auction1 day sale starts tomorrow
Mar 15
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 Description & Details

Doll & Lamp Antique Collection Saturday, March 15th As the 2nd portion of our auction scheduled for Saturday, March 15th, we will be selling a large collection of hundreds of Antique and Collectible Dolls as well as approximately 150 Miniature oil lamps. A strong representation of Bisque Antique Dolls includes Armand Marseille, Handwerck, Simon & Halbig, Kestner, French, Morimura Brothers, ABG, Heubach Koppelsdorf, a large group of Excellent Antique China-head Dolls as well as approximately 200 Artist and Collectible examples. Coming from the Don & Donna Tirrell Estate of Charlotte, is the miniature oil lamp collection; a very nice representation....

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