auction1 day sale 8 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Charlotte, MI 48813 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 27th, 2025.
Mar 28

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 Description & Details

Don & Donna Tirrell Estate Auction, Friday, March 28th at 10:00 am An excellent complete estate auction including tractors, machinery, vehicles, home furnishings, tools, and antiques. Included is a Deutz DX110 Tractor with 4986 hours, S/N 76201315 and a Kubota M7040 MFWD Tractor with LA1153 Loader, S/N 85341; Farmall Super M tractor, 2011 Legend 12' Dump Trailer #1L9610DT1B1317644; 2009 Dodge Ram pickup, 2014 Chrysler van, Kawasaki 4 wheel drive Mule, Excellent Laredo Keystone 5th wheel trailer, Bad Boy Elite zero-turn mower w/60" mower deck, rototiller, lawn and garden, leaf collection system, excellent home furnishings, glass, a large group of oil...

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