Great Estate in Lawton
moving sale•3 day sale •starts tomorrow
Mar 13
10am to 4pm
Mar 14
10am to 4pm
Mar 15
9am to 12pm
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Cash & Credit Card (3% fee) Only. No Checks Please. No Early Sales. All items sold "as is". All sales are final. Not responsible for Accidents or Injuries. Please bring your own wrapping paper and boxes!

Hey Guys have I got a sale for you!!!! The basement holds a treasure trove of sporting items, tools and a large train collection!
the main level has nice furniture and household items!
Nice clean home filled with collectibles and nice furniture! Don’t miss this sale!
SIGN UP AT 9:00! Doors open at 10:00
I will be adding more pictures so check back often! Everything priced to sell!

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