Sterling Heights Estate Sale!

estate sale3 day sale 52 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Sterling Heights, MI 48312 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, May 21st, 2025.
May 22
9am to 4pm
May 23
9am to 4pm
May 24
9am to 4pm


CASH or ZELLE ONLY PLEASE! Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents. Please be sensitive to neighbors! Don't block driveways or mailboxes. Thanks

STERLING HEIGHTS ESTATE SALE!  Hello, Friends -- please join us Thursday through Saturday, May 22-24 in Bagdad Street in Sterling Heights.  This sale will feature many premium items, including the following:

  • cute round light-oak kitchen dining table and four chairs -- great for a nook
  • APPLIANCES: Kenmore white, glass-top electric stove and matching fridge,  GE Spacemaker microwave, Kenmore washer and dryer
  • Keurig
  • white canister set
  • vintage Fivel stuffed animal
  • sconces
  • vintage books
  • doll collection
  • maple china hutch and matching table and chairs
  • LAMPS: standing, ceramic, and more
  • vintage Olympia typewriter
  • lighters
  • ART
  • jewelry
  • silverware set
  • maple mirrored dresser
  • sewing machine
  • office chair
  • futon
  • mid-century blond dressers
  • bedroom set
  • flat-screen TV's
  • recliner
  • snack table set
  • sofa
  • vintage record albums: Denver, Manilow, Ram Jam, Partridge Family, Faces, Alice Cooper, Cheap Trick, J. Geils, Nugent, Rough Diamond, the Knack, Styx, Jeff Beck, Exile, and more!
  • dolly, wheel barrow, charcoal weber, picnic table
  • vintage bike
  • shelving units
  • vintage sled
  • fire escape ladder
  • electric mower
  • vintage cooler
  • heater
  • desk
  • antique porcelain table
  • pots/pans
. . . Kenmore washer and dryer. . . Kenmore emblem. . . glass-top electric stove. . . nice fridge. . . GE microwave. . . cute kitchen table and chairs. . . nice plaid sofa. . . nice maple china hutch filled with treasures!. . . electric lawn mower. . . vintage sailor whites. . . Mr. Coffee. . . great kitchen ware. . . maple Windsor-style chairs. . . vintage Olympia typewriter. . . formal silverware set. . . pipe holder. . . more costume jewelry. . . Wizard of Id -- Grog?. . . great vintage sled!. . . jewelry box. . . maple mirrored dresser. . . sewing machine and brushed nickel lamp. . . night stand and cermaic lamp. . . queen headboard. . . with matching wardrobe. . . and dresser. . . accent mirror. . . plaid futon. . . mid-century chest of drawers. . . flat screen TV. . . another flat-screen TV. . . ottoman. . . nice print. . . another print. . . more framed art. . . another Dynasty doll. . . Dynasty doll. . . a couple more. . . another . . .  and another. . . and another. . . cute. . .  dressed for the cold. . . Holland?. . . why so sad?. . . cute. . . pretty in pink. . . and pink. . . and pink. . . Christmas. . . cute. . . Fievel!. . .Keurig. . . cute canister set. . . sconce. . . vintage books. . . dolls of the world. . .  vintage tool drafting kit. . . cute accent. . . German hand-carved figure. . . standing lamp. . . costume jewelry. . . vintage banks. . . pottery. . . vintage lighters. . . oil landscape. . . another landscape oil. . . sewing accessories. . . office chair. . . standing lamp. . . exercise stepper. . . accent lamp. . . cute shelf. . . shower chair. . . standing lamp. . . vintage pamphlets. . . boombox. . . blue upholstered chair. . . snack table set. . . lamp. . . Alice Cooper. . . Faces. . . it's on the top of my tongue!. . . Cheap Tric. . . more Cheap Trick. . . more Cheap Trick. . . more Cheap Trick. . . John Denver. . . more Denver. . . and another. . . Barry Manilow. . . Manilow Live. . . more Manilow. . . are you ready to rock?. . . Helen Reddy. . . are you Reddy or not?. . . the Partridge Family. . . Kenny Rogers. . .Streisand and Gibbs. . . Chicago. . . Jesus Christ Superstar. . . Carpenters. . . Rough Diamond. . . J. Geils. . . the Motor City Madman!. . . did you know that the lead singer of The Knack is Jeffery Feiger's brother?. . . another one on the tip of my tongue?. . . there it is!. . . Jeff Beck. . . Exile. . . more Geils. . . American Popular Songs. . children's music. . . Chipmunks. . . wheel barrow. . . dolly. . . yard tools. . .charcoal grill. . . lots of stuff. . . picnic table. . . vintage bike. . . storage shelves. . . aluminum ladder. . . fire escape ladder. . . steamer trunk. . . vintage laundry basket. . . cute magazine table. . . golf clubs. . . lots of food storage containers and household supplies. . . more food storage containers. . . closer look. . . vases. . . more vases. . . cool retro jug. . . sewing suppliesfabric. . . organzier. . . never used camera. . . rest and roll. . . heater. . . tools. . . backgammon. . . vintage step stool. . . satchels. . . stuff. . . great porcelain table. . . humidifier or dehumidifier?. . .  sneaker bank. . . more stuff. . . and more stuff. . . leaf art. . . organizer

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