LAST DAY BLOW OUT Mid Century Modern Madness-Toys-AC 70s-80s Nostalgia
We Accept Cash & Credit Cards (4%) No Checks Bring Help to Load Large Items Not Responsible for Accidents. NOTE: The House does not have heat so dress appropriately or bring a heater. Street #'s are Accepted if you start the list you must stay with the list. Street #'s are Accepted. If you start the list you must stay with the list.

Privately Listed Sale
Mid Century Lighting Floor, Table & Hanging Lamps Sports Cards
Mid Century Smalls 100+ 70's-80's T-Shirts 20-30 Concert Grateful Dead, Hendrix, Kiss Etc
Vintage AC Collectibles 50-100 Blue Jeans Guess, Polo, Paco, etc
Gas & Oil Large Grouping of Hats
Toys/Toys/Toys Die Cast, Key Wind, Pressed Steel 10-Leather Jackets
Start Wars Vintage Hunting-Red Plaid Sheraton
Deer Mounts-Turkey Tail Mounts Hockey Clothing
8-Tackle Boxes-Reels & Fishing Poles Hockey Stick Hall Tree
Advertising-Vintage 7up Clock etc Blue Point 72pc set
Pyrex Large Lot of Christmas Some Vintage
Washer-Dryer-Refrigerator Vintage Stereo Equipment Receivers, Turn Tables, Speakers
3-Beds 2-Bose Wave Radios
2-Cedar Chests Wall Art
Duncan Fife Table-Secretary-China Cabinet Some Glass
Coca Cola Floor Rug & Ace Hardware Rug

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