Canton Estate Sale *** 90% OFF MONDAY ***
1) 3% fee for all Debit/Credit Card purchases
2) All items are sold "as is". Please inspect all items, prior to your purchase, no refunds will be given. All sales are final!
3) We cannot assist in removing items from the home, please bring help, to remove large items that you purchase
4) LIABILITY WAIVER The estate nor Great Lakes Estate Sales, LLC handling the estate sale are not liable for accidents or injury of any kind as a result of visiting this property. By attending the sale you knowingly release the aforementioned parties of any such liability. Visit this property at your own discretion. Please be careful and have fun!
6) NO LARGE BAGS, please leave them in your car, or check them at the cashier area, we cannot stress this enough. Please check your large bag at the cashier area. We have ample space for holding your items.
7) We cannot guarantee the availability of any item. We do our best to update photos.
8) We do honor street numbers. The first person in line will pass out numbers. We do not pass our numbers, but we do honor street numbers.
9) Bring assistance when removing furniture from the home, we are limited in the amount of help we can give when it comes to removing furniture from the home. If you require assistance to move furniture out of the home, a charge of $10 will be added to your purchase price.

Huge Packed Canton Estate Sale
45989 Gainsborough
Canton, Michigan 48187
November 25th, 2024
Monday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
This one is packed on each and every floor, including the garage and backyard too.
You know we have to get the rules out of the way before we get onto the fun things, so here we go:
1) There is NO PUBLIC RESTROOM available at this sale, please plan accordingly.
2) Certain areas of the house will be closed off to the public. So please pay attention to the signs. If the sign says DO NOT ENTER NOTHING FOR SALE IN THIS AREA, please leave the door closed. Let's not make this weird.
3) You will be responsible for the removal of all items from the home, including furniture. Should you require assistance please bring help with you to move items out of the house. But sorry at this sale, we do not have any personnel that is going to be able to carry items out of the house.
4) Not all items are going to be priced, part of this sale is a treasure hunt, please be respectful of that.
5) Please be respectful of the pricing, we price items to sell. We do discounts, according to what the Estate wants, again please respect the Estates decision, and the fact that we are under contract with the Estate.
Remember how much fun it was to decorate and furnish your home in the 1950's, and then again in the 1960's. The 1970's was a great decade for decorating a home, that lead right into the 1980's. And the you moved, and had a new home built in 1986, and move all those decades of wonderful furnishings into this clean and smoke free home.
Welcome to our Canton sale!!! We could not be more pleased to bring you this sale. We have so many great items from five decades, we can barely contain ourselves. It brings a sense of joy to our souls, and a smile to our faces.
When you first walk into this amazing quad-level, you feel a sense of peace and tranquility, and then the wonder of the decades takes over, and your smiling immediately.
The Brady's and the Cleaver's, along with the rest of Southeastern Lower Michigan are very happy about this sale.
And yes, we have plenty more items to offer as well, and we are just getting started on this one, but it brings so much happiness to us, that we needed to get the word out early on this sale.
This sale has so much to offer. And it is going to be fun too. This home has so much fun positive energy, that this sale is going to be amazing.
This Estate Sale is packed and overflowing with all kinds of vintage and Mid Century Modern items.
Clothing, is all over the place, in each and every closet and each and every room, shoes too, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of pairs of shoes. Men's and Women's clothing, all of good quality and all in great condition.
Vintage board games, vintage games, and racing sets, we have lots and lots and lots to offer at this sale. We have been blessed with another amazing sale, and this one will certainly not at all disappoint.
Vintage Pyrex and Corelle items too, and a few that are still sealed in the original boxes. We have the most exceptional set of Sasaki Mid Century Modern Glassware ( the ones that are showing in the pictures as purple, which they are) that we have ever seen, and it has never been used, and still has all the original tags on them too.
Also, Mid Century Modern China and Stemware hiding in a box or two, Tonka Trucks, and trust me, we have a whole grocery store, and more of paper products and canned good too, along with cleaning supplies, and personal care items too.
Oh yes, and a very nice, one of a kind large 1980's Christmas Tree, in remarkable condition
We are going to be keeping the pricing very simple at this sale as well, so pay attention to the signs as well.
1) All items that are in the garage that are NOT PRICED will be $1
2) All clothing and all shoes, will be $2 per piece, or per pair.
3) Coats, men's and women's will be priced at $8
4) Hangers are going to be free, and trust us if you need hangers we have plenty of them in laundry baskets all over the house.
5) Books are going to be $1 your choice
6) All office items are going to be fill a bag for $5, while they last
7) Lightbulbs are going to be $2 per pack
We really cannot list all the pricing here, but we are going to be priced to sell, and very reasonable as well. This is a clean and smoke free home, and all items are in pristine condition, and in good working order. To say the very least we are packed to the brim with all kinds of amazing and wonderful Mid Century Modern, 1950's 1960's and 1970's heavenly items.
If your serious about your vintage items, we have you covered! Especially that mini Aluminum Christmas Tree!!

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