
estate sale2 day sale 18 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Utica, MI 48317 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, April 17th, 2025.
Apr 18
9am to 4pm
Apr 19
9am to 4pm


CASH or ZELLE ONLY PLEASE! Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents. Please be sensitive to neighbors! Don't block driveways or mailboxes. Thanks

SHELBY TOWNSHIP ESTATE SALE!  Hello, Friends -- please join us Friday and Saturday, April 18-19 on Scott Court in Shelby.  NOTE: Do NOT park in homeowners' parking.  Park on the street -- thanks!  This sale will feature many premium items, including the following:

-formal silverware set

-original charcoal Italian Madonna by Vincenzo Bua and Figli 

-plastic shelving units

-coat rack


-GE fridge (white)

-Yomega High Performance vintage yoyo

- toaster oven, coffee maker

-America of Martinsville mid-century dresser, bed

-costume jewelry

-newer plaid couch, red ottoman

-coffee table

-red upholstered chairs



-vintage bedding

-mid-century clock


-end table

-vintage VCR/TV

-plaid wing chair and matching ottoman

-Cornflower Corning Ware

-vintage Pyrex


-great wall accents

-women's clothing -- petite

-plastic storage closet

-Werner fiberglass 6-foot ladder

-vintage Nordi Track ski machine

-room divider

-newer upholstered couch

-Storm Tracker radio alert

-oak dining table and chairs 

-flat-screen TV

-stereo components

-entertainment center/wardrobe


. . . great America of Martindale mid-century dresser. . . and its matching bed. . . love this mid-century clock. . . 5-6 foot original Madonna charcoal by Bua and Figli -- Italian artists!. . . provenance. . . vintage crucifix. . . great plaid upholstered chair and matching ottoman with Queen Ann legs. . . wonderful full mid-century America of Martindale bed with awesome bedding. . . beautiful TV cabinet or wardrobe. . . very nice coffee table with storage. . . plush red upholstered chair. . .  and its match. . . red ottoman. . . great plaid couch. . . RCA stereo component. . . Queen Ann-style end table. . . great couch. . . great GE fridge. . . vintage shabby chic dresser. . . great accent mirror. . . dehumidifier. . . RCA DVD/VCR player. . . formal Rogers Brothers silverware set. . . Cornflower Corning Ware. .. and another great Cornflower piece. . . vintage Pyrex. . . vintage yoyo. . . open shelving unit and linens. . . oak dining table and chairs. . . Christmas goodies. . . toaster oven. . . coffee maker (Mr. Coffee). . . small flat screen. . . candle accents. . . great costume jewelry. . . cute vase accents. . . brass lamps. . . vintage VCR tapes. . . great vintage bedding. . . and linens. . . more floral art. . . battery clock. . . great floral oil. . . floral art. . . abstract floral art. . . fruit art. . . wine-themed art. . . blender. . . cute school house. . . great basket. . . faux plant and plate accent. . . more accents. . . plaid floor rug. . . petite women's clothing. . . large plaid rug. . . topiary. . . cleaning . . . great storage closet. . . Werner fiberglass ladder. . . yard tools. . . clothes rack. . . vintage Nordic Track ski machine. . . exerciser. . . CD player and TV cabinet. . . closer look. . . faux philodendron. . . nice chair. . . vacuum. . . room divider. . . terra cotta lamp. . . bedding. . . RCA CD/VCR player. . . sleeping bag. . . food storage. . . Storm Tracker radio. . . brand new (can't remember!) but it is brand new!. . . floral accents, ice bucket. . . dog bed. . . bookshelf. . . vintage games. . . file cabiner. . . great storage units. . . coat rack. . . more storage . . . step stool. . . card table and chairs. . . Lift and Glide system. . . Pelonis heater. . . another box TV. . . vintage box TV and stand

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