Warren Estate Sale!

moving sale4 day sale 37 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Warren, MI 48088 will be available after 9:00am on Tuesday, May 6th, 2025.
May 7
9am to 4pm
May 8
9am to 4pm
May 9
9am to 4pm
May 10
9am to 4pm


CASH or ZELLE ONLY PLEASE! Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents. Please be sensitive to neighbors! Don't block driveways or mailboxes. Thanks

WARREN ESTATE SALE!  Hello, Friends -- please join us for a fantastic sale on Dover Street in Warren.  This sale will have a "blast from the past" theme, featuring many premium and some rare items, including the following:

  • vintage tea cups and saucers
  • Royal Doulton figures
  • vintage men's and women's hats
  • maple table and chairs with matching hutch
  • antique tin cars
  • Pewabic pottery
  • Nu Step TRS 4000 recumbent exorcise bike
  • Fenton hobnail milk-glass vase
  • couches -- one mid-century
  • LAMPS: ceramic, brass, standing
  • oak coffee table
  • large area rugs
  • foot stools
  • fireplace tool set
  • copper pot
  • POTTERY pieces
  • crystal
  • Hibel art
  • ART: oils, prints -- original portrait art, nude
  • antique oak chairs
  • vintage IBM typewriter and typing table
  • oak desk
  • quilt rack
  • office chair
  • pitcher and bowl
  • vintage Conn organ
  • vintage striped upholstered chairs
  • end tables
  • vintage vacuums
  • newer fridge
  • upright freezer
  • U.S. flag
  • stained glass
  • luggage
  • vintage china
  • mirrors
  • TOOLS -- lots
  • vintage Snap On tool chest
  • child's sailor suit
  • old school desk
  • library table
  • Hitchcock chair
  • wrought-iron divider
  • antique baby buggy
  • vintage radios
  • vintage McDonald's art
  • RCA Victor turntable
  • file cabinets
  • metal cabinets
  • antique oak lamp table
  • antique thermostat w/clock
  • vintage trophies
  • Standard cash register
  • vintage military calendar
  • antique oak dining table
  • vintage Toys R Us work shirts
  • dehumidifier
  • electric fireplace/heater
  • retro RCA waste can
  • vintage Sunshine Krispy Saltines
  • Toro snow blower
  • large ceramic planters
  • vintage bikes
  • Werner fiberglass ladders
  • vintage Pepsi and Townclub pop crates
  • antique porcelain stove
  • Toro lawnmower
  • Stihl blower and weed trimmer
  • vintage scooters
. . . I have not seen a vintage Snap-on cabinet like this one -- hoping the owner lets it go!!. . . vintage Snap-on tool chest -- OWNER IS STILL DECIDING ON THIS ITEM!!. . . hammers. . . what a find!! a Cadillac Sedan de Ville. . . with an immaculate interior. . . vintage Conn organ. . . almost new fridge. . . a nice upright freezer. . . gym quality NU Step recumbent bike. . . love this retro couch!. . . nice upholstered chair. . . love this military-themed perpetual calendar. . . love this antique oak table with turned legs. . . a nice Hibel piece. . . and its match. . . under this table is a great maple table -- and chairs. . . closed-door photo of the same hutch -- excellent condition . . . and matching china hutch . . . excellent vintage tin car -- rare find in excellent condition!  NOTE: this may not survive the family walk through!. . . and another -- this one is still waiting for AAA to arrive!. . . love this McDonald's art piece. . . retro RCA Victor turntable. . . 1920's oak lamp table. . . rare find!! -- an industrial thermostat with clock!!. . . vintage Standard cash register. . . vintage chair -- great bones!. . . electric fireplace/heater. . . Pewabic pottery vase in blue tones. . . Pewabic and other great pottery tiles. . .  bird of paradise tile!. . . tile fighting fish - great piece!. . . love this egret/swan tile. . . beautiful pillow vase. . . European teapot. . . great decorative plate . . . cute sailor outfit. . . old porcelain stove. . . vintage Outers gun oil tin. . . great shower curtain. . . European platter with matching bowl and a gold creamer and sugar (McCoy?). . . possible Fenton large hobnail milk-glass vase. . . and a matching hobnail milk-glass candy dish. . . fiberglass ladder. . . Werner fiberglass ladder. . . Stihl weed trimmer and blower. . . vintage scooter and crates and New Era potato chip tin. . . Toro snow blower. . . another Toro snow blower. . . cute bride and groom. . . green couch and nice afghan. . . cute foot stool. . . brass and ceramic lamps . . . nice area rug and oak-toned coffee table. . . another cute foot stool. . . footstool with Queen Anne legs. . . lamb. . . nice brass fireplace tool set. . . elephant . . . I think. . . nice faux roses in beautiful vase . . . cute basket. . . nice copper ash pail. . . shop vac. . . neutral-colored couch. . . another nice area rug. . . vintage Pepsi and Town Club pop crates. . . vintage buffer. . . brass vase with faux flowers. . . winter landscape. . . vintage English brass bell. . . nice office chair. . . vintage kitchen chair. . . nice pitcher and bowl. . . nice framed art. . . a collection of straw hats. . . cute calendar. . . floral art. . . abstract piece. . . floral wall pocket. . . tall black vase. . . possible carnival glass candy dish and orbs. . . vintage vacuum cleaner. . . kitchen items. . . candle and small urn. . . a United States Flag . . . ". . . and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. . ." thank you Vets and Lee Greenwood!!. . . nice stained glass window. . . vintage everything in this sale: tins, organizers, etc.. . . luggage. . . ivy china. . . frames and a collection of original portraits!. . . wood ladder. . . nude oil. . . another oil portrait. . . semi-nude portrait. . . bold colors. . . royalty?. . . another fine portrait. . . and another. . . western theme. . . another nice portrait. . . and another. . . lady  with umbrella. . . woman in blue and white. . . and another. . . great vintage casseroles -- and the lids survived!. . . nice accent mirror (as is). . . toolbox. . . large S & K socket set. . . retro bench. . . workbench. . . vintage hole punch. . . vintage school desk. . . nice walnut library table. . . retro lamp. . . wicker chair and plant stand. . . love this wicker stool. . . Hitchcock chair. . . wrought-iron divider. . . vintage cane. . . great mid-century magazine holder -- missing two dowels. . . vintage pottery vase. . . antique wicker baby carriage. . . straw hat and vintage lines. . . rugs and 1920's oak T-back chair. . .  vintage standing lamp. . . vintage lantern. . . vintage radio. . . another vintage standing lamp. . . bird cage. . . vintage Trilogy game. . . another vintage paint set. . . cute golf-themed frame. . . two vintage Kodak cameras. . . looks like California pottery -- Heidi Schoop?. . . great vintage-looking frame. . . brand new lamp fixtures. . . great vintage hat. . . and another. . . from the J.L. Hudson Company Detroit. . . and one more vintage hat with an accent feather. . . beautiful woman' hat . . . some nice outerwear to wear outathere!. . . WOW!  Toys R Us vintage work shirt. . . porcelain kitchen table. . . another vintage vacuum cleaner. . . two heavy-duty four-drawer file cabinets. . . another file cabinet. . . great retro cabinets. . . vintage baseball trophy. . . great plant stands. . . MORE TOOLS. . . plier set. . . screw drivers. . . a third retro vacuum?!. . . radio. . . and matching maple hutch -- nice stemware. . . brass toilet paper stand. . . shelves of glass ware and silver pieces. . . look closely --  you can see vintage cup and saucers, figurines, vases, great chalkware African bust, and much more!. . . great stemware -- notice matching teapot, creamer, and sugar. . . glass sets, china, and more -- blue bag chair. . . light fixtures. . . dehumidifier. . . great burro -- but you can't borrow this burro -- you must pay for it!. . . two pressed-backed chairs. . . IBM retro typewriter and stand. . . oak desk. . . quilt rack -- it's under there somewhere!. . . twin bed. . . decorative brick. . . lamp table. . . art stand. . . great plant stand. . . nice wall table. . . Hitchcock-style rocker. . . cute desk. . . live plant. . . and another. . . storage rack filled with art supplies. . . vintage RCA waste can. . . and a plain industrial waste can. . . vintage Krispy cracker tin. . . great pottery planters. . . I love surprises. . . yard tools. . . vintage bikes. . . wheel barrows. . . great lawn sprinkler  . . . cement borders, hose reel. . . vintage milk crates. . . Toro mower. . . aluminum ladder . . . and stuff!. . . cute Precious Moments figure. . . crystal pieces. . . beautiful decorative floral plates

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