Livonia Estate Sale *** 75% OFF SUNDAY ***

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Livonia, MI 48154 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Mar 28
10am to 4pm
Mar 29
10am to 4pm
Mar 30
10am to 3pm


1) 3% fee for all Debit/Credit Card purchases
2) All items are sold "as is". Please inspect all items, prior to your purchase, no refunds will be given. All sales are final!
3) We cannot assist in removing items from the home, please bring help, to remove large items that you purchase
4) LIABILITY WAIVER The estate nor Great Lakes Estate Sales, LLC handling the estate sale are not liable for accidents or injury of any kind as a result of visiting this property. By attending the sale you knowingly release the aforementioned parties of any such liability. Visit this property at your own discretion. Please be careful and have fun!
6) NO LARGE BAGS, please leave them in your car, or check them at the cashier area, we cannot stress this enough. Please check your large bag at the cashier area. We have ample space for holding your items.
7) We cannot guarantee the availability of any item. We do our best to update photos.
8) We do honor street numbers. The first person in line will pass out numbers. We do not pass our numbers, but we do honor street numbers.
9) Bring assistance when removing furniture from the home, we are limited in the amount of help we can give when it comes to removing furniture from the home. If you require assistance to move furniture out of the home, a charge of $10 will be added to your purchase price.

Livonia Estate Sale
15821 MarshaLivonia, MI 48154


75%  75%  75%  WE CAN DO THIS

March 28th, 29th, and 30th.  Which is this upcoming Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Friday       10:00am to 4:00 pm
Saturday   10:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday     10:00am to 3:00pm

This Livonia sale is going to be PACKED......

You know we have to get the rules out of the way before we get onto the fun things, so here we go:




You know we have to get the rules out of the way before we get onto the fun things, so here we go:

1)  There is NO PUBLIC RESTROOM available at this sale, please plan accordingly.

2)  Certain areas of the house will be closed off to the public.  So please pay attention to the signs.  If the sign says DO NOT ENTER NOTHING FOR SALE IN THIS AREA, please leave the door closed.  Let's not make this weird.

3)  You will be responsible for the removal of all items from the home, including furniture.  Should you require assistance please bring help with you to move items out of the house.  But sorry at this sale, we do not have any personnel that is going to be able to carry items out of the house.

4)  This is going to be a simply remarkable Estate Sale, and we are excited to bring it to you.

5)  Please be respectful of the pricing, we price items to sell.  We do discounts, according to what the Estate wants, again please respect the Estates decision, and the fact that we are under contract with the Estate.  If you continue to pressure us for additional discounts, above what is advertised, your items will be returned to the sales floor.

6)  Any altering of prices, for example, removing or switching price tags, will result in criminal prosecution.


This is going to be one heck of a sale.  We are going to have a lot of fun at this one.  We have some great items in this ranch home.  Including the garage and the basement as well.  Lots to see, and lots to do at this sale.  We do have some great women's clothing items as well.  Along with your typical decorative items, kitchen items, and much much more!!

Stayed tuned, pictures will be coming soon, and of course more information as well.  But do put this one on your list of things to do when considering Estate Sales, especially seeing as how this is 1 of 2 sales that we are bringing you this weekend.  Yes you have options again.  Livonia, or Hartland, the choice is yours, each one is unique and original, and a complete 180 from each other as well, so we are providing you with ample opportunities to explore and have fun this weekend.

Also fair to note that both the Hartland Home and the Livonia Home are also going to be for sale, so please inquire within. 

So as of today, 03/19/2025 we are making great strides to make this a most amazing Estate Sale.  We have been cleaning, and moving, and shuffling, and basically just having some fun, lots of fun.

As this weekend goes on, we will be providing many more pictures and fun and helpful insights.  We have an incredible amount of items to clean, stage, and make look nice.  Of course, we are going to have some of those, "this is what it looked liked" pictures too, so stayed tuned for those.

All in all this is going to be a great Estate Sale.  As we get closer and closer, we have so much to let you know, that this sale now is going to be PACKED.  We just uncovered today an entire village of Thomas Kinkade houses, that actually light up, and in very nice condition.  This is truly remarkable find.  The excitement for us just keeps growing and growing.

We have closets of women's clothing.  Women's shoes as well, and all the clothing and all the shoes, are very very very very gently worn, with no stains, no odors, and clean as can be.

We have shoes from Crocs, OrthoFit, Hotter, Sketchers, and many more.  

Women's clothing we are looking at some very fine designers, the house is full of Dana Buchman, Chelsea & Theodore, J. Jill, Just Jill, Simply Jill, Coldwater Creek, Simply Vera, Vera Wang, Lands End, Love By Design, Garfield & Marks, Tria, and many many more.

Again, this is going to be one outstanding sale!!!


We are going to be doing it again, at this sale as well.  We are looking to donate, sheets, towels, pillows, and other types of linen items to an animal rescue, animal shelter, cat or dog hospital, or any independent animal rescue, we will again, be having a very large collection of these types of items to donate.  Please do inquire as to where these are located within the Estate Sale.  Yes, all items are clean, and odor free.  Again, please do inquire within about the linens that we are happy to donate.

We have all the linens, in large plastic bags, lined up on the front porch, waiting to go.  Each bag contains a mixed variety of towels, linens, blankets and wash cloths.  The bags are large, but not heavy.  Pillows are also mixed in as well.

Just so you know all the donations will be on a first come first serve basis.  We may have more to donate toward the end of the sale, but that we will save for a later time.

Everyday we keep uncovering more and more and more items.  We keep trying to clean and keep up with postings, but all we can tell you is that as of today, with all the cleaning, and more cleaning, it is starting to feel more and more like a Great Lakes Estate Sale.  You will simply be impressed




Welcome to our Livonia Estate SaleFun and exciting Estate Sale in LivoniaGreat Lakes Estate Sales Logo, yup, that's our logoFlower power!!!!  A couple of nice floral art pieces, for the wallPfaltzgraff, a very large collection of Pfaltzgraff.  These is the "Village" collection.  And yes we have numerous piecesPfaltzgraff collection, "Village" collection that is.  Wayward lamb is looking for a girl named Mary.More of those delightful pieces of Pfaltzgraff "Village".  And alas, not a real cupcake, but if someone was to bring us cupcakes we would not complain.  Or brownies, then we could plug in the lava lampAnd yes, the entire collection of Pfaltzgraff dishesThat was suppose to show the name Pfaltzgraff on the bottomCafe art, perfect for that coffee bar that you have always wanted in your home.  Yes, you have, and now you knowAnything that is 1970's bamboo, especially gold and mirror is outstandingComfy entrance bench, take your shoes off, stay awhile, comfy bench.  Of, if you want would make a great "time out" bench for the younginsThat mirror is wonderful, amazingly wonderful, and there is that comfy bench againWe have some very great women's coats, a very large collection of them, and all of them in good conditionLots of great, in amazing condition, women's outdoor coatsYup, outdoor coat, ladies styleLooking good in red lady!Faux ivy, in wicker basketLittle decorative birdhouseSmall world globeTake some old window, paint some flowers on them, and PRESTO! Hand painted wall artVery nice vintage smoked glass topped table, oval in stylePaid sofa, of the non sleeper sofa varietyAgain, the plaid loveseat, previously noted as a sofa, but now identifies as a "non-sleeper loveseat"Solid wood, glass front, five shelf barrister bookcasePair of two floral framed art piecesJ E W E L R Y, of the costume and classy varietyA Quad of Floral Framed PrintsSmall tiny rocking chair by the Queen BedWonderful and elegant area rug, hand knotted, and pristine in conditionAnd yes, we again will be having lots and lots of booksWalkerSchwinn Exercise equipment Some blurry imageChina cabinet, great project piece, with endless possibilities. This is an amazing plant stand, or as you see it now, a candle wreath holderFloral thing in basketTwo tiered black metal table and glassBlack metal and solid thick glass.  A classic pairingIt's a side table, not a tribal drum.  But did not stop the set up crew from saying BA-BA-LOO!  Hint:  Ricky RicardoTeeny, weeny, tiny pianoBooks, figures, and small stained glass lampRolling wood cart with a drawer and two shelvesThe details on this table are one of a kindExpecting a large crowd for the holidays (Hint: Easter) we have you covered with this large table, and eight large chairsYou could park a small car on this large table.  But dinner is better, but the small car idea, well, that has potentialSolid wood, solid built, extra large table, seats eight, which is the amount of chairs we have that match, but you would always add moreThese are the chairsThe answer is, Faux florals, a wax melter, a Sony S-Frame......  Alex, what is a Great Lakes Estate Sales picture!  Yes, Audrey, you are correct and you take the lead with $100Ok, we do have some random items, but the items that we do have are pretty good, and very eclecticGive us a day or two and we do make things look niceVery niceWe have sold some nice area rugs, but this one is simply awesomeYup awesomeThe smaller version of awesomeThat glass and metal table is outstandingSee we make things look good.  Takes some time, cleaning, and lots of laughs, but we do itYes, plaid loveseat, by Broyhill, and yes it is comfortableSlight shift of the camera, and we see a side table and small chairWe make things look good, and this room is filled with treasuresAirline bags, and moreWomen's clothing, all clean and neat and in great condition, some even still have the tags on themFun collectible itemsGames and kiddo booksKiddo games, and books, and moreGoing on a trip we have adult, and kiddo luggage, the rolling kind, and the check in kind, and the carry on kind tooAnd some file items on wheelsSome great items to decorate, and live withDid you know that Great Lakes Estate Sales also offers decorating help and advise?  It's true, and free!  In this case never mix plaid pillows with a plaid loveseat, and then add a tulip couple of pillow, and some solid green pillows.  You cannot even sit down.  Follow along for more inspiration and personal tips, including cooking, and self care.No it is not a giant spider waiting to pounce.  But an outstanding backpackLots of great items, and more kiddo items tooSkates, shelves and corkboard, a delightful trioAnd even more decorative itemsKids itemsMore kids items, and toysAmerican Tourister carry on sac and some great art work, and kiddo things, and a random picture on the wall to the rightMake that two beautiful pieces of artwork on the wallLinens and sheet setsMore linen and sheet setsEven more linen and sheet setsLinens and sheet sets, area rugsShoe holderShoe holder, and don't try to Ticky-Tockey it, and use it for a spice rack.  Women's clothing and clean pillows on the rightWomen's pantalonesClean pillowThose are table cloths, and this room is filled with linensThose are napkins and such that go with the tableclothsMore tableclothsAnd some baby items as wellMore fun stuff that we have to sellSome great artwork, that is wall perfectThat is a tree-bag.  Not to be confused with a tea-bag.  A Tree-Bag is a coat tree that now holds bags, or purses, or bags.  A tea bag is a delicious little bag that makes a fine beverage either hot or coldScarves, mix and match, and only limit to design is your imaginationLinensChairLinens, towels, and washcloths.  Neatly organizedMore towels and linensLinens and towelsMore linens and towelsShoes, just wait...More women's clothingEven more women's clothingMore women's clothing, and why does it look like the shoes are jumping out of the holder?They are!  Oh, and more clothingWomen's suitsWe make this look better in about 15 photos from nowA whole large counter if you willCookbooks, because you never know when you want to look up your favorite receipeBack to the large amount of pet supplies and products that we haveWe even have the aquatic pets covered as wellLooking for an aquatic pet?  We have that as well.  Which is rare, because we have never sold a fish beforePfaltzgraff, a complete setMore and more and more Pfaltzgraff Even more, we have lotsFish tank, complete with beautiful fishWe have a very nice, large collection of pet suppliesVitamix, not to be confused with Vitameatavegamen, from the I Love Lucy Show.See how nice that looksBeautiful pieces of artworkYou will notice a theme in the kitchen and that all the items have a splash of red in themMix, stir, serve and bakeWe have it all.  That trifle bowl from Pampered Chef is just the right size for a small dinner partyPressure cook it then serve it with all these piecesMugs and moreSome great items and moreShoesMore shoesLots of shoes. mostly size 8Shoes in size 8, and trust when we say, very, very, very, gently wornCafe set, for twoYellow cafe set, with outstanding bright and vibrant rugThat actually is a Croquet setAnd all of this, including the shelves is for saleMix a little of this, and a little of that, and set for a spellChairs, and tables, and metal yellow side tables tooLarge table with chairsBBQ GrillComplete sets of outdoor furnitureCouple of file cabinets, a couple of wavy mirrors, and office suppliesHang on one minuteNativity sceneAnother Nativity sceneWhew!!  Bookcases are also for sale, and books are tooYes, even the flag is for sale as wellSmall Shepard's hook.  And look there the Purple Metal Flower is waving helloNow this is the rare, double bow bent, angle down Shepard's hook.  And look at all those metal flowers happy in the sun and wavingNow this is up to you.  Shepard's hook for plants, or....a very nice birdfeeder hanger with squirrel deterrent cone.  See how well that works?!?!Squint your eyes, for this metal butterfly trellis, in the foregroundNice small round table, perfect for any outdoor areaFill in the of 03/25/2025 we have 275 days till Christmas.  But you could put in "Who Cares" in the blank space.  But the dear sweet children are looking forward to another Christmas, so we should stick with a numberFun Fall themed guyFun Fall themed Girl.  And no, the two of them are not making Fun Fall Themed babiesIt's always good to know what holiday it is, or how does your garden growIt's tilted for a reason.  It's suppose to be that way

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