Terrific TROY Estate Sale
*Surveillance cameras monitor all of our sales.
*Valuables are taken off site.
*Items sold AS-IS. Please double check items before purchasing.
*No returns, exchanges, or warranties.
*AES will accept street numbers. Street numbers are passed out by the customer who arrives first. We have no control over the way they are distributed.
*AES accepts Cash, Michigan check w/ID and all credit cards with a 2.75% service charge to the consumer.
*Items available at location on sale start supersedes the photo array as evidence of what is available. We do not own the items therefore we are subject, to some degree, as to the owners ultimate actions as it relates to availability.
*We cannot quote prices or sizes over the phone or email. NO PRESALES.
*Enter at your own risk as we are not responsible for any accidents or injuries.
*We require items located in the room with cashier be purchased immediately or remain in holding area while shopping.
*Cashier can use discretion to change pricing or refuse sale of items if price stickers have been tampered with, switched or removed.
*Please keep children with you at all times.
* Please do not bring in food or drinks.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!! We will see you soon!


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