marines Dress Saber Sword
      1669 Philco Visual Alignment Generator
      1670 Wrenches Tool Lot Collection
      1671 2 Trench Art Military Lamps
      1672 1989 Donruss Vending Case & Topps Baseball Cards
      1673 Realistic Carnival Guitar Amplifiers & Cover
      1674 Mahjong Tiles Lot Collection incl Boxes
      1675 Civil Defense Military Style Helmet
      1676 Russian & Eastern Boxes & Souvenirs Lot
      1677 1989 Topps Batman Card Packs; Action Figures; etc
      1678 Leatherman Tools & Case Pocket Knife incl Cases
      1679 Crosby Differential Pressure Gauge
      1680 Comic Books Lot Collection incl Gold Key & Marvel
      1681 Carved Wood Folk Art Style Walking Sticks Lot
      1682 GI Joe Action Figures Lot Collection & Case
      1683 Seasonal Built Lego Sets Toys Lot
      1684 GI Joe Action Figures; Accessories & Vehicle Lot
      1685 Disney Winnie The Pooh Lego House Set
      1686 GI Joe Action Figures & Accessories Lot incl Case
      1687 GI Joe Toy Vehicles Lot Collection
      1688 Lego Harry Potter Sets & Toys Lot
      1689 GI Joe Action Figures & Accessories Lot
      1690 Marvel Avengers Lego Model Sets Lot Collection
      1691 Lego City & Friends Model Sets & Figures Toy Lot
      1692 GI Joe Toy Vehicles Lot Collection Go Joe!
      1693 Lego City Model Toy Sets & Booklets
      1700 Toy Lot Dinosaurs; Super Heroes & Figures Lot
      1701 Children's Playsets Pastry Horse Shoe & Circus
      1702 Set of 8 Yellow Buffalo China Dinner & Salad
      1703 2 Wirework Record Stands
      1704 Wizard of Oz Glass Christmas Character Ornaments
      1705 5 Antique Fashion Prints Lot Collection
      1706 Presidents Washington & Jackson & Betsy Ross
      1707 2 1880s Woven Silk Prints
      1708 United Nations Flight For Freedom Poster
      1709 Pink Depression Glass Lot Collection
      1710 Nautica Bermuda & Spode Pottery Lot
      1711 9 Glass Coke Coca-Cola Jugs Advertising Lot
      1712 Royal Wedding; Prince Charles & Lady Diana
      1713 Pittsburgh Steelers & Pirates Sports Memorabilia
      1714 Dept 56 Christmas North Pole & Snowbabies
      1715 Pittsburgh Steelers & Pirates Sports Memorabilia
      1716 Lladro & NAO Spanish Porcelain Figures Lot
      1717 Pittsburgh Steelers; Pirates & Washington Football
      1718 International Silverplate Royal Senesta Candelabra
      1719 The Ripken Way 2 Books Signed by Bill & Cal
      1720 West India Islands Map1795 & Compass Print
      1721 Military Post Cards Postcards Watch Scout Sash etc
      1722 Molson Advertising Sign; Oversize Cutlery etc
      1723 Antique Hillclimber Toy Car
      1724 Marvel Action Figures; X-Men; Iron Fist Omega etc
      1725 Marvel X-Men Men & GI Joe Action Figures Toys
      1726 Peanuts & Hot Wheels Lunchboxes & Die-Cast Cars
      1727 Antique Pressed Steel Dump Truck Toy
      1728 Action Figures; GI Joe; DC Multiverse Starship Toy
      1729 Toy Vehicles; Hubley Die-Cast; Tonka Pressed Steel
      1730 GI Joe vs Cobra Action Figure & 3 Toy Vehicles
      1731 Cars; Trucks; Toy Guns Toys Lot Collection
      1732 Hess Trucks & Die-Cast Vehicles Toy Lot
      1733 Spiderman Pinball; Goofy Telephone & Toys Lot
      1734 Balance & Spring Scales Mercantile Lot
      1735 Vinyl Record Album Lot Collection; Rock Pop Elvis
      1736 Stereograms Stereographs Stereocards & Viewer
      1737 Pin-Up Style Porcelain Novelty Decanters
      1738 Betty Boop Memorabilia; Lunchboxes Cookie Jars
      1739 Fiesta Clock & Toaster TS-2012
      1740 B & G Denmark Bing & Grondahl Figures Lot
      1741 Nipper RCA Dog & Postman Letter Mail Holder
      1742 Betty Boop Memorabilia Glasses; Bench Bobble etc
      1743 Jewish Art Calendar & Bust of Moses Judaica
      1744 Neptune Water Meters; Inkwell Standish & Lot
      1745 Art Deco Painted Spelter & Marble Woman repaired
      1746 Vinyl Record Albums Lot Collection
      1747 Paper Ephemera; Delaware; Pennsylvania & New York
      1748 45s Vinyl Record Singles Lot Colleciton
      1749 Vinyl Record Albums; John Kennedy Family
      1750 Paper Ephemera Cooking & Women's Fashion
      1751 Magazines Lot; Teen, SI; Sgt Rock Comic Lennon
      1752 Paper Ephemera; Advertising & Letterheads
      1753 Wood Doll Bench Swing
      1754 Comic Books Lot; DC Comics incl Superman
      1755 DC Comics Books Lot Collection
      1756 Comic Book Lot Collection
      1757 Comic Book Lot Collection; Image Valiant
      1758 T-Shirt Lot Collection; Rock & Roll etc
      1759 Eglomise Gameboard Wood Frame
      1760 Ari Lehman Jason Movie Signed Mask JSA
      1761 Oneida Community Silverplate Flatware & Case
      1762 Hampton Collection Dollhouses of the World
      1763 Cast Iron Train Toy Contemporary
      1764 Marx Stony Stonewall Smith Action Figure Boxed Toy
      1765 Die-Cast Classic Sports Cars incl Road Champs
      1766 Slot & Die-Cast Classic Car Toys Lot
      1767 Die-Cast Tractors & Combine; Britains; ERTL etc
      1768 GI Joe Boxes Action Figures & Cobra H.I.S.S III
      1769 Die-Cast incl Classic Cars Lot Collection
      1770 Canon AV-1 Film & Fuji Digital Cameras & Lenses
      1771 Die-Cast Vehicles incl NASCAR Advertising Trucks
      1772 Lionel O Trains; 2 Locomotives & Corgi Buses
      1773 Lionel Train Cars; Bridges & Plasticville
      1774 WDCC Disney Classics Flamingo Animation Art
      1775 Star Wars Toys & Collectibles incl Games & Figures
      1776 Cast Iron Ice Delivery Horse Cart Contemporary
      1777 Breyer Horse Boxed Toy Lot Collection
      1778 Die-Cast Vehicles; Cars Trucks incl American
      1779 12 Lenox Jewel Platinum Signature Crystal Stems
      1780 ERTL Case II 335 Magnum Red Tractor Combine
      1781 Chein Tin Litho Ferris Wheel Toy as is
      1782 Stanton-Vestax PMC-610 Professional Mixing
      1782a Brutalist MCM Style Mixed Metal Wall Plaque
      1783 2 Stoneware Jugs
      1784 Pair Painted Cast Iron Rooster Bookends
      1785 Antique Ingraham Shelf Mantel Clock
      1786 Cast Iron Scale No 2 & Ice Cream Scoops
      1787 Native American Figures; Canoes; Pipes etc
      1788 3 Antique American Kerosene Oil Lamps Lot
      1789 Novelty & American Indian Belt Buckles etc
      1790 Imperial & York Cutlery Bowie Knives & Sheaths
      1791 Wood Peck Measure & Fire Bellows
      1792 Painted Wood Children's School Desk
      1793 Native American Sculptures & Collectibles Lot
      1800 Our Own Ironing Table & Wood Ladder
      1801 Contemporary Delivery Car Display
      1802 Contemporary Wagon Goat Cart Display
      1803 Santa Christmas Street Pole Lamp Light
      1804 Disney Mickey Mouse Blackboard Chalkboard
      1805 Fiberglass Wall Art Lovers in the Brush
      1806 MCM Starburst Wall Hanging Mirror
      1807 Pair DCM TimeFrame TF350 Speaker Cabinets
      1808 Pair Brass Table Lamps
      1809 Carved Wood Elephants Shadow Box Plaque
      1810 African Animals Carved Wood Plaque
      1811 Meade DS-114 Telescope
      1812 Marx Series 300 Electronic Bowling Game
      1813 Advertising Cardboard Stand Ups Collection
      1814 Puzzles Lot Collection
      1815 M5 Stuart Model Tank
      1816 McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy Advertisements
      1817 Asian Ceramic Elephant Garden Seat
      1818 Carved Stone Alabaster Maiden Bust
      1819 Mother & Child Art Sculpture Austin Prod 1973
      1820 Antique Ansonia Spelter Figural Shelf Clock
      1821 Roseville Pottery Jardiniere & Pedestal restored
      1822 Colonial Male Figure Carved Wood Table Lamp
      1823 Cherub & Ruby Prism Brass Lamp
      1824 MCM Style Ceramic Table Lamp
      1825 Games Board Chess & Backgammon
      1826 3 Brass Table Lamps; Stiffel
      1827 2 Phonograph Horns
      1828 No Stopping Any Time Road Street Bus Stop Sign
      1829 Positively No Smoking Metal Sign
      1830 No Trespassing Danger Metal Sign
      1831 Europe Map Print K Johnson Edinburgh
      1832 Tiffany & Co Wood & Fitted Flatware Case
      1833 Weiland's Lard Advertising Tin
      1834 Ammo Cans Military Surplus Lot
      1835 Doll House Model
      1836 Sunkist Orange Advertising Crates Paper Litho Wood
      1837 Middletown Church Wood Sign
      1838 Aluminum Parts & Service Advertising Sign
      1839 C.A.D.D Wood Sign Public Service
      1840 Our Cruise Maryland Nautical Life Preserver
      1841 2 Wood Crates Farmhouses Decoy
      1842 Pair Art Pottery Floral Decor Table Lamps
      1843 Muhammad Ali Boxing Print
      1844 Roland Guitar Amplifier
      1845 BJ Toys Plush Santa Clause Christmas Figure
      1846 Sharp CD-DH950P Stereo
      1847 Fender 15G Amplifier
      1848 Gemmy Talking Buck As is
      1849 Banner Soda Fountain Tap
      1850 Puzzles Lot Collection
      1851 Bear Bow & Case Sporting Lot
      1852 Duckpin & Billboard Pool Balls Sporting Lot
      1853 Yamaha PSR-530 Keyboard No Power Cord
      1854 Torpedo Wood Sled
      1855 Needle Books Sewing Notion Display Framed
      1856 Road Signs; Speed Limit & No Trucks
      1857 T.M. Sinclair & Co. Tin Litho Sign
      1858 Parking For Tenants Street Sign
      1859 Danger High Voltage Sign
      1860 Realtor Metal Sign
      1861 Danger Cliff Drop Off Metal Sign
      1862 Railroad Crossing Metal Sign
      1863 Oil Painting on Panel Jim Joyner
      1864 Appliance Repairman Shop Wood Cutout
      1865 Glass MCM Hanging Lights Mid-Century Modern
      1866 MCM Plastic Hanging Lights Mid-Century Modern
      1867 Table Lamps Lot Collection
      1868 Boat Model Pond Sailboat
      1869 Longaberger Baskets & Accessories Lot Collection
      1870 MCM Plastic Hanging Light Mid-Century Modern
      1871 Lightning Rod Stands Architectural
      1872 Cross Cut Saw Antique Tool
      1873 City of Baltimore Map Print
      1874 Tool Rack Home Improvement
      1875 Fishing Tackle; Rods; Rack Sportsman Lot
      1876 Dewalt Planer Woodworking Tool
      1877 Carvin Amplifier & Head Unit
      1880 Marvel Action Figures incl Sleep Hollow Action
      1881 McFarlane Spawn Action Figure Toys Lot Collection
      1882 XMen; Spiderman & Batman Action Figures Lot
      1883 The Mummy Action Figures incl Animation Playset
      1884 McFarlane Spawn Action Figures Lot
      1885 Star Wars Action Figures Lot Collection
      1886 Star Wars  Fast Food Premiums Toys Lot
      1887 Action Figures incl Xena & XMan
      1888 XMen Action Figures Lot Collection
      1889 Star Wars Cup Toppers Fast Food Premiums
      1890 Star Wars Power Of The Force Action Figures Lot
      1891 Star Wars Micro Machines Toys Lot Collection
      1892 Star Wars Toys Boxed
      1893 Spawn Action Figure Toys Boxed
      1894 Lord Of The Rings Toys Boxed
      1895 Star Wars Toys Boxed innc Kenner & Hasbro
      1896 Star Wars Toys & Action Figures Boxed
      1897 Star Wars Action Figure Toys Boxed
      1898 Action Figure Toys incl X-men & JLA
      1899 Star Wars Toys & Figures Boxed
      1900 Antique Lafayette French Engraving Print
      1901 World Gone With The Wind Dolls
      1902 Automobile Car Parts New Old Stock Lot
      1903 Betty Boop Character Figures
      1904 Bottle Caps & Violin Strings New Old Store Stock
      1905 NOS Car Parts Automobilia Lot Collection
      1906 Sports Pennants & Fraternal Banner
      1907 Model Kits incl Revell & Monogram
      1908 50 Hess Trucks Boxed Toys Lot
      1909 Funko Pops Boxed Toys Lot Collection
      1910 Sports Starting Lineups Action Figure Toys Lot
      1911 Sports Bobble Heads Baseball Boxed Lot
      1912 Sports Starting Lineup Action Figures Toys Lot
      1913 Holiday Time Road Hog Cookie Jar
      1914 Pop Culture Magazines Periodicals Lot
      1915 Paper Ephemera; The Trader Speak etc
      1916 Circus Magazine Rock & Roll
      1917 Johnny Unitas Signed Football Print PSA\DNA
      1918 Star Wars Toys & Action Figures Lot
      1919 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
      1920 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
      1921 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
      1922 Hallmark Christmas Boxed Ornaments Lot
      1923 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
      1924 Dept 56 Christmas Garden Boxed Lot Collection
      1925 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
      1926 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
      1927 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Music Stands
      1928 Dept 56 Christmas Garden Boxed Lot Collection
      1929 Wood & Metal Slaw Board
      1930 Baseball & Basketball Cards incl 1973 Topps
      1931 Girl Scouts Uniforms & Accessories GSA Lot
      1932 Christmas Ornaments Lot incl Shiny Brite Boxed
      1933 Military Photos Lot incl Eglomise Print
      1934 Military Service Souvenir Banner Silks
      1935 Military; Political & Novelty Pins & Buttons
      1936 Model Planes; London News Copies, Prints
      1937 Sports Magazines Periodical Lot Collection
      1938 Military Related Paper Ephemera Lot
      1939 Military Photos & Post Cards Postcards Lot
      1940 Baltimore Colts Football 8x10 Photos
      1941 Display Cases; Lenox etc
      1942 Presidential Paper Ephemera & Books Lot
      1943 Presidential Tray & Glass Inauguration
      1944 Presidential & Washington DC Prints
      1945 Fountain Pens; Mabie Todd & Lot Collection
      1946 Star Spangled Patriotic Stevengraph Style Mark
      1947 Presidential Fine Art Prints Lot Collection
      1948 Americas Bicentennial Cover Stamps Binders
      1949 Ludwig Bugle & Case Musical Instrument
      1950 Wales Shaving Mirrors New Old Store Stock
      1951 Universal Money Checker Mercantile
      1952 Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas
      1953 Photographs Lot Collection
      1954 Pierre Cardin Long Coat
      1955 Action Figures Lot; GI Joe Boxed Toy Lot
      1956 Military & Service Uniform Coats Clothing Lot
      1957 Painted Wood Smoking Stand
      1958 Nike Shoes Boxed
      1959 Lego Toys Lot Collection
      1960 Toy Trucks; Erector Set & Footlocker
      1961 Women’s Hats & Shoes Fashion Couture Lot
      1962 Vinyl Record Albums Lot Collection
      1963 Baseball Gloves Sporting Equipment Lot
      1964 Movie Film DVDs Lot Collection
      1965 Salt & Pepper Shakers Flocked Novelty Store Stock
      1966 Pabst Blue Ribbon Light-Up Advertising Sign
      1967 2 Rail King #47 Crossing Gates Train Lot
      1968 License Plates; Cast Iron Skillets & Lot
      1969 Matchbox & Die-Cast Cars & Trucks Toy Lot
      1970 HO Trains & Locomotives incl Marklin
      1971 GE & Edward’s School Office Clocks
      1972 All American & Redfield Scopes Hunting Sporting
      1973 Children's T Shirt Novelty Clothing Lot
      1974 Toby Style Pottery Pitcher
      1975 Mid-Century Modern Art Glass MCM Lot
      1976 Novelty Pottery Salt & Pepper Shakers
      1977 New Old Store Stock Boxed Lot Collection
      1978 Pace MBT Electronic Device
      1979 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Lot Collection
      1980 Stained Leaded Glass King Conrad Panel
      1981 Dog Door Stop
      1982 Pokémon #326 Posters Lot Collection
      1983 North Pole Express Christmas Train Set Boxed Lot
      1984 Antique American Cast Iron Dog Doorstop
      1985 Lionel Chesapeake Flyer Train Set Boxed
      1986 Lionel Empty Train Boxes Lot
      1987 Toy Trucks Lot Collection
      1988 3 Ertl Die-Cast Toy Tractors Boxed Lot
      1989 Cox Attack Cobra Thimble Drone Helicopter Toy
      1990 Cast Iron Dog Still Coin Bank
      1991 Airplane Model Kits AMT Plane & Lot Collection
      1992 HO Toy Train Lot; Tyco & Lot Collection
      1993 Toy Action Figures; Star Wars Boxed Lot
      1994 2 Micro Miniature Train Sets Boxed Lot
      1995 Smith Corona Coronet Typewriter & Case Tested
      1996 Munising & Turned Wood Treenware Bowls Lot
      1997 Hand Folding Fans Lot Collection
      1998 Ethnic & Native American Dolls Lot Collection
      1999 Pyrex Glass Bakeware Mixing Bowls
      2000 Westmoreland Elegant Glass Lot Collection
      2001 Lenox Fine Porcelain Lot Collection
      2002 Herend Fishnet Porcelain Sitting Bunnies Figure
      2003 Paladin Capitol Group Glass Box
      2004 Equestrian Horse Brasses Lot Collection
      2005 8 Libby Calypso Caribbean Glasses & Screen Print
      2006 MacKenzie Childs Teapot; Vase & Bowl
      2007 Sebastian Bastians Hand Painted Miniatures
      2008 Celadon Green Glazed Pottery & Porcelain
      2009 5 West Elm Animal Plates
      2010 4 Namber Aluminum Bowls
      2011 Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pottery Lot
      2012 Novelty Belt Buckles Lot Collection
      2013 Pottery Creamers Lot Collection
      2014 Porcelain Shoes & Vases
      2015 KLM Delft Pottery Houses
      2016 Rye Straw & Pine Needle Baskets & Couroc Trays
      2017 Italian Florentine Trays Lot
      2018 Enamel & Graniteware Country Kitchen Lot
      2019 Pendleton Jacket Vintage Clothing
      2020 2 Framed Advertising Prints Coke & Jell-O
      2021 La Casa Bella & Decoratives Lot
      2022 Belleek Vase; Desert Sands Bowl & Lot
      2023 Milk Glass & Brass Hurricane Table Lamp
      2024 Chinese Porcelain Table Lamp
      2025 Elegant Glass Lot Collection
      2026 Silverplate Hollow Ware Lot incl Reed & Barton
      2027 Wood Nutcracker Christmas Lot Collection
      2028 Vinyl Record Album Lot Collection Rock Pop Jazz
      2029 Hasko & Wood MCM Style Serving Trays Lot
      2030 Warsaw Block Collie Copper Plaque
      2031 Buddy L Printing Press Pressed Steel Toy
      2032 Amber Art Glass Vases & Blenko Jar
      2033 Brass Trench  Art Ashtrays & Shells
      2034 Shoeshine Items Shoehorns Wood Brushes Dog Theme
      2035 Military Awards & Medals Print & 7th Air Defense
      2036 Military Caps Hats & Scope
      2037 Military Holsters; Belts & Helmets incl Bomber
      2038 Keystone Pressed Steel Ride 'em Steam Roller Toy
      2039 Classic Games; Board; Card; Dice & Bingo
      2040 MCM Painted Wood Base Table Lamp
      2041 President John F Kennedy JFK Bust
      2042 Hippodrome Presentation Display
      2043 Orange & Blue Flocked Cats
      2044 Pair Carriage Lanterns
      2050 Flocked & Wood Animal Figures Lot
      2051 Painted Composition Train Garden Figures
      2052 Simone Jouglas Dolls Boxed Lot Collection
      2053 Wood Figures Lot Collection
      2054 Craft Figures Elderly Folks
      2055 4 Converse ALL STAR HI Pairs Boxed Shoes
      2056 Wood Art Lot Collection
      2057 Hardcover Books Lot incl Fiction & History
      2058 Pearl Buck Books Lot Collection Collier pub.
      2059 Art Pottery Sports Figures; Bobble Heads &
      2060 Silverplate Flatware & Dishes Lot Collection
      2061 Model Vehicles & Ship Boxed Lot
      2062 Action Figures & Die-Cast Cars Lot Collection
      2063 Birthday Girls Through The Years Figures & Box
      2064 Light Bulbs Lot Collection
      2065 Action Figures Lot Collection incl Star Trek
      2066 Pewter Parmalene Fantasy Figures Lot
      2067 Ohaus Triple Beam Balance Scale & Weights
      2068 Wood Tobacco Pipes Store Stock Display
      2069 Shelby Razor Blades Store Stock Display
      2070 Non Sports Trading Cards Lot Collection
      2071 Garbage Pail Kids Trading Cards Lot Collection
      2072 Wallpaper Trim Store Display & Advertising Lot
      2073 Royal Doulton Character Toby Mugs Lot Collection
      2074 Sports Trading Cards Lot Collection
      2075 Paper Advertising Signs & Calendars Lot
      2076 Prism Globe & Brass Candlesticks Hollywood Regency
      2077 Pewter Ship Table Lamp as is
      2078 Comic Books Lot Collection incl Marvel & Gold Key
      2079 Bobble Heads; Glow Model Cars; Pogs & Lot
      2080 Coin Albums & Guide Books Lot
      2081 Beer Advertising Lot incl Shakers & Buckets
      2082 Beer Advertising Coasters Lot
      2083 Stanley Metal Wood Cutting Planes Tool Lot
      2084 Sega Game Gear Console; Video Games & Lot
      2085 Lighters & Cases Lot incl 1 Sterling Silver Case
      2086 Glass & Brass Curtain Rod Finials
      2087 Pins; Medals; Decanter Stoppers & Belt Buckles Lot
      2088 THE TENTH HORSE Print Dale Gallon
      2089 Framed Civil War Art Prints Lot
      2090 Glolite Light Up Christmas Santa Plaque
      2091 Fountain Pens Lot Collection
      2092 Classic Rock Vinyl Record Albums Lot
      2093 Pens Lot Collection incl Fountain Pens
      2094 Native American Pottery Shakers & Bowl Acoma
      2095 Native American Beadwork
      2096 Native American Pottery Lot incl Jemez etc
      2097 Native American Decoratives; Papago Basket
      2098 Native American Hopi Wood Carved Cradle Dolls
      2099 2 Native American Baskets
      2100 Native American Santa Clara Pottery Naranjo
      2101 Native American Art Pottery Acoma Pot
      2102 Practical Handyman’s Encyclopedia vol 1-18
      2103 Blue Ray DVDs Lot Collection
      2104 VHS Tapes Lot Collection
      2120 1970s Topps Football Cards; Joe Greene Rookie RC
      2121 Pete Rose Baseball Cards & Signed Auto
      2122 Basketball Cards; Stars; HOF & Rookies
      2123 50+/- Shaq Shaquille O'Neal Basketball Cards; RC
      2124 250 +/- Topps 1974-76 Football Cards incl Stars
      2125 1980s - 2000s Baseball Cards; Stars & Rookies
      2126 Football Cards Lot Collection; Stars & HOFers
      2127 1950s-70s Football Card Lot & Signed Auto Photo
      2128 \Michael Jordan Basketball Cards & Plates
      2129 1970 Topps Baseball Cards incl Stars & HOFers
      2130 1971-72 Topps Baseball Cards; Seaver; Jackson etc
      2131 1973-75 Topps Baseball Cards; Stars HOFers etc
      2132 1976 Topps Football Cards Lot Collection
      2133 Signed Autos; Chicago; Cetera; Slater; Greenwood
      2134 Signed Auto Helmets Madden Fouts Newsome etc
      2135 Signed Auto Sports Memorabilia incl Stars HOFers
      2136 Sports Trading Cards &1988 Topps Baseball Wax
      2137 1970's Topps Baseball Cards Stars incl Ryan
      2138 Baseball Cards Graded incl Ripken Rookie Card RC
      2139 1954 Bowman Baseball Trading Cards
      2140 1959 Topps Baseball Cards
      2141 1976 Topps Basketball Cards
      2142 1970 Topps Baseball Trading Cards
      2143 1972 Topps Baseball Cards
      2144 Bronze Presidential Medallions; Military Pins etc
      2145 Wood Walking Sticks Canes Lot
      2150 Star Wars Toys & Figures Boxed incl Micro
      2151 Marvel Action Figures Toys Boxed
      2152 Star Wars Toys & Figures Boxed
      2153 Star Wars Action Figures & Toys Boxed
      2154 Monsters Action Figures Boxed
      2155 Star Wars Toys & Figures Boxed
      2156 Halloween Decorations & Game
      2160 Star Trek Action Figures Lot Collection Boxed
      2161 Star Wars Action Figures Lot Boxed
      2162 Star Trek Action Figures & Interplay Lot Boxed
      2163 Horror Movie Action Figures Lot Boxed
      2164 Movie Action Figures Lot Boxed
      2165 Tomb Raider & Xena Action Figures Lot Boxed
      2166 Spawn Action Figures Lot Boxed
      2167 Halloween Decorations Lot Collection
      2168 Star Wars Action Figures Lot Collection Boxed
      2169 Spawn Action Figures Lot Boxed
      2200 Antique Colored Engravings Farm Scenes
      2201 Shalom Moskovitz New York City Lithograph
      2202 2 Barn Landscape Watercolor Paintings
      2203 Modernist Oil Painting by  Hans Wolfram Gerhard
      2204 Fishing Pier Watercolor Painting
      2205 “Brothers” Woodcut Print by Helen K. Siegl
      2206 Mountain Landscape Oil Painting on Board
      2207 Eskimo Child Oil Painting on Canvas PA Wheatley
      2208 “Seagulls” Michael Kuncevich Signed Lithograph
      2209 Sailing Ship Pastel Painting
      2210 Town Church in Landscape Oil Painting on Board
      2211 Abstract Oil Painting on Board Signed Sokolsky
      2212 Abstract Oil Painting on Board Signed Sokolsky
      2213 Pair of Antique Colored Engravings
      2214 Street Scene Pastel Painting Rebecca Yates Shorb
      2215 Pair of Art Deco Paintings; Sealife Themed
      2216 Abstract MCM Style Acrylic Painting by  J.C. Hall
      2217 Rebecca Yates Shorb Landscape Pastel Painting
      2218 Beach Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas J. Miller
      2219 “Poppy” Painting on Silk Yu Chung-Lin
      2220 German Winter Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas
      2221 Street Scene Oil Painting on Canvas
      2222 "The Emigrant's Letter" Antique Engraving
      2223 Lion Family Engraving; Rosa Ronheur
      2224 Horse Portrait Pastel Painting; Artist Signed
      2225 "Lexington Market" Baltimore Etching by Paul Roche
      2226 Spring Theme Color Etching; Artist Signed
      2227 Floral Still Life Oil Painting
      2228 Floral Still Life Oil Painting
      2229 Winter Scene Lithograph Print
      2230 Woodland Landscape Watercolor Painting
      2231 Edward Gustave Jacobsson Etching 1930's
      2232 Artist Signed & Numbered Etching
      2233 Dutch Windmills Landscape Oil Painting on Board
      2234 Mixed Media Collage
      2235 Women & Sheep Antique Watercolor Painting
      2236 Antique Portrait Oil Painting on Canvas damaged
      2237 Edwin Georgi Art Deco Print
      2238 Kilchurn Castle Engraving Print
      2239 Asian Print Framed
      2240 Children & Dog Antique Colored Print
      2241 Art Prints Lot Collection
      2242 3 Rebecca Yates Shorb Pastel Paintings; Landscapes
      2243 Antique Watercolors & Print Lot Collection
      2244 Spring Maiden Currier Print
      2245 Floral Watercolor Painting
      2246 Rebecca Yates Shorb Harbor Scene Pastel Painting
      2247 Paul Geissler Signed Etching; Street Scene
      2248 South Western Village Oil Painting on Board
      2249 Moonlit Landscape Watercolor Painting
      2250 Crashing Waves Oil Painting on Canvas RN Weidner
      2251 Animal Artwork Inc. Oil Paintings
      2252 Asian Themed Prints & Frame Tile
      2253 Nude Portrait Pastel Paintings
      2254 Mountain Landscape Oil Painting on Board
      2255 Asian Theme Art Prints; Textiles
      2256 Gary Benfield "Quiet Movement II" Signed Print
      2257 Marc Chagall Galerie Maeght Show Poster Print
      2258 “The Promised Land” Western Signed Lithograph
      2259 Artist Signed Mezzotint
      2260 Dyed Fabric Art Wall Hanging
      2261 “Umpires” Norman Rockwell Artwork Print
      2262 Pencil Signed & Numbered Print; Girls & Dolls
      2263 IPA Beer Art Print on Canvas
      2264 Kermit Oil Painting on Board Sarah Harding
      2265 Cheetah Print Pencil Signed & Numbered
      2266 Terry Redlin Signed Prints The Sharing Season
      2267 Silas Weir Mitchell Portrait Oil Painting; Canvas
      2268 Poem Artwork Print; Artist Signed
      2269 “Liberty Road Landscape” A. Aubrey Bodine Print
      2270 Street Market Scene Oil Painting on Canvas
      2271 Axel Haig Signed Etching
      2272 Rufino Tamayo Art Print
      2273 Robert Duncan “Following The River” Print
      2274 Green Spring Hunt Club Photograph Print
      2275 Ben Richmond Signed Barn Scene Print
      2276 Pencil Signed & Numbered Artwork Print
      2277 Ethiopian Storybook Oil Painting
      2278 Lincoln Memorial Reflection Pool DC Oil Painting
      2279 Ducks In Flight Oil Painting on Canvas Repaired
      2280 George Washington Print
      2281 Bald Eagle in Tree Print
      2282 Winter Scene Al Koenig Print
      2283 Fort McHenry Print
      2284 MCM Abstract Oil Painting by R.N. Weidner
      2285 Modernist Oil Painting by R.N. Weidner
      2286 Religious Lithograph Signed Francis J. Meyers
      2287 Kathe Kollwitz Lithograph
      2288 Wall Street Commodity Exchange Watercolor Painting
      2289 Dancers Oil Painting on Board
      2290 Still Life Oil Painting on Canvas
      2291 Ducks in Flight Oil Painting on Canvas
      2292 Mountain Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas
      2293 Antique Cherubs Oil Painting on Canvas damage
      2294 Farm Landscape Airbrush Painting
      2295 3 Modernist Oil Paintings on Canvas
      2296 “Crab Dance” Artist Signed & Numbered Lithograph
      2297 European Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas
      2298 Horseshoe Curve Altoona PA  Artwork Print
      2299 2 Maryland Prints incl Don Swann Etching
      2300 R. Atkinson Fox Art Print
      2301 "Mountani in Mist" Modernist Print by Pang
      2302 Oil Painting on Canvas Artist Signed
      2303 Landscape Watercolor Painting; Artist Signed
      2304 Money Artwork Print Signed Kinzer
      2305 Country Road Oil on Board Painting
      2306 Architectural Inerior Design Watercolor Painting
      2307 Art Deco Print; ICart Style
      2308 China Landscape Art Prints
      2309 Castle in Landscape Oil Painting on Canvas
      2310 Rebecca Yates Shorb Pastel Paintings (2)
      2311 Signed Oil Paintings Lot of 6
      2312 Antique Sailboat Watercolor Painting Signed
      2313 Japanese Landscape Art Print
      2314 Lighthouse Oil Painting Signed Larri
      2315 Madrid Spain Antique Engraving
      2316 Jazz Musicians Lithograph Signed Pendleton
      2400 Geode Stone Specimens Lot
      2401 Sealed Comic Book Lot Collection
      2402 Stamp & Postal Lot Collection
      2403 Advertising Pinbacks & Button Lot
      2404 Lionel Train Rock Island Line
      2405 GoPro Be A Hero
      2406 Coolpix Nikon L18 Camera
      2407 2 ID4 Model Kit New In Box
      2408 2 Franklin Mint Sterling Silver Silhouettes
      2409 Peacock Form Table Lamp
      2410 Teapot Form Table Lamp
      2411 Sports Cards; Baseball; Football etc
      2412 1977 Star Wars ADPAC Sticker & Lot
      2413 Sports Cards Vintage Football & Baseball etc
      2414 Asian Fine Art Lot Collection
      2415 Texas Instruments TI83 & TI84 Calculator As is
      2416 US Stamp Year Set 1973-1998. With Duplication
      2417 Pokemon Yugioh Card Collection as is writing etc
      2418 X-Men & Non Sports Card As Is Some With Damage
      2419 Vintage Photo Lot With Disney Land  Pic
      2420 Prints & Photographs incl Tintype
      2480 Sterling Pendants & Jewelry Lot
      2481 Jewelry Lot Collection; Cameo; Coral etc
      2482 Tiffany & CAROLYN POLLACK Sterling Silver Jewelry
      2483 Sterling & Turquoise Pendants & Jewelry
      2484 Sterling Silver & Amber Jewelry Lot
      2485 Sterling Silver Rings Jewelry Lot
      2486 Sterling Silver Rings Jewelry Lot
      2487 Large Amber Jewelry Pin
      2488 Sterling Silver Rings Jewelry Lot
      2489 Wrist Watches Fashion Jewelry Lot Collection
      2490 Judith Ripka Sterling Silver Bangle Bracelet
      2491 James Avery & Georg Jensen Sterling Jewelry as is
      2492 Chinese Sterling Bangle & Hardstone Jewelry
      2493 Sterling Native American Jewelry
      2494 John Hardy Black Sapphire Sterling Batu Classic
      2495 Diamond & Sterling Silver Earrings
      2496 14k Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry Pendant
      2497 2ct ++ Loose Diamond Melee Lot
      2498 Tiffany & Co Sterling Necklace Jewelry 51 G
      2499 Tiffany  & Co Sterling Silver Bracelet
      2500 Kingston Wrist Watch
      2501 Sterling Military Ring Jewelry
      2502 Wrist Watches Lot Collection 2 Flats
      2503 Costume Jewelry Flat
      2504 Costume Jewelry Flat
      2505 Costume Jewelry Flat
      2506 Wrist Watches Lot Collection 2 Flats
      2507 Wrist Watches Lot Collection 2 Flats
      2508 Costume Jewelry Flat
      2509 Wrist Watches Lot Collection 2 Flats
      2510 Wrist Watch Dials Lot Collection
      2511 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2512 Costume Jewelry Bracelet Tray
      2513 Costume Jewelry Bracelet Tray
      2514 Wrist Watches Tray
      2515 Sterling Silver Native American Rings Jewelry
      2516 Sterling Silver Native American Rings Jewelry
      2517 2 Eagle Themed Belt Buckles
      2518 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2519 Bakelite & Costume Jewelry Tray
      2520 Costume Jewelry Bracelet Tray
      2521 Costume Jewelry Bracelet Tray
      2522 Costume Jewelry Box
      2523 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2524 Costume Jewelry 3 Flats
      2525 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2526 Skagen & Gotham Wrist Watches
      2527 Costume Jewelry Box
      2528 Costume Jewelry 2 Flats
      2529 Costume Jewelry Tray
      2530 Wrist Watches Tray
      2531 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2532 Costume Jewelry 2 Trays
      2533 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2534 Costume Jewelry 2 Flats
      2535 Wrist Watches Lot Collection Flat
      2536 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2537 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2538 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2539 KennyMa Purse Handbag
      2540 Costume Jewelry Tray
      2541 Costume Jewelry Tray
      2542 Omega Wrist Watch
      2543 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2544 Costume Jewelry Asian Tray
      2545 Costume Jewelry Box
      2546 Costume Jewelry Tray
      2547 Sterling Silver Shiebler Jewelry Brooch
      2548 2 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2549 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2550 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tiffany Bracelet
      2551 2 Waltham Pocket Watches
      2552 Sterling Silver & Costume Jewelry Tray
      2553 Sterling Silver & Costume Jewelry Tray
      2554 Costume Jewelry Judaica 2 Flats
      2555 Sterling Silver Jewelry Tray
      2556 Omega Ladies Wrist Watch & Sterling Pins
      2557 Tiffany & Co Sterling Silver Pencil
      2558 Costume Jewelry 3 Trays
      2559 Sterling Silver & Costume Jewelry Tray
      2560 Wrist Watches Lot Collection Flat
      2561 Costume Jewelry 2 Flats
      2562 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings Tray
      2563 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings Tray
      2564 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2565 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2566 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2567 Sterling Silver Jewelry Rings
      2568 Wrist Watches Lot Collection Flat
      2569 Wrist Watch Parts Flat
      2570 Costume Jewelry 4 Bags
      2571 Costume Jewelry Flat
      2572 Costume Jewelry 4 Bags
      2573 Costume Jewelry & Wrist Watches 2 Flats
      2574 Wrist Watches Tray
      2575 585 14K Gold Ring 4.0 grams
      2576 10K Gold Bracelet
      2577 10K Gold Bracelet  3.9 grams
      2578 18k 750 Gold Bracelet 12.3 Grams
      2579 14K Gold Ring 4.6 grams
      2580 14K Gold Necklace 7.8 Grams
      2581 14K Gold Ring 3.6 Grams
      2582 10k 14K Gold Moissanite & Diamond 7.5g
      2583 14K Gold Ring 3.1 Gram
      2584 14K Gold & Diamond Ring 3.0 Grams
      2585 24K Gold Cameo Ring 2.1 Gram
      2586 14K Gold Coin Pendent
      2587 10K Gold Bracelet
      2588 14K Gold Accordion Pendent 4 Grams TW
      2589 14K Gold Pendant & Pin 3.7 Grams
      2590 10K Gold Rings Set 2.6 Grams
      2591 14K Gold & Diamond Ring 1.5 Grams
      2592 14K Gold Bazel Bulova Wrist Watch
      2593 14K Gold Clasp Pearl Necklace
      2594 14K Gold & Diamond Ring 1.4 Grams
      2595 14K Gold Bracelet 5.4 Grams
      2596 14K Gold Pendent 5.4 Grams
      2597 14K Gold Necklace 8.2 Grams
      2598 14K Gold Class Ring 47.6 Grams TW
      2599 14K Gold Ring 2.7 Grams
      2600 10K Gold Ring 2.4 Grams
      2601 10K Gold Ring 4.2 Grams
      2602 14K Gold Airplane Pendant 3.4 Grams
      2603 14K Gold Pendent 3.0 Grams TW
      2604 10K Gold Ring 8.5 Grams missing stone
      2605 14K Gold Charm Pendent 4.1 Grams
      2606 14K Gold Charm Pendent 1.7 Grams
      2607 14K Gold Charm Pendent 1.9 Grams
      2608 14K Gold Charm Pendent 4.5 Grams
      2609 14K Gold Pineapple Charm Pendent 4.8 Grams
      2610 14K Gold Poodle Dog Pendent 8.1 Grams
      2611 14K Gold Tassel Pendent 7.3 Grams
      2612 14K Gold Buddha Pendent
      2613 14K Gold Bracelet 12.0 Grams
      2614 2 14K Gold Clasp Necklaces
      2615 14K Gold; Diamond & Pearl Brooch 22.6g TW
      2616 14K Gold Elgin Pocket Watch 48.7g TW
      2617 Jules Jergensen 14K Gold Wrist Watch
      2618 3 Bags of Costume Jewelry Flat
      2619 3 Bags of Costume Jewelry Flat
      2750 Shreve Sterling Silver Vanity 619+g weighable
      2751 Shreve Sterling Silver Tray 124g
      2752 Schofield Balto Rose Sterling Silver Basket 183g
      2753 Schofield Balto Rose Sterling Silver Sugar 129g
      2754 +++55662366+Continental Silver Figural Teapot 412g
      2755 Continental Silver Repousse Creamer 224g
      2756 Continental Silver Repousse Chocolate Pot 304g
      2757 Sterling Silver Glass Overlay Perfume Bottle
      2758 Sterling Silver Glass Overlay Jar cracked
      2759 Sterling Silver Glass Overlay Perfume Bottle
      2760 Sterling Silver Coffeepot Half Repousse 923g
      2761 Sterling Silver Teapot Half Repousse 870g
      2762 Sterling Silver Art Sculptures Judaica Lot
      2763 5 Sterling Silver & Enamel Spoons Art Nouveau
      2764 Danish Sterling Silver Carving Set & Spoons 118+g
      2765 Sterling Silver Jelly & Nuts Spoons 51g
      2766 Gorham Sterling Silver Flatware 1021g
      2767 Gorham Sterling Silver Handle Flatware
      2768 Antique Continental Silver Engraved Tongs 132g
      2769 Gorham Sterling Silver Platter 286g
      2770 Weighted Sterling Silver Shakers; Candlesticks etc
      2771 Kirk & Son Sterling Silver Tongs 46g
      2772 English Sterling Silver Napkin Ring 29g
      2773 Sterling Silver Spoons; Shakers & Cup 154g
      2774 Tiffany & Co Sterling Silver Slotted Spoon 125g
      2775 Kirk & Son Repousse Flatware 171g
      2776 Sterling Silver Spoons & Butter Spreaders 150g
      2777 Sterling Silver Handle Knives
      2778 Sterling Silver Flatware Forks & Knives 224g
      2779 Sterling Silver Basket 435g
      2780 3 Sterling Silver Weighted Candlesticks
      2781 Gorham Sterling Silver Tray 306g
      2782 Sterling Silver Creamer & Sugar  215g
      2783 Sterling Silver Weighted Candlesticks Lot
      2784 Sterling Silver Vanity Dresser Tray Set
      2785 Silver Footed Covered Box 519g
      2786 Sterling Silver Scrap Candlesticks 64+g
      2787 Danish Sterling Silver Enameled Spoons Guilloche
      2788 James Wyeth Etched Sterling Silver Plate 182g
      2789 Sterling Silver Flatware 1113g Reed Barton etc
      2790 Sterling Silver Spreads & Handled Flatware 161+g
      2791 Sterling Silver Scrap Lot; Candlesticks & Shakers
      2792 Cartier Sterling Silver Salt Shaker & Pepper Mill
      2793 Sterling Silver Handle Bell & Fine Coin
      2794 Gorham Sterling Silver Weighted Candlestick
      2795 Sterling Silver Handle Flatware Knives
      2800 Foreign Coin Collection including Silver
      2801 US Proof Coin Sets
      2802 US Proof Coin Sets
      2803 US Coin & Tokens Lot Collection
      2804 15 LBS of Wheat Cents Coins Lincoln Pennies
      2805 4 Peace; Morgan Silver Dollars 1889O,22D,23S,24
      2806 4 Peace Silver Dollar US Coins 1923, 23S
      2807 4 Peace & Morgan Silver Dollar Coins 1880O,22D,22
      2808 4 Peace Silver Dollars US Coins 1922, 22S, 23
      2809 3 Morgan Silver Dollar US Coins 1884, 1921S,21D
      2810 3 Morgan Silver Dollar US Coins 1902O, 21, 21O
      2811 4 Morgan Silver Dollar US Coins 1881, 1921, 21D
      2812 4 Morgan Silver Dollar US Coins 1896, 97, 1921D
      2813 4 Morgan Silver Dollar US Coins 1883O, 88, 96, 21
      2814 3 Peace Silver Dollar US Coins 1923, 25, 26S
      2815 3 Peace Silver Dollar US Coins 1922, 23
      2816 2 Silver Eagle US Coins 2007, 2011
      2817 PMG Graded Giori Test Note Jefferson Center
      2818 NGC Graded CSA Bronze Penny Bashlow Restrike
      2819 1945 Mexico 2 Pesos Gold Coin
      2820 1945 Mexico 2 1/2 Pesos Gold Coin
      2821 1881 $5 Gold Eagle US Coin
      2822 1912 $2.5 Gold Quarter Eagle US Coin
      2823 NGC Graded 1809MO Mexico 8R Sterling Silver
      2824 NGC Graded 1880S Morgan Silver Dollar US Coin
      2825 1881S Morgan Silver Dollar US Coin
      2826 US Proof & Commemorative Coin Sets
      2827 20th Century US Coins Framed Display
      2828 Foreign Coins; Australian etc
      2829 Tokens & Foreign Coins Exonumia Lot
      2830 36 V Nickel US Coins
      2831 Buffalo & Jefferson Nickel US Coins
      2832 Lincoln & Wheat Penny Cent US Coins Lot
      2833 Lincoln Cent Books & Mint Proof Sets
      2834 Quarter; Half Dollar & Commemorative US Coins
      2835 Wheat Penny Lincoln Cent US Coins over 2Lbs 6 Oz
      2836 95+/- Mercury Dimes Silver US Coins
      2837 Buffalo & Jefferson Nickels US Coins
      2838 Foreign Coins & Paper Currency Lot
      2839 Uncirculated Sets; 1 Oz Copper & US Coins
      3000 Diminutive Bachelors Chest Side Table
      3001 Pair Fancy Painted Windsor Chairs no stretcher
      3002 Mahogany Butler Tray Table
      3003 MCM Swing Arm Floor Lamp
      3004 Wood & Iron Valuables Chest
      3005 The Grafonola Model 785 by Guild
      3006 Antique Hanging Corner Cabinet
      3007 Bridge Floor Lamp Uranium Inserts as is
      3008 Flemish Table Arts & Crafts
      3009 59” x 33” Carpet Rug
      3010 53” x 32” Carpet Rug
      3011 58” x 40” Carpet Rug
      3012 72” x 53” Carpet Rug
      3013 82” x 45” Carpet Rug
      3014 55” x 33” Carpet Rug
      3015 55” x 32” Carpet Rug
      3016 41” x 25” Carpet Rug
      3017 87” x 56” Carpet Rug
      3018 98” x 54” Carpet Rug
      3019 52” x 30” Carpet Rug
      3020 71” x 40” Carpet Rug
      3021 110” x 84” Carpet Rug
      3022 118” x 81” Carpet Rug
      3023 106” x 70” Kilim Carpet Rug
      3024 118” x 84” Carpet Rug
      3025 117” x 32” Carpet Rug
      3026 218” x 148” Carpet Rug
      3027 140” x 104” Carpet Rug
      3028 56” x 46” Carpet Rug
      3029 44” x 20” Carpet Rug
      3030 79” x 44” Carpet Rug
      3031 107” x 66” Carpet Rug
      3032 Jansen Piano Stool MCM Style
      3033 MCM Lucite Stool
      3034 Berkeley & Gay Chinoiserie Linen Press
      3035 Berkeley & Gay Renaissance Style Sideboard
      3036 Berkeley & Gay Renaissance Style Server
      3037 Antique Country One Drawer Stand
      3038 Farm House Country Wood Stool
      3039 6 Chrome & Lucite Folding Chairs MCM
      3040 Pair Asian Wood & Marble Corner Chairs
      3041 Victorian Surrender Table
      3042 Slant Front Secretary Desk Painted
      3043 Modern Globe Zodiac Flip Top Bar losses
      3044 MCM Laminate & Iron Table Mid-Century Modern
      3045 C.J. Dunn Co. Studded Leather Trunk
      3046 Design Institute MCM Upholstered Chair
      3047 Painted Wood Trunk
      3048 Antique American Oak Dresser
      3049 Antique Perfect 20 Cast Iron Parlor Stove
      3050 MCM Hickory White Burlwood Desk Mid-Century Modern
      3051 Danish MCM One Drawer Stand Mid-Century Modern
      3052 Pair Mid-Century Modern MCM Side Lamp Tables
      3053 Pair Paul McCobb Side Tables Mid-Century Mod MCM
      3054 Pair Lane Brass Bound Nightstands Campaign Style
      3055 MCM Table Floor Lamp
      3056 Tarm Stole MCM Teak Coffee Table
      3057 Frost King Oak Ice Chest
      3058 Herman Miller Leather Arm Chair & Ottoman MCM
      3059 Domino Mobler MCM Teak Cabinet Mid-Century Modern
      3060 Domino Mobler MCM Teak Cabinet Mid-Century Modern
      3061 Domino Mobler MCM Teak Cabinet Mid-Century Modern
      3062 3 Drawer Stand
      3063 Heywood Wicker Garden Stand
      3064 Cast Iron & Wood Work Table
      3065 Antique American Oak Turned Leg Stand
      3066 Maitland-Smith Empire Style Table lacking hardware
      3067 MCM Wood Slab Naturaliatic Coffee Table
      3068 Curio Cabinet
      3069 Antique American Oak Bonnet Chest
      3070 Antique American Oak Lingerie Chest
      3071 Windsor Style Brace Back Arm Chair
      3072 Antique American Two Drawer Stand Worktable
      3073 Victorian Style Oval top Table
      3074 Radio Table Stand 0646-A
      3075 Lane Cedar Chest Mid-Century Modern MCM
      3076 Mahogany Pembroke Table as is
      3077 Vanity Desk & Mirror
      3078 Bridge Floor Lamp
      3079 Chrome Floor Lamp Mid-Century Modern MCM Style
      3080 Nickel Plate Art Deco Floor Pole Lamp & Shade
      3081 Lucite Floor Lamp Mid-Century Modern MCM Style
      3082 Marquetry Inlaid Scroll Cut Side Table
      3083 Howard Miller Smokey Lucite & Chrome Clock MCM
      3084 Floor Lamp Brushed Brass MCM
      3085 76” x 44” Carpet Rug
      3086 81” x 43” Carpet Rug
      3087 98” x 44” Carpet Rug
      3088 80” x 48” Carlet Rug
      3100 Dahon Boardwalk Bicycle Bike
      3102 Rattan Style Arm Chair as is
      3103 Pair Iron Table Bases
      3104 Fruit Gathering Orchard Farm Stand Baskets
      3105 Bird Feeder & Chicken Waterer Farm Lot
      3106 Cast Iron Gears Industrial Architectural
      3107 Wirework Planter Garden Stand
      3108 Fiberglass Light Up Garden Mushroom
      3109 3 MCM Upholstered Chairs Hibriten
      3110 Smokey Glass & Chrome Rolling Cart MCM Style
      3111 Sparton Radio Cabinet
      3112 Antique Press Farm Orchard as is
      3200 Garden Harness Cart
      3201 Wood Outdoor Patio Table
      3202 Wood Porch Swing
      3203 Norma Performance Snow Blower As Is
      3204 Garden Wagon Cart
      3205 International Harvester Dump Cart
      3206 Animal Trap & Bird Feeder
      3207 Stihl Backpack Blower As Is
      3208 Garden Cart & Wheel Barrel
      3209 2 Folding Work Benches
      3210 Sea Eagle Fishing Explorer Inflatable Kayak 350
Sale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale 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